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P2p Cambio De Divisas

Cambio de divisas - Intercambio entre pares (P2P)

Currency matching es un método nuevo e innovador para enviar dinero al extranjero. Esencialmente, usted está negociando a través de un mercado de divisas. El servicio de correspondencia de divisas permite a las personas intercambiar monedas con otras personas. Este método de intercambio de pares a pares elimina totalmente la necesidad de comprometerse con los márgenes extorsivos del tipo de cambio bancario o cualquier tipo de intermediario. Dado que no hay bancos involucrados cuando coincide con la moneda, tampoco estará sujeto a comisiones o cargos inflados. Sobre la base de nuestra investigación, en todos los casos, obtendrá una tasa de cambio que está muy cerca de la tasa interbancaria. Si usted necesita vender la libra esterlina, los euros, los dólares o los siclos, usted será emparejado con la gente que necesita comprar la modernidad, creando casi como un "mercado en línea" para el intercambio de modernidad. Dentro del mercado, puede ver los tipos de cambio que los participantes están dispuestos a aceptar.

¿Quién puede utilizar el servicio de intercambio de pares a pares?

Cualquier persona con una necesidad de enviar fondos en el extranjero puede utilizar el servicio de correspondencia de moneda a continuación. Tal vez usted es un expatriado que necesitan enviar una gran cantidad de dinero en el extranjero. Tal vez usted ha encontrado un segundo hogar de sueño y la necesidad de hacer un pago de propiedad en el extranjero. Alternativamente, tal vez su negocio requiere que usted pague proveedores en el extranjero.

Para garantizar la seguridad y la seguridad de los fondos, todos los proveedores de concordancia de monedas que figuran en la lista son examinados para asegurarse de que operan cuentas segregadas de clientes. Esto protege sus fondos y está totalmente separado del funcionamiento diario de los negocios enumerados abajo.

¡Pruebe el intercambio de pares a pares hoy, vea cuánto podría ahorrar!

Transferir dinero a España

Compare las principales compañías de divisas del mundo

Nuestro Veredicto: El servicio Western Union Money in Minutes permite la transferencia rápida de dinero con pago en efectivo en cuestión de minutos en más de 400,000 ubicaciones en todo el mundo. Proceso de registro muy sencillo y una excelente manera de aprovechar la vasta red de localización global de Western Union. Puede pagar en línea a través de tarjeta de débito o de crédito y el dinero está generalmente disponible para ser recogido en cuestión de minutos.

NOTA . Los precios mostrados arriba son una "guía de tipo de cambio" y sólo con fines indicativos. Es posible que no sea el tipo de transacción final que reciba al realizar un pago internacional. Las tasas de cambio cambian constantemente a lo largo del día y pueden cambiar en el momento de realizar una reserva. Se basan en un margen promedio especialistas en divisas generalmente se llevará - añadido a una tasa interbancaria en vivo cerca de su tamaño del comercio especificado. Las tarifas sólo se pueden garantizar en el punto donde una compra de divisas se lleva a cabo ya sea en línea o por teléfono. Para acceder a una tasa de negociación final (de lo contrario, sólo se le citará un "tipo indicativo") tendrá que abrir una cuenta gratuita con un especialista en moneda extranjera de arriba.

Haga clic en cotizar / aplicar en el proveedor que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades de divisas.

Las firmas de intercambio peer-to-peer recortan los bancos y corredores

Intercambio de moneda peer-to-peer tiene como objetivo recortar a los bancos y corredores, proporcionando un lugar de encuentro en línea anónimo para aquellos que buscan comprar las monedas de cada uno.

Trabajan combinando compradores y vendedores de euros, dólares estadounidenses, libras esterlinas y varias otras monedas. Usted no envía su dinero directamente al comprador (o vendedor), sino que lo envía a la empresa de cambio de moneda que luego lo transmite.

Si no hay nadie que quiera comprar libras a cambio de zloty polaco, por ejemplo, la empresa hará el cambio por sí mismo utilizando un banco o una plataforma de pago internacional como la nube de divisas para compensar la diferencia.

Con las principales monedas esto es raro, aunque puede ser utilizado para grandes cantidades y monedas menores.

No hay una cantidad mínima y las cantidades máximas son generosas, por lo general superando a £ 1 millón, aunque CurrencyFair (currencyfair. com) dice que su mayor transferencia única fue de 17 millones. TransferWise, que comenzó hace tres años, ahora ha transferido más de £ 1 mil millones.

Artículos relacionados

Las firmas P2P en el Reino Unido, como TransferWise (transferwise. com) y Midpoint (midpoint. com), que se inauguraron el año pasado, están autorizadas por la FCA, lo que significa que los fondos están protegidos en una cuenta de cliente separada.

Sin embargo, no todos ellos están regulados aquí. CurrencyFair, que comenzó en Australia en 2010, está registrada en el Banco Central de Irlanda, por lo que se rige por las regulaciones de los Servicios de Pagos de las Comunidades Europeas. MoneySwap (moneyswap. com), una de las primeras firmas P2P lanzadas en 2009, está regulada por Hong Kong Customs and Excise. Ambos también mantienen el dinero de los clientes en cuentas segregadas.

La principal ventaja es que usted obtiene los bancos de tasa interbancaria midmarket utilizan para el comercio entre sí más su comisión que puede ser 0,5 pz a 0,15 pz. Los corredores suelen agregar 1pc-2pc al precio de midmarket y los bancos se suman a 5pc. La excepción es MoneySwap, que utiliza diferentes tipos de compra y venta.

O usted puede conseguir una tarifa mejor de otro cliente que usa el sitio con un comercio emparejado. CurrencyFair dice que 47pc de su negocio está emparejado comercios.

TransferWise cobra una comisión de 0,5pc (o una tarifa de £ 1 en transferencias por debajo de £ 200), lo que lo hace barato para cantidades menores de £ 2,000. CurrencyFair cobra una tarifa fija de 3 o 3 libras esterlinas y agrega entre 0,4 y 0,15, dependiendo de cuánto se esté transfiriendo, por lo que es más barato para grandes cantidades. Los demás utilizan la tarifa de mercado medio disponible en el momento de la conversión se hace, por lo que la tasa que usted ve no se puede garantizar.

El punto medio tiene un honorario de £ 10 para las cantidades debajo de £ 2.000 y una escala móvil de 0.5pc a 0.3pc para las cantidades sobre eso dependiendo del tamaño de la transferencia. TransferWise y Midpoint publican las tarifas estimadas, ya que sólo obtiene la tasa de mercado en el momento de la conversión, que puede ser un día más tarde. MoneySwap cotiza sus tarifas de compra-venta en su sitio y cobra una tarifa fija de $ 17 para transferencias fuera de Hong Kong. El honorario tiene menos de un impacto en cantidades más grandes.

Mediante el uso del banco nacional en el país que está enviando dinero a o desde usted esquivar el sistema de pagos bancarios internacionales SWIFT, que es caro y lento. La excepción es MoneySwap que utiliza SWIFT.

Las transferencias generalmente toman uno o dos días. Usted paga más por un servicio de prioridad el mismo día o al siguiente día.

Antes de abrir una cuenta con cualquiera de estas empresas, compruebe las monedas que ofrecen. Ellos tienden a no tener la amplia gama que los corredores y los bancos ofrecen. No ofrecen la gama de servicios que usted encuentra con los corredores & # x2013; Usted puede tomar solamente la tarifa al contado, haciéndolo imposible fijar la tarifa con un contrato delantero.

CurrencyFair: una plataforma P2P para el intercambio de divisas

Lo que comenzó como un par de amigos tratando de ahorrar dinero se ha convertido en una línea peer-to-peer plataforma subcotización de las tasas bancarias en el cambio de moneda extranjera

"La forma de obtener ideas de lanzamiento no es tratar de pensar en las ideas de inicio", escribió Paul Graham, cofundador de la incubadora de lanzamiento Y Combinator. "Es para buscar problemas, preferiblemente los problemas que tiene usted mismo."

En el caso de los amigos Sean Barrett y Brett Myers, se propusieron resolver un problema no raro para los expatriados. Barrett y Myers eran originarios de Australia, pero trabajaban en Irlanda, y se encontraron con frecuencia teniendo que hacer malabarismos entre las cuentas bancarias europeas y las cuentas bancarias australianas.

"Mover dinero es siempre una de esas cosas que tiene que suceder cuando eres un expatriado, pero es increíblemente difícil y caro", dice Barrett.

Los dos encontraron una solución sencilla: en lugar de que cada uno moviera dinero entre sus propias cuentas bancarias, los dos moverían dinero entre la cuenta del otro.

"Podría tener dólares australianos en Australia y necesitaba unos euros, y tenía euros y necesitaba algunos australianos", dice Barrett.

"Estábamos trabajando en finanzas en el momento, por lo que era simplemente una cuestión de mirar en la pantalla, diciendo: 'Bueno, ahí es donde está la tasa interbancaria y esa es la tasa que vamos a establecer. Y por lo que acaba de transferir de su cuenta australiana en mi cuenta australiana, y voy a transferir de mi cuenta en euros en su cuenta en euros. "

"No hubo pagos transfronterizos ni nada", dice Barrett. - Esencialmente era gratis.

Haciéndolo de esta manera recortar los honorarios bancarios y los tipos de cambio acolchados. "Era muy obvio que las tarifas que obtendrías de los bancos eran ridículas. Estaban cobrando 4 o 5 por ciento, así como una gran tarifa de transferencia porque estás esencialmente mover este dinero internacionalmente. "

Fue esta simple idea de recortar los bancos de la ecuación que Barrett y Myers han convertido en CurrencyFair: un sistema de intercambio de divisas basado en pares.

"En ese momento fue como, 'Bien, tenemos este pequeño sistema, pero obviamente nunca se puede saber cuando alguien va a tener los requisitos opuestos a usted, o tener dinero. Así que no había manera real de encontrar a otras personas que quisieran hacer algo así. Y obviamente hay todo el factor de confianza - no se puede encontrar un extraño y hacerlo.

"En ese momento, decimos bien ¿cómo podemos hacer esto más accesible a más gente? Y en el momento en que todo el punto a punto se había hecho realidad".

Fue un "paso fácil" para pasar de intercambiar divisas entre los dos a ver el potencial de una plataforma P2P que permitiría a la gente hacer intercambios similares a mayor escala, dice Barrett.

"Simplemente no fue un acierto", añade.

"La gente en diferentes lugares tiene estos requisitos diferentes, por lo que la única manera de reunir a muchas personas a la vez fue a través de la tecnología, que está construyendo una plataforma en Internet donde soluciona ambos problemas - Resuelve ese elemento de confianza porque tienes esta entidad sentada en el centro, que básicamente se encarga de todo el dinero y eso está regulado ".

Cómo funciona el intercambio de divisas P2P

CurrencyFair tiene fondos en cuentas segregadas de clientes, dice Barrett. "Si puedes imaginar el aspecto de igual a igual: tenemos a alguien en Irlanda que se inscribe, por ejemplo. Y depositarían sus euros en nuestra cuenta bancaria segregada local. Así que pre-financian eso.

"[Entonces] tienes a alguien sentado en Australia que quiere convertir dólares australianos. Depositan esos fondos en nuestra cuenta aquí en Sydney.

"Cuando coinciden en el sitio web, esos fondos cambian la propiedad dentro de nuestros sistemas en nuestra cuenta de cliente, entonces podemos remitirlos localmente. No hay ninguno de estos honorarios de los bancos internacionales, ni honorarios de intermediario ".

CurrencyFair cobra una tarifa fija de $ 4 por una transacción. Los usuarios fijan la tarifa que desean intercambiar en, aunque las tarifas son 'collared' por CurrencyFair para mantenerlos razonables. CurrencyFair hace el dinero de 'haircutting' las tarifas.

Desde los humildes orígenes de dos expatriados que intercambian dinero entre un puñado de cuentas bancarias, CurrencyFair ha crecido hasta el punto de que se han intercambiado unos 750 millones de dólares entre miembros, ahorrando a los usuarios unos 25 millones de dólares, según Barrett.

El inicio de la idea comenzó en 2009, cuando las economías irlandesa y mundial estaban en crisis. Enterprise Ireland identificó a CurrencyFair como un "alto potencial de inicio" y ofreció asistencia, incluida la tutoría.

"Dejamos nuestro trabajo y decimos que 'vamos a darle una oportunidad'", dice Barrett, quien ahora está basado en Newcastle en NSW. Además de alguna ayuda de Enterprise Ireland, los fondos provienen de amigos y familiares, así como de algunos inversores ángel más adelante. Recientemente, un "boutique VC firma" en Dublín ha llegado a bordo, Barrett dice.

La construcción de la plataforma tomó alrededor de 12 meses y CurrencyFair se puso en marcha en abril de 2010.

"Fue una loca carrera conseguir esto", dice Barrett. "En el momento en que lo construimos sobre la marcha - construimos todo nosotros esencialmente. Ahora acabamos de relanzar el sitio web en una plataforma completamente diferente. Es mucho más estable y las escalas mucho mejor. "

CurrencyFair golpeó la rentabilidad a principios de este año. Ahora la empresa se está preparando para el crecimiento.

"Queremos que esta cosa crezca y crezca rápidamente", dice Barrett.

"El crecimiento es constante, pero queremos aumentar ese rango de entre el 10 y el 12 por ciento mensual a más del 25 por ciento".

La mayor parte - el 37 por ciento - de los usuarios de CurrencyFair se basan en el Reino Unido. Australia representa el 20 por ciento de la base de usuarios, pero representa el segmento de más rápido crecimiento. Los registros australianos están en camino de aumentar más de 200 por ciento en comparación con el año pasado.

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P2P Cambio de divisas



"El cambio de divisas es una función que ha sido durante mucho tiempo dominada por los bancos con altas tasas de transferencia internacional, pero un nuevo sitio irlandés espera cambiar todo eso. MonnaFair es un mercado en línea totalmente regulado que permite a la gente común intercambiar monedas con otras personas anónimamente, Normalmente disponible sólo para multinacionales y profesionales del mercado.

Los usuarios de CurrencyFair pueden optar por intercambiar su moneda en el momento, seleccionando entre múltiples tasas competitivas de mercado, o pueden ofrecer su propia tasa y esperar a que otra persona coincida con ella. De cualquier manera, el sitio trabaja en el principio del trueque por el cual un intercambio se hace solamente cuando beneficia a ambos lados. En general, CurrencyFair dice que las tarifas se acercan o incluso superan la tasa interbancaria, que es el precio que las instituciones financieras cobran entre sí. Todos los fondos se reciben y se pagan a través de transferencia bancaria electrónica, por lo que no hay notas físicas están involucrados. Catorce monedas son negociables en el sitio, incluyendo la libra esterlina, el euro, Krona, Zloty, y dólares de los EE. UU., Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Hong Kong y Singapur.

Los intermediarios ya han recibido una paliza en tantas áreas a manos de sitios peer-to-peer - en beneficio considerable de los consumidores - por lo que no es una gran sorpresa ver que el mismo fenómeno llega al cambio de divisas "..springwise. com / financial_services / currencyfair /)

Más información

Intercambio de moneda peer-to-peer

Obtenga más información sobre los intercambios de monedas entre pares, cómo podrían ayudarle a obtener más por su dinero y por quién son más útiles.

Puntos clave

Corta a los intermediarios para ofrecer potencialmente una tarifa más competitiva

Usted necesita una cuenta bancaria en el país y la moneda que está cambiando a, tan bueno para los expatriados o los que estudian en el extranjero

Las firmas no pueden ser autorizadas por la FCA para que su dinero esté en riesgo

Si viaja regularmente a otro país - ya sea para el ocio, el trabajo o el estudio - tendrá que enviar y cambiar dinero cada pocas semanas.

Los servicios de intercambio punto a punto recortan los intermediarios - bancos y divisas - proporcionando una plataforma en línea para los viajeros que desean intercambiar monedas.

Esto puede significar que podría obtener un mejor trato con ellos, ya que pueden tener tarifas más bajas y un tipo de cambio más competitivo que las opciones tradicionales de cambio de divisas.

¿Cómo funciona el intercambio de moneda peer-to-peer?

Las plataformas de intercambio de divisas permiten a los usuarios de diferentes países registrarse en línea y acreditar su cuenta con el dinero que desean intercambiar.

La plataforma peer-to-peer coincidirá con su oferta con los usuarios que ofrecen la moneda que necesita. Una vez emparejados, los intercambios de cantidad y la suma se transfieren de la cuenta del comprador al vendedor, y viceversa.

Las plataformas de intercambio de divisas incluyen CurrencyFair, TransferWise y MoneySwap.

La moneda nunca sale realmente del país de origen, lo que significa que el costo de las tasas de conversión bancaria se reduce.

La transferencia tarda de uno a dos días, pero puede tardar algunos días en coincidir con su oferta de divisas a otro usuario.

¿Quién puede usar los sitios de intercambio de monedas punto a punto?

Para usar sitios de intercambio de monedas entre pares, necesitas tener una cuenta bancaria en la moneda que estás intercambiando. Así que si estás comprando dólares estadounidenses con libras esterlinas, necesitarás una cuenta en dólares en los EE. UU. El dinero puede ser depositado.

Ver también:

Esto hace que CurrencyFair y otros sitios web de transferencia como TransferWise y Midpoint valgan la pena considerar si usted tiene una casa de vacaciones en el extranjero, visita un país regularmente o es un ex-pat, pero tal vez no si sólo necesita gastar dinero por una semana.

La transferencia peer-to-peer también es ideal si vives en el extranjero o tienes una casa de vacaciones pero necesitas enviar dinero a casa por facturas, o si tienes un hijo o dependiente que vive en el extranjero y necesitas enviarles dinero.

Los sitios cobran una tasa variable de comisión, que puede aumentar dependiendo de cuánto se transfiera.

Busque el mejor trato para sus necesidades, dependiendo de la velocidad, la cantidad y la moneda. Compruebe los sitios antes de inscribirse para averiguar si tienen la moneda que necesita - no pueden llevar la amplia gama que está disponible en la calle.

Envío de su dinero con intercambio de igual a igual

Antes de aceptar pagar su dinero, una empresa debe decirle cuánto le costará el intercambio de dinero y qué tipo de cambio recibirá.

También podrán indicar si puede cancelar la transferencia y qué cargos se aplicarán si lo hiciera.

Después de la transferencia, se le debe dar una referencia y una indicación de cuánto tiempo tardará en aparecer en su cuenta y en la de la otra persona.

¿Es seguro mi dinero si uso el intercambio entre pares?

Algunos sitios web de intercambio de divisas están autorizados por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (FCA), pero otros no lo son y con ellos no tendrá acceso a los procedimientos de quejas y el Ombudsman Financiero si hay un problema. †

Hay dos tipos de acreditación de la FCA; Las empresas pueden estar registradas o autorizadas.

Ver también:

Las empresas más grandes deben ser "autorizadas". Esto significa que, al final de cada día, su dinero está separado de las propias cuentas de la empresa, lo que significa que debe devolverlo si la empresa se desvanece.

En cambio, las empresas más pequeñas pueden elegir ser registradas en lugar de autorizadas. Estas empresas no ofrecen salvaguardias en el caso de que algo va mal.

Para averiguar si una compañía está regulada por la FCA, puede buscar su nombre en el registro de la FCA. †

Si la empresa que está pensando en usar no está regulada por la FCA, no significa necesariamente que esté operando ilegalmente, pero eso es una posibilidad. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que puede ser autorizado bajo la legislación de otro país si se basa en el extranjero.

Por Emily Bater

¿Son los intercambios de moneda P2P la fuerza principal en FinTech 2015/2016?

Un intercambio de moneda P2P es un excelente ejemplo de cómo funciona la interrupción tecnológica en los servicios financieros en el siglo XXI. Es una solución simple y eficaz que también es transparente. Este servicio peer-to-peer muestra que el estado actual de las cosas puede ser sacudido y la industria se puede cambiar para mejor.

Actualmente, un cliente minorista puede cambiar la moneda utilizando un servicio bancario, una agencia de viajes en el aeropuerto o una oficina de correos. Por otro lado, los intercambios de divisas P2P no utilizan intermediarios. La transacción se produce entre un comprador y un vendedor que utiliza una plataforma de transacción altamente segura como CurrencyFair. Kantox o Transferwise. El proceso es rentable porque las tarifas son generalmente planas y los tipos de cambio están cerca de los interbancarios.

Beneficios de los intercambios de monedas entre pares

Los intercambios de divisas P2P evitan que los bancos y los corredores permitan que las transacciones transfronterizas se completen mucho más rápido ya un precio más asequible. Los líderes del mercado crearon soluciones de código abierto y descentralizadas. Los disruptores de FinTech vencieron las instituciones actualmente dominantes. Altas tarifas cobrando una comisión tan bajo como 0.5%. La rápida expansión internacional de esos servicios y volúmenes significativos de transferencias benefician cada vez más grupos de clientes.

¿Quién saca ventaja de los intercambios de divisas P2P?

Los intercambios de moneda que utilizan la tecnología P2P son seguros y ofrecen transferencias de dinero seguras de un país a otro.

Todo el proceso es rápido y sencillo y beneficia a las partes tales como:


estudiantes extranjeros

Las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME)

Personas que viajan por negocios

Propietarios de casas en el extranjero.

Los usuarios de plataformas peer-to-peer pueden negociar tipos de cambio entre sí y si no necesitan una transferencia instantánea pueden establecer su propia tasa y esperar hasta que alguien coincida con ella. De esta manera un cliente puede hacer ahorros sustanciales en comparación con los servicios ofrecidos por las instituciones tradicionales (bancos, agentes de viajes, oficinas de correos).

¿Por qué los bancos pierden su cuota de mercado?

Utilizar los servicios de cambio de divisas ofrecidos por los bancos puede no ser conveniente para algunos debido a los honorarios y los costos que no son inmediatamente visibles. A veces, la propagación y las tarifas son confusas, por lo que es difícil calcular el costo total de una transferencia. A veces un honorario que un banco carga se incorpora en la extensión, que hace el procedimiento entero aún más complicado. Muy a menudo los bancos ofrecen a una empresa una tarifa más baja, o un costo total más bajo, pero sólo al principio. Después de un tiempo, el costo total aumenta ligeramente.

La razón principal de los altos honorarios que cobran los bancos son sus costosos sistemas informáticos heredados y altos costos generales.

Plataformas de intercambio de divisas P2P y sus principales problemas

Cuando la oferta de una determinada moneda no es igualada por la demanda, crea un problema. El saldo suele estar cubierto por los fondos prestados utilizando los mercados de divisas. Este problema puede resolverse después de que los intercambios de moneda P2P se vuelvan más populares y el número de clientes y el volumen aumenten.

Las nuevas startups tratando de interrumpir el mercado internacional de cambio de divisas tienen un montón de cosas para mejorar, sino también un montón de cosas por las que luchar. Y la creciente competencia de otras firmas de fintech y los principales actores actuales que transforman la forma en que hacen negocios, harán aún más difícil ganar los corazones de los clientes minoristas y empresariales.

El futuro de las soluciones de monedas punto a punto

Con la expansión de los intercambios de moneda P2P y una creciente base de usuarios, se espera que la experiencia del cliente mejore. La peer to peer wave (tanto los intercambios de divisas como las plataformas de transferencias de dinero) interrumpe el status quo muy bien hasta ahora. Aumentan el nivel de competencia que en última instancia beneficia a los clientes. Aunque las empresas de fintech siguen siendo pequeñas en comparación con los competidores establecidos, están creciendo rápidamente. Sus modelos de negocio son escalables y con nuevas financiaciones pueden ofrecer aún más pares de divisas que hoy, lo que hará que la ola & # 8217; mucho mas grande.

Mensaje de navegación

TechCrunch ha anunciado que Intuit adquirirá Mint por 170 millones de dólares. Mint. com lanzado hace 2 años y ofrece un servicio gratuito en línea que agrega la información de su cuenta bancaria en una interfaz más manejable. Mint gana comisiones basadas en recomendar productos de servicios financieros a sus usuarios que pueden ofrecerles un ahorro genuino. Debido a Mint son independientes de estos proveedores y tienen acceso a toda su cartera financiera que son capaces de analizar sus gastos y ofrecen maneras de vanguardia para administrar su dinero, el seguimiento de los gastos y ahorrar mejor.

Su crecimiento enorme en usuarios pudo haber sido ayudado por la recesión económica global pero pensamos que este crecimiento continuará mientras que más servicios financieros personalizados están disponibles al consumidor y al negocio por igual. Atrás quedó el día en que era poco práctico y demasiado tiempo para mantener cuentas bancarias con diferentes instituciones. Mint. com resolver ese problema. Mint permite a los usuarios acceder a varias cuentas a través de una interfaz en línea, con una sola contraseña. Recopila toda la información de la cuenta de una manera significativa, sacando conclusiones importantes como "¿puedo permitirme comprar ese auto nuevo?". Mint. com educa a los consumidores analizando su cartera financiera y ofreciendo productos de ahorro apropiados. Te dan opciones. Opciones inteligentes, valiosas e independientes.

90% de cambio de divisas en el Reino Unido se mueve a través de las principales instituciones bancarias. ¿Por qué es esto? Tal vez porque no siempre ha habido una elección. O si su ha sido una elección que era demasiado esfuerzo o demasiado tiempo para valer la pena. La venta de Mint. com demuestra que las personas y las pequeñas empresas están buscando de nuevo a la forma en que banco y cuestionar cómo las cosas siempre se han hecho. Aquí en PeepEx queremos dar a la gente y el negocio una opción, para darles poder con la información que necesitan para hacer la elección más inteligente y rentable en eso. No vamos a cambiar el mundo, pero podemos ofrecer a la gente opciones y ahorros del mundo real en su cambio de divisas.

Jueves 3 de septiembre de 2009

Después de asistir a Minibar el viernes pasado, hemos hablado con Victor Keegan del Guardian. Él estaba muy entusiasmado e interesado en lo que estaban haciendo aquí en Peepex. Comparándonos con Zopa pero para el cambio de divisas. Vic tuvo la amabilidad de escribir sobre nuestra reunión en el Guardian de hoy en su columna semanal. Por favor, vaya y compre al guardián hoy si puede o lee aquí.

También conocimos a Todd Veri de Midpoint and Transfer, quienes también están desarrollando una plataforma de intercambio de monedas entre compañeros. Es fantástico ver a otras personas en el mismo espacio, es un mercado enorme y otras grandes compañías como Midpoint sólo pueden ayudar a crear conciencia de los grandes ahorros potenciales que los consumidores pueden lograr al no usar sus bancos.

El equipo aquí en Peepex está realmente entusiasmado con nuestro producto y es genial ver a otras personas emocionadas también. Hemos tenido suficiente de ser arrancado por los bancos y creo que muchas otras personas también. Estas viejas y cansadas instituciones no pueden competir con pequeñas empresas ágiles, innovadoras y de bajo costo como la nuestra. El sector minorista adoptó en línea en los primeros días de la web con algunas historias de éxito increíble (Ebay, Amazon y otros), pero el sector de los servicios financieros ha estado arrastrando su cura por años. Pero tal vez ahora estamos listos para el cambio, la tecnología ha madurado, la gente está cómoda compras y banca en línea. Tal vez ahora podemos empezar a repensar la forma en que los bancos y cómo cambiar moneda?

El artículo de Victor concluye: "No me sorprendería si varias compañías de clase mundial surgieran de las empresas que yo encontré esa noche", pretendemos ser una de esas.

Miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Más en www. peepex. com estaban tratando de cambiar la forma de cambiar moneda. Vamos a lanzar una plataforma de intercambio de moneda P2P (peer to peer) que le dará grandes ahorros en comparación con las tasas de sus bancos.

Blog Categoría: P2P cambio de divisas

Este es un invitado de Alexander Causey.

¿Alguna vez envió dinero al extranjero y se sorprendió por la cantidad que le queda al destinatario? ¿Por qué no puede obtener nada cerca de los tipos de cambio anunciados en los gustos de xe. com?

Como cliente, transferir dinero a nivel internacional es a menudo una experiencia costosa. A pesar de las reclamaciones de sin comisiones, los diferenciales del tipo de cambio son a menudo significativos. Es donde el intercambio de moneda P2P entra en juego.

Startups como CurrencyFair, Kantox, Midpoint y TransferWise esperan resolver este problema utilizando el poder de las redes peer-to-peer para hacer coincidir a los clientes, tanto personas individuales como pequeñas empresas, entre sí para reducir significativamente el costo del cambio de divisas.

Al combinar órdenes de divisas que viajan en direcciones opuestas, estas plataformas eliminan la necesidad de que el dinero tenga que cruzar fronteras, evitando así costosas tarifas de transferencia internacional. Gracias a los bajos gastos generales, también ofrecen tipos de cambio en (o muy cerca) de la tarifa de mercado medio que se ve en xe. com. Como puede ver en la calculadora de Midpoint a continuación, los ahorros pueden ser sustanciales.

Si está interesado en conocer más acerca de este sector emergente - que ha sido respaldado por personas como Peter Thiel, Richard Branson y Andreessen Horowitz-, puede leer el nuevo informe de mi y Oliwia aquí. El informe, el último de nuestra serie sobre la interrupción digital en los servicios financieros minoristas, responde a las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Qué es el intercambio de moneda P2P?


PeerFX lanza servicio de Forex en línea de peer-to-peer

La semana pasada, PeerFX puso en marcha su servicio de intercambio de archivos peer-to-peer en línea con la promesa de mejores tarifas. Parece que su en a algo grande como los clientes están haciendo cola para utilizar el servicio y ahora tienen una lista de espera 250 largo.

La tasa introductoria de PeerFX de 0,35% del volumen de transacciones está disponible hasta finales de mayo para alentar a los primeros usuarios. La inscripción es gratuita y están abiertas para transacciones de USD a CAD y de CAD a USD.

Si PeerFX suena vagamente familiar, es probable que haya visto la fundadora Florence Leung en CBC Dragons 'Den hace 18 meses. El lanzamiento de PeerFX fue uno de los pocos que terminaron en una seria oferta de los Dragones y el equipo de Leung hizo olas al rechazarlas después del show.

Desde que declinó la oferta del Dragón, Leung ha estado arrancando el negocio pero ahora está buscando inversionistas. En febrero PeerFX llevó a cabo un foro de inversionistas en el que participaron tanto inversionistas locales como internacionales y hoy en día han llegado a los nuevos cables. Actualmente están enfocados en los esfuerzos de desarrollo de negocios y alcanzan hitos que incluyen el cierre de su primera ronda de financiamiento para el tercer trimestre de 2009.

Echa un vistazo a su cambio de intercambio de blog donde el equipo escribe sobre los problemas de inicio y el rant extraño sobre los servicios financieros. Tienen su primera en una serie de tutoriales de vídeo de Check It en línea también.

PeerFX es un intercambio de moneda en línea peer-to-peer. Al unir a las personas para intercambiarse entre sí en vez de a través de los bancos, eliminamos el diferencial bid-ask y generamos un ahorro de hasta un 80% en las comisiones de transacción en cada transacción para su empresa. Más

Empresas de transferencia de dinero entre iguales

El intercambio de monedas entre pares se relaciona con empresas que permiten a los clientes enviar dinero directamente entre dos participantes del mercado (cada uno usando una moneda diferente) de una manera descentralizada. El término se deriva del mundo de la informática, donde una aplicación P2P se refiere a un programa que se ejecuta en dos o más terminales, donde cada par tiene los mismos privilegios.

¿Cómo funciona el P2P?

Ejemplo. Todas las órdenes de compra / venta se relacionan con las operaciones de GBP.

El concepto es muy fácil y simple de entender. Mientras que en una transferencia de dinero estándar con empresas tradicionales como UKForex. Las empresas ganan dinero vendiendo o comprando directamente una moneda de usted, con el peer to peer que el comercio de divisas con otros participantes del mercado (mientras que la plataforma que utiliza tiene un pequeño margen de beneficio en la parte superior para beneficiarse).

¿Qué compañías están incluidas en esa definición?

Hay muy pocas empresas que cumplan los criterios, incluso por su propia definición.

Transferwise: La empresa más grande reconocible que literalmente acuñó el término Peer to Peer transfiere con su cobertura mediática constante.

CurrencyFair: La segunda mayor empresa de intercambio de Peer to Peer. Tipo de una combinación entre un eWallet (moneda de transferencia y conseguirlo en su cuenta sin tener que retirar) y una firma de moneda.

MidPoint. Hemos fallado en entender cómo MidPoint es diferente de una empresa de FX orientada a las corporaciones tradicionales, y por qué dicen ser P2P.

MoneySwap:. Tener un mercado de cambio de divisas en su plataforma.

& # 8230; Elegimos centrarnos en Transferwise y CurrencyFair. Vamos a revisar las otras empresas más pequeñas (MidPoint y MoneySwap) cuando el tiempo lo permita.

CurrencyFair VS TransferWise & # 8211; Lado a lado


CurrencyFair y Transferwise son dos empresas algo similares. They are quite recently established (2010 and 2011). They are both quite heavily backed by investors (Transferwise to a larger degree, by having Sir Richard Branson on board). They are both interesting, new and exciting, and thus, are currently getting a ton of coverage on mainstream media. In addition, both companies constantly receive positive online reviews from clients.

What differentiates between Currencyfair and Transferwise ?

Global Reach: Transferwise is winning this category hands down. While Currencyfair only deals with UK, EU and Australian clients, Transferwise is also available to North American clients. While Currencyfair deals with only the major currencies, Transferwise is starting to expand into new currencies and addresses remittances transfers and not only intra-European transfers.

Fee Structure: With Currencyfair you can achieve better rates because there’s an actual rate marketplace. If the transfer is made through the marketplace Currencyfair charges only 0.15% on top of the agreed rate as a fee. With Transferwise, you will pay a fixed 0.5% spread on major currencies and up to 1.5% on exotic currencies.

On the other hand, Currencyfair has a fixed fee per transfer, and in addition withdrawal feesthat subsequently make it a tad less transparent than what we would like to see, however, generally speaking, it is cheaper (they are boasting a 0.35% average spread across all transactions made in the platform until now).

Rate Fixing: With Transferwise, you can fix the currency rate as soon as you’ve signed up and been verified. When you make a currency exchange request, you can click on the lock icon which will verify the rate will not fluctuate by the time you fund it. CurrencyFair do not have this option.

Keep Funds in Account: With Currencyfair, you can keep any amount of money, in any currency (As long as it is supported by them), in your online account. With Transferwise, you can’t.

Peer to Peer Compared to Traditional Foreign Exchange

Pros of Peer to Peer Companies:

(Almost) complete transparency in pricing. You understand not only the fixed fees that come with each transfer. but also the spreads used.

Small fixed fees and lower exchange rates than the default one assigned by traditional Foreign Exchange companies.

Easier registration and sign up (Facebook sign up for Transferwise ).

All the process is done online.

Send any amount.

Strong, easy to operate, online platforms.

Foreign Exchange marketplace which allows you to potentially pay close to nothing in exchange rates(if you find a match) – which is only relevant for Currencyfair .

High client satisfaction in both companies, with over 90% positive reviews by clients on platforms like TrustPilot.

eWallet functionalities (keep funds in account) – relevant for Currencyfair .

Cons of Peer to Peer Companies:

Newer companies which are venture-backed, while traditional FX firms like Moneycorp have gained their reputation over the past 30 years.

Not complete transparency with pricing. For instance with Transferwise, unless you lock in the rate, it can fluctuate by the time you fund your transfer. This is quite different from traditional FX, which firms the price is locked to the date of the agreement. Another example is fund withdrawal fees with Currencyfair.

Fixed fees on transfers, while some companies don’t charge any fees on transfers. An example of that is Currencies Direct. which have a 0 fee policy regardless of transfer size or location.

Exchange rate, being non-negotiable, can end up higher than the one you can reach with other firms through negotiation. For some currencies, especially exotic ones, the default exchange rate spreads offered by Transferwise are not better than ones offered by traditional firms.

The P2P payment system isn’t build for B2B like the platforms offered by FX firms. There are no additional functionalities built into the system like multi-payments, regular transfers, and rate watch (which is offered with firms like Currencies Direct).

If you decide to wait for the best price in CurrencyFair market you have to be an expert, because if you don’t forecast the exchange rate fluctuations, you may end up losing money in the process (instead of saving money by lowering fees).

Side by Side Comparison

P2P Currency Firms

Exchange Rate & Fees:

& # 8211; Fixed Exchange Rates at 0.5% (Transferwise), or 0.4-0.5% (Currencyfair)

Is P2P Foreign Exchange a Hype

We believe it is.

Don’t get us wrong, as Transferwise and Currencyfair are great options for low-fee high-saving international transfers, and can definitely help clients save money not only compared to banks but also in comparison with other firms. Still, they bring little promise with them.

In fact, Transferwise doesn’t even brand itself as a P2P firm anymore (whereas their early campaigns really capitalized on that), and we strongly believe it’s because the vast majority of their transfers match against the company and not via the marketplace. The profit margins are set at 0.5%, so what’s the point of having a marketplace?

With Currencyfair, the situation is a tad different. In practice, we assume that most of their transfers are indeed matched against the company itself (offering a 0.4-0.5% spread), because waiting for liquidity for a certain currency pair is something that takes time and expertise. It requires of you to assume where currency prices are heading, and assuming the current market liquidity/offering, to build yourself the best deals for your requirements. So we do think Currencyfair deserves the P2P title, but we are not sure their marketplace functionality is relevant for the vast majority of our readers.

The whole idea of exchanging between currencies in real time seems a little suspicious to us. Besides very liquid currency pairs like the GBPEUR, a platform will require a LOT more activity to be able to handle something like that. In fact, this is how FX companies operate on the back-office. Additionally, they try to predict the demand for certain currency in certain times, they try predict the exchange rate trending, and build their trading and hedging strategy based on these statistics.

So, to summarize, if “P2P” stands for person to person payments, then all FX firms match the definition. If the term “P2P” relates to trading two currencies on both Buy/ Sell and trying to match each Buy Order with a Sell Order, then still, nothing makes Transferwise more Peer to Peer’ish than its competitors like World First. which also engages in the same activity to maintain high profit margins.

Still, Transferwise and Currencyfair bring a few unique things to the table that might make them the best companies for currency transfer for particular audiences. They apply for small or medium transfers with their fixed rates, because they are essentially offering the best fixed rates (and no need to haggle for them). They are also attractive for experts ( CurrencyFair that is), who have large reserve of FX and want to trade them at the absolute best price (and are willing to wait and risk depreciation in currency value).

5 comentarios

I’ve tried both services to remit money from GBP to USD and stumbled on this site searching for cheaper and better ones. Of the two, transferwise is better. They are upfront with their .5% fee which is the only fee I have seen. In the case of CurrencyFair, they charge charge a small upfront fee of $4 However they only do wire transfers to the bank and pass along a transfer fee. The major US banks will pass on this fee $12-15 per transaction.

However I do like the marketplace functionality in CurrencyFair which allows you to set a price you are willing to exchange.

Posted on October 12, 2015

Dan this article is a tad dated and is in our queue. I advise you to have a look at both reviews. First off CurrencyFair has additional fees of withdrawal from account. Secondly Transferwise has much better reputation. Thirdly, if you are transferring large amounts you can find better rates through traditional money transfer firms like World First. you just need to haggle. In fact, we have a deal with Currency Index which fixes prices at 0.495% above the 50,000 mark.

Another thing is the domestic transaction in the USA – this is pretty new to us. You mean US banks charge for a domestic wire in USD? Charges are NOT incurred in the EU / UK for such transfers.

Hope you find this helpful.

Posted on October 12, 2015

Other provides such as Midpoint and Kantox should also be mentioned. Should you make this a decision purely based on pricing, one should note that different providers can give you a better rate, depending on how much you transfer into another currency. Transferwise makes sense below the GBP2000 line, above, you might find other providers to be give better rates. North of GBP10,000 you might find that provides attractive rates.

Edited by Admin and links and commercial content removed.

Posted on October 14, 2015

I have been using CurencyFair from there inception back in 2010. On most occasions I can equal if not better the inter-bank rate quoted on XE Currency Converter when exchanging euros to GBP. When you use the marketplace exchange what you see on the screen is what you get. The current fee for transferring money out of currencyfair is 3 euros, peanuts when compared with what I have saved over traditional exchange companies. However in Jan 2016 Currencyfair changed there receiving bank and what used to be a quick one day turnaround from depositing/exchanging funds/transferring back into my account has now become a painful 3 day turnaround if you are lucky. Currencyfair had a great business model that worked, but for whatever reason have ruined it to the point I will now give ‘Transferwise’ a go.

Posted on March 2, 2016

Ian thank you for the valuable feedback. Could you elaborate more on the bank change? There shouldn’t be any difference as long as it’s another UK banks that you can domestically transfer funds to.

Posted on March 3, 2016

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P2P foreign exchange websites set to change UK retail currency services

Online currency conversion is set to change the UK retail currency system on a grand scale within the next decade. Peer to Peer (P2P) foreign exchange platforms and equity crowdsourcing are challenging pre-existing financial services and taking a large market share from the industry.

P2P foreign exchange websites provide customers with a cheaper option because their rates are crowdsourced and only charge a flat commission of about 0.5% per transaction, in comparison to banks which usually charge up to 5% plus a transaction fee.

Banks claim to offer customers a better service which is more secure, however, this is becoming less important to customers seeking the cheapest exchange rates. TransferWise, the biggest P2P money transfer service is running a ‘stop hidden fees’ campaign which claims to enable customers to avoid the overpriced rates that banks are offering.

Taavet Hinrikus, the CEO of TransferWise said the P2P company was established “ out of personal frustration, ” because he realised he was being over-charged by banks. “As an expat from Estonia I was always changing currencies and realised the banks were giving me a really poor deal .”

Hinrikus said that “ only 0.01 per cent of the total global market ” are on board, but the company are planning to transfer their London-based operation to the US after a $58m funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz, the venture capital group which previously backed Twitter, Facebook and Airbnb.

Valar Ventures, a venture capital firm which also led a $6m investment round for TransferWise last year and Andrew McCormack, a partner at the company, agree with Hinrikus and said that “ retail currency exchange is one of the areas in consumer banking where customers are getting ripped off the most egregiously .”

The online P2P currency exchange market place, CurrencyFair, estimates that P2P foreign exchange will provide £250bn of currency transfers by 2017 and the market will grow at an annual rate of 500%.

CurrencyFair, who claim to have saved their customers $135m since starting their business five years ago, has enabled holidaymakers and expats to transfer around $2.5bn at a fraction of the cost charged by banks. In the future, CurrencyFair are seeking to attract customers from Australia’s four largest banks, by offering cheaper transfer charges than the 5.5% charged by the banks.

Brett Meyers, the co-founder of CurrencyFair stated that people “ don’t realise what rates they are paying to the banks ” as margins are built in and believe that they are receiving “ free banking .”

According to Meyer, Australian banks are able to charge more because trust in the financial sector is not a problem, unlike in Europe. He said that “ Australia never had a banking crisis ” and the “ sector is not just tech driven, it’s consumer driven. In Europe the crisis lowered trust in banks and allowed them to consider an alternative because they were so fed up with the status quo .”

With multimillion-dollar funding, CurrencyFair will attempt to double staff at their Newcastle headquarters which will enable customers to use their CurrencyFair account to buy goods and services more easily. For example, a customer will be able to pay for a hotel room in Hong Kong using their account in HK dollars without having to pay credit card charges.

Industry experts believe there are some negative aspects to the move from traditional financial services to crowdsourcing forms of currency conversion. According to Simon Champ, chief executive of investment firm Eaglewood Europe, a firm which invested in P2P rival Betfair, small-size transactions are the most vulnerable to disintermediation and companies earning high margins are not motivated to compete with new technologies because they have now become a threat.

In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is responsible for regulating P2P foreign exchange companies but some believe that a number of uncaptured cyber risks could escape when allowing people to offer and choose their own rates. However, TransferWise may have eradicated this possible cyber threat by sticking to a midmarket rate rather than a ‘market place’ where people bid for different exchange rates.

According to the FT, Mike Laven, CEO of Currency Cloud believes that P2P foreign exchange provides more transparency than banks. & # 8220; Peer to peer foreign exchange is all about the transparency for the consumer, which money managers don’t always offer .”

Ex-Skyper shakes up currency exchange

Taavet Hinrikus, one of Skype’s first employees, recently launched a new company called Transferwise. which enables cheap peer to peer currency exchange.

Banks charge 3-6 percent more than the mid-market rates for currency exchange. Mid-market rates are halfway between the “buy” and “sell” rates from global currency markets. Transferwise cuts out the banks by matching your exchange with someone else’s.

Hinrikus is Estonian but lives in London. He says he often needed to transfer money home and was charged for currency exchange (GBP to EUR) as well as for the transfer itself. An informal market emerged where Estonians would exchange currencies between each other, and now Transferwise automates this process.

As a user, you transfer the money you want to exchange to Transferwise’s UK or Irish account. Your cash is matched with one or many other parties at the mid-market rate currently available on the currency markets. The cash is converted, for example, from British pounds to euros and transferred to the designated recipient. Transferwise charges 1 GBP for each transfer. No banks or brokers get a commission on the exchange process. For example, if I wanted to send 1000 EUR from Amsterdam to the UK, Transferwise would save me around 40 EUR at the current exchange rates.

Hinrikus calls Transferwise the “Easyjet of currency transfer” (EasyJet is one of the biggest low-cost airlines in Europe). Currently, you can only exchange British pounds to euros, and vice versa, but Hinrikus told me that additional currencies will be added soon. The American dollar is one of the most requested currencies.

Transferwise is based in London, has 5 employees and was founded in 2010. It is privately funded.


PeerFX is an online peer-to-peer currency exchange. By bringing people together to exchange with each other instead of through the banks, we eliminate the bid-ask spread and generate savings of up to 80% in transaction fees on every transaction for your company.

News on PeerFX

PeerFX partners with Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Vancouver's PeerFX announced the launch of a new affinity program with the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) today that will see MCC members receive an additional 10% discount on currency. Más

PeerFX partners with BCTIA Vancouver startup PeerFX has partnered up with the BC Technology Industry Association to offer their members the "most competitive exchange rates possible". Do you have regular exchanges between. Más

PeerFX launches peer-to-peer online Forex service Last week Vancouver startup PeerFX launched its peer-to-peer online foreign exchange service with the promise of better rates. Looks like their on to something big as customers are lining up to use. Más

PeerFX aims at the exchange market PeerFX is a venture looking to work around the "middle-man" fees that banks charge on foreign exchanges. $3.1 trillion is exchanged daily in on currency exchanges, and PeerFX's goal is to reduce. Más

VEF Momentum VEF Momentum kicked off its series of events for younger entrepreneurs with its first event at Tunnel Multi-Lounge last night. In the keeping with its goal of inspiring young and aspiring. Más

PeerFX converts new fans at Launch Party PeerFX showed off its quick and easy currency exchange application at Launch Party in downtown Vancouver on Thursday night. From what I saw with my own eyes and from what I've heard from the LPV5. Más

LPV5 Presenting Startups Announced As a media sponsor of Launch Party Vancouver (LPV5) this week, I've been given a sneak peak at the six startups that will be demoing live on Thursday night. These lucky six below will also have the. Más

Business and Technology Come Together with Enterprize Canada Renowned as one of Canada’s largest student-run entrepreneurial conferences and business plan competitions, Enterprize Canada provides a glimpse into the future of Canadian innovation and growth. Más

7300 - 515 Hastings St W Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6B5K3

Peer to peer currency exchange PeerFX to launch soon

PeerFX. com a p2p currency exchange that wants do to away with high margins and fees banks charge when exchanging currencies, announced to launch on August, 1st. Users will be able to change US and Canadian Dollars directly (USD, CAD). Watch a video of the funding. The founders Robert Dunlop and Florence Leung gave away a 51% percent stake of the company for 250,000 CAN$ seed funding.

Personally, I am not convinced by the business model. For consumers there are less and less needs to actually exchange currencies in advance. You can nearly always pay with plastic. In Europe the realm of the Euro is expanding. And several European banks allow their account holders to withdraw cash from any ATM (of any bank) worldwide fee-free. But maybe the situation is different between the US and Canada. What is your opinion on this, dear reader?

Related News and Reviews:

3 thoughts on “ Peer to peer currency exchange PeerFX to launch soon ”

Really, of all the currency pairs, CAD-USD seems the most useless. My bank already lets me exchange between the two fee-free. Of course, there’s still spread – I believe 2% – but I’m sure this business must make money somehow, too.

CAD-EUR or GBP would also seem more useful. I can’t exchange between the two without paying a $5 transaction fee, plus the spread. It’s the same whether it’s cash at the bank, or taking it out of a European ATM. Minor currencies usually have a 1% higher spread, and while credit card purchases are fee-free in all currencies, they also take 1% more in spread – that annoying, hidden fee – than withdrawing cash, so it adds up to the same thing.

I’ll be interested to see exactly how this model works, and whether it can actually save a person money.

Well the whole point of this is to do away with that 2% spread. For those of us who exchange large amounts between CAD and USD that 2% can take a huge cut and with many Canadians hopping the border to buy cheaper American goods, myself included, this might just come in handy.

“You can nearly always pay with plastic”. I don’t know anyone but Americans who do this when travelling abroad.


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Peer to peer foreign exchange (P2P FX)

Definition of "Peer to peer foreign exchange (P2P FX)"

P2P foreign exchange (peer-to-peer foreign exchange) is a growing sector within foreign exchange, which cuts out the middleman - banks and brokers - and the costs associated, by connecting the two parties to an exchange directly.

Connecting companies on both sides of an exchange through P2P foreign exchange and therefore cut out the "spread" that banks and brokers typically apply to the exchange rate.

The exchange rate offered is therefore the mid-market rate (the true market exchange rate) and it allows for access to the best exchange rates at any given time, therefore driving down foreign exchange costs, cutting down on administration time and increasing transparency.

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Peer-To-Peer Currencies: What’s Driving Bitcoin?

Peer-to-peer currencies are nothing new, but their usage continues to evolve. The most widely talked about such currency is bitcoin. And while bitcoin may not have lived up to the early hype of replacing government-issued paper money, the digital currency continues to attract merchants, consumers, regulators, and investors. To help financial leaders stay on top of this quickly evolving ecosystem, Bloomberg is hosting a special “Bitcoin: Beyond the Currency” event in New York today.

Here’s a brief overview of the trends and developments expected to drive the discussions among our expert panelists.

In the third quarter, bitcoin fell nearly 40% to close at $386.27 on Sept. 30, wiping away more than $3 billion of the digital currency’s market value. Recently, it has recouped those losses and then some, trading around $397 on November 17, 2014. However, the volatility hasn’t diminished total trading volume on bitcoin exchanges, which has steadily risen over the past year. Nor has it curbed the enthusiasm of venture capitalists for digital currency investments either. VC firms invested a total of $317 million in cryptocurrency startups worldwide, $60 million of that coming in the third quarter, according to CoinDesk .

A More Appealing Way to Pay?

Bitcoin’s appeal among mainstream retailers has grown. More than 76,000 merchants, including Dell, Expedia and Overstock. com, now accept bitcoin. Merchants adopt bitcoin largely because of consumer demand and its lower transaction fees compared with traditional credit card networks, such as MasterCard and Visa. Two major payment processors, PayPal and Square, have integrated bitcoin into their systems.

That success speaks to a widely held view that current payment methods should be improvedApple Pay, a feature available to iPhone 6 users, has quickly become a popular mobile payment system. A group of large retailers, known as the Merchant Customer Exchange, are also developing their own mobile wallet app, called CurrenC, which will launch next year. These alternative payment systems could dramatically change how merchants and customers transact in-person and online.

New Options for Investors

TeraExchange LLC launched the first regulated hedging product where people can hedge the risk of owning bitcoins. The company offers a U. S. dollar-bitcoin swap contract and registered it with the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. A merchant can use TeraExchange’s system to lock in today’s bitcoin price by finding a buyer willing to pay that price in 30 or 60 days.

Another startup, Hedgy Inc. is raising venture capital to build a system to hedge bitcoin using the blockchain, the digital currency’s online ledger that tracks all bitcoin transactions. Hedgy wants to encode all the trading and escrow details of bitcoin futures contracts right into the blockchain, eliminating the need for a third party. More applications are on the horizon. Advances in bitcoin could revolutionize the $500 billion global remittance industry and create a system that makes micro-payments easy for consumers. Jon Matonis, board director of Bitcoin Foundation, told Bloomberg Television’s The Pulse that bitcoin has “emerged as a noncorrelated asset class.” He said bitcoin exchanges are becoming more like banks and bitcoin will soon integrate with retail and wholesale foreign exchange trading platforms.

The closure of online black market Silk Road, which relied on bitcoin transactions, and the bankruptcy of major bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox tarnished the currency’s reputation and prompted further regulatory scrutiny. And bitcoin fraud continues to be a risk as well. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan charged Trendon Shavers, founder of Bitcoin Savings and Trust, with fraud and accused him of masterminding a first-of-its-kind Ponzi scheme tied to the digital currency. In September, the Securities and Exchange Commission had brought an enforcement action against Shavers, fined him $4.6 million and banned him from trading bitcoin.

However, regulators for the most part have not prohibited use of the crypto-currencies or their protocols, and have even helped to facilitate it’s usage to a degree. Fincen, the NY State Dept of Finance, and the Internal Revenue Service have all commented on Bitcoin without prohibiting it’s use. In a recent op-ed piece, CFTC commissioner Mark Wetjen stated that bitcoin could provide “tremendous benefits” to individuals .

Disrupting Finance: P2P Currency Exchange

Why Read This Report

Peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange platforms like CurrencyFair, TransferWise, and Walutomat. pl match customers with one another to facilitate currency exchanges. These startups offer better exchange rates than retail banks and international money transfer firms do and have already saved customers millions of dollars in transaction fees. Read this report to learn who the main players are, to assess their disruptive potential, and to understand how to outflank them.


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Tabla de contenido

1. What is P2P currency exchange?

2. Who are the main players?

3. What problem are they trying to solve?

4. What headway have they made?

5. Should we be worried?

6. How can we outsmart them?

Recommended Research

June 23, 2014 | Stephen Walker

Weeleo. P2P cash currency exchange

Nota del Editor: El botón de descarga abre la iTunes App Store, donde puede continuar el proceso de descarga. Debe tener instalado iTunes con una cuenta de iTunes activa para descargar e instalar el software. Esta descarga puede no estar disponible en algunos países.

Descripción del editor

From Weeleo: STOP wasting your money in exchange offices CHANGE with Weeleo, peer-to-peer platform to exchange cash currenciesWeeleo is a peer-to-peer platform to exchange foreign currencies in person and based on the current rate. We have built a trusted community where travelers get to know each other and exchange valuable travel tips -- while saving on currency exchange fees. How does it work? Lets get you signed up: create your profile and give us a few details about yourself Create your offer: wanted currency, where and when Match making: we notify you when we have found potentials exchangers, based on their location, availability and appropriate currency Meeting up: we introduce exchangers on app and help you to schedule your meeting Feedback: after your exchange rate and comment your transactionWeeleo now allows you to share the following currencies: - Euro - Pound Sterling - US Dollar - Swiss Franc - Korean Won - Australian Dollar - Turkish Lira - Canadian Dollar - Mexican Peso - Chinese YuanYou can exchange your currency in the following cities:// USA :San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York// France :Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice, Nantes, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Lille, Rennes, Reims, Le Havre, Saint-tienne, Toulon, Grenoble, Laval, Calais, Roubaix, Dijon, Mulhouse, Besanon// United Kingdom :London// Belgium :Brussels// Switzerland :Basel, Geneva, Lausanne// Brazil :Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Salvadore, BrasiliaThen, we will grow rapidly with others currencies, countries and routes. To get more information subscribe to our newsletter:www. weeleo. com

¿Qué hay de nuevo en esta versión:

This update includes minor improvements.

The Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Revolution: 50+ Companies That Are Changing The World

The Peer-To-Peer Marketplace Revolution: 50+ Companies That Are Changing The World

Peer-to-peer marketplaces are really booming right now. It’s not just us talking about the peer-to-peer revolution – news sites like Forbes. Mashable. and others are also loving this new way of doing things.

Before we look at the list of over 50 peer-to-peer marketplaces that are changing the world, what do we mean when we use the phrase: peer-to-peer marketplace?

Typically, an online peer-to-peer marketplace brings people and/or businesses together online to deal with each other directly without having to go through a slow, expensive middle man.

Take CurrencyFair as an example. Widely used by expatriates working or living abroad and businesses dealing across borders, CurrencyFair’s peer-to-peer currency exchange allows people to cut out the middle man to get the best possible exchange rate for various currencies, whilst avoiding expensive and often hidden bank charges. Using CurrencyFair’s MarketPlace platform, buyers and sellers are brought together to exchange funds directly with each other, setting their own rates in the process. For individuals not restricted by time, they can set highly competitive exchange rates and wait to be matched with a buyer, often achieving a better rate than high-flying traders.

Another example is Kiva – a wonderful peer-to-peer micro finance website that aims to alleviate poverty by allowing everyday people in developed nations to finance budding entrepreneurs in developing nations.

On a more day to day level, here’s an example of life being made easier and more fun by a P2P (peer-to-peer) marketplace.

The family home holiday accommodation P2P marketplace Love Home Swap does these things as well as save people money.

So, why have peer-to-peer (or P2P) websites like these suddenly become so popular? What’s so great about them? Consider these reasons:

The biggest reason consumers flock to peer-to-peer marketplaces is to save money . Value for money is everything when making a purchase online and people will shop around for hours to make sure that they get the best deal on something. With P2P marketplaces you are effectively cutting out the middle man, taking away his commission, and replacing it with a much lower commission charged by the website for facilitating the transaction. This reduces the overall cost for the consumer and increases the profits of the provider.

Another benefit of P2P marketplaces is the convenience they offer. This means they save time for the consumers by having everything in one place, allowing them to choose and select with ease 24 hours a day.

The highly specialised nature of these websites is yet another benefit they are bringing. They do one thing, but they do it well.

It’s fun. Peer-to-peer feels a lot like sharing and who doesn’t enjoy the feeling that comes with being a little more connected to society?

Check out this cool infographic showing how to make the most of peer-to-peer marketplaces within your daily routine http://t. co/UYOf2Bohkc

Finally, to show you just how awesome P2P marketplaces are, we’re sharing a list of peer-to-peer marketplaces we like:

Travel Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Love Home Swap – A members-only home swapping site. Home swap holidays are revolutionising the way people travel. With 53,000+ inspiring homes listed in every corner of the globe, those looking to house swap can save themselves thousands on holiday accommodation costs.

AirBnB – Discover amazing, unique accommodations in 192 countries. With more than 10 million nights booked worldwide, AirBnB is the world leader in travel rentals.

HouseTrip – The revolutionary holiday rental online booking site, offering a wide selection of self-catering apartments, cottages, villas and chalets.

Vayable – While there are a million guidebooks and blogs out there, nothing really beats having a human point of contact when arriving in a new place.

EasyNest – To meet people to split the cost of hotels when travelling.

OneFineStay – Offering opportunities to rent someone’s house/rent out your house while on holiday.

HomeAway – Find vacation rentals worldwide, including Florida vacation rentals, Hawaii vacation rentals and villa rentals in Europe. Rent direct from owners and save with HomeAway.

Work & Service Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

TaskRabbit – Get just about anything done by friendly, trustworthy people. Vetted TaskRabbits can help with errands, cleaning, delivery and so much more.

AirTasker – Access thousands of skilled people for your home and office tasks. From furniture assembly to data entry.

Mechanical Turk – Peer-to-peer marketplace for work. Giving businesses and developers access to an on-demand scalable workforce. Workers can work at home and make money by choosing from thousands of tasks and jobs.

Craigslist – Online classified ads.

oDesk – Find freelancers and freelance jobs on oDesk – the world’s largest online workplace where savvy businesses and professional freelancers go to work.

Elance – Access over 2 million skilled freelancers from around the world. Find rated web developers, mobile programmers, designers, writers, translators, marketing pros, virtual assistants and more.

BidWilly – A leading website for finding guaranteed quality and low cost services for handymen, maids, and lawn care services.

Freelancer – Hire freelance programmers, web developers, designers, writers, data entry and more at a fraction of the cost on the world’s largest outsourcing marketplace.

crowdSPRING – The world’s #1 marketplace for logo design, web design, and naming.

Hailo – Use Hailo to get a taxi wherever you are, whenever you want. All it takes is two taps on your iPhone or Android phone. Pay cash or card, with no hidden fees.

Uber – Connects passengers with with drivers of vehicles for hire or ride-sharing. P2P taxi service

LiquidSpace – Find meeting rooms, office rentals & co-working spaces booked by the hour or for the day. LiquidSpace provides high quality temporary workspaces and office rentals.

ShareDesk – Rent short term, affordable, on-demand, flexible offices, private studios, co-working spaces, shared workplaces, and meeting rooms.

DesksNearMe – A convenient solution for individuals looking to list or rent office space from anywhere in the world.

PivotDesk – Pivotdesk helps startups and small businesses find affordable, short-term office space by helping companies drive income from their excess office space – all without long-term leases.

Commerce Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

eBay – Online auction site (used to be fully P2P, now also used as a shop front by companies).

Etsy – Buy or sell homemade and vintage items.

Quirky – Invent and sell/shop for invented products.

The Grommet – Shop for unique gifts, innovative tech gadgets, and more. The Grommet discovers products everyday by makers worth supporting.

Car Sharing Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

BlaBlaCar – Connects drivers who have empty seats with people looking for a ride through the largest car share service in Europe.

Sidecar - Matches everyday people in their own car with people nearby for shared rides.

Car2Go – The pioneer of free-floating car sharing

Zipcar – The world’s largest car sharing and car club service. It is an alternative to traditional car rental and car ownership.

DriveNow – The innovative mobility venture from BMWi, Mini and Sixt. Get in and out wherever you like. Experience urban driving pleasure.

GetAround – Social car sharing: Rent cars by the hour from people around you. Start renting out yours today and earn cash.

Money Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Bitcoin – Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.

CircleUp – A leader in equity-based crowdfunding, CircleUp focuses on angel investments in consumer products companies.

Kickstarter – The world’s largest funding platform for creative projects. A home for film, music, art, theatre, games, comics, design, photography and more.

CurrencyFair – Peer-to-peer currency exchange. CurrencyFair gives you cheap, fast and secure international bank transfers. Avoid costly foreign exchange charges when sending money abroad.

IndieGogo – International crowdfunding platform

GoFundMe – The #1 do-it-yourself fundraising website to raise money online.

Education Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Skill Share - Online learning, offering classes in a wide range of subjects.

PopExpert – Face-to-face video lessons with hand-picked experts.

Loan Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Lending Club – Apply for a low, fixed rate personal loan or invest to earn solid returns.

Kiva – Make a loan to an entrepreneur across the globe for as little as $25. Kiva is the world’s first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe.

Prosper – Personal loans meet online investing at America’s leading online destination for borrowing money and investing in personal loans.

Zopa – The UK’s largest peer-to-peer lending service. Zopa matches sensible borrowers looking for low rate loans with smart savers looking for high interest on their savings.

Wellesley & Co. – Wellesley & Co is the UK’s first peer-to-peer lending platform to use its own money to part fund every loan. Wellesley & Co funds all loans in the first instance using its own capital which allows a quick response to applications made for borrowing.

Gambling Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Recreation Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

VoulezVousDiner – An open and social marketplace for eating with locals everywhere in the world. Try a unique and authentic food experience.

Shapeways – Online 3D printing community. Make, buy and sell products.

Breather – Shared rooms to give you a chance to take a rest.

Pet Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

DogVacay – Better than a kennel, find a real home for dog boarding while you’re away. Get peace of mind with insurance, photo updates and emergency support.

Clothes Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces

Rent The Runway – Rent designer dresses and accessories.

RocksBox – Unlimited jewelry on subscription.

Finally, the Search For Aliens!

SETI@home – Scientific experiment that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

As a leading peer-to-peer marketplace that helps people save money, we say: Vive la révolution!

London's next $1bn firm? TransferWise raises $58m in funding round

London-based peer-to-peer foreign exchange service TransferWise has become the latest company to join Silicon Valley super-venture-capitalists Andreessen Horowitz’s portfolio.

The company raised $58m in a fundraising round led by A16Z, in which the company’s existing investors such as Richard Branson, Index Ventures and Seedcamp also participated. The Series C funding round is thought to value the company at almost $1bn, although it refused to confirm or deny the figure.

TransferWise operates a foreign exchange service which uses an element of peer-to-peer funding to cut costs for users. The company directly pairs up users wanting to buy a currency with those wanting to sell it, avoiding the need to actually convert money – and saving on expensive foreign exchange fees.

TransferWise cofounder Taavet Hinrikus said Andreessen Horowitz’s interest showed how ripe financial services are for disruption. “For too long legacy providers’ dominance of the market has allowed consumers to be hoodwinked into paying huge hidden charges for services as basic as currency exchange.”

Ben Horowitz, one of A16Z’s co-founders along with former Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, will be joining TransferWise’s board following the investment, and Hinrikus said the company was “excited” to have him. “His experience will help us take our revolution in financial services across the globe, starting with the US offices we’re launching,” he added.

It plans to use the investment to boost its global expansion, opening an US office in February and offices in Germany and Australia after that. But as it grows, its unique business model could find it difficult to scale up.

Its business model relies on a relatively even flow of money to and from countries in which it operates, although it smooths out temporary imbalances by buying supply from conventional financial markets.

Some worry that as the company grows, and it introduces more currency pairs, the imbalance of money flows may become difficult to manage. If that happened, “TransferWise would have to resort to financial markets to fill the gap and lose the cost-advantage of the P2P model, or keep fund flows balanced but limit market growth,” suggests analyst Wayne Wong .

“The latter option does not sound too bad considering how the pie for international money transfer is huge and there are existing inefficiencies in remittances that TransferWise could iron out.”

The fundraising follows the success of London’s Shazam, which became the latest British startup to hit a $1bn valuation in mid-January. It raised $30m from unnamed parties, despite having not turned a profit for at least eight years .


Peer to Peer Currency Exchange vs Brokers

Peer to peer currency exchange platforms are the upstart rivals to established currency brokers.

This form of exchange works by anonymously matching people who want to swap complimentary amounts of foreign currency. For example, if Mike in the UK wants to exchange £5000 into Euros it could match him with Julio in Spain, who is looking to exchange an equivalent amount of Euros into pounds .

How do peer to peer currency exchange services differ to that offered by brokers – and how do they compare head-to-head?

This is one of the big sells for peer to peer foreign exchange companies. They often promise significant savings with low headline commission rates. It pays to read the small print carefully though, as commission levels can vary depending on the amount exchanged. So in practice users can pay much more than the headline rate.

Quality brokers either give you a clear no-obligation quote, or for larger amounts won’t charge commission at all.

Most peer to peer currency exchange providers use the Interbank buy and sell mid point rate, which is often better than the rate offered by banks.

Brokers use their in-depth knowledge of the currency markets to help their customers exchange at the best possible point.

Even peer to peer platforms admit that their exchange services take between one to four days to complete, and their hours of service can be restricted by the banking hours where they are located. This is caused by transferring the money between several different accounts.

In contrast brokers are able to exchange money much more swiftly.

Currency markets can be confusing, and by offering a simple exchange contract peer to peer currency exchange can seem easier to understand. This is particularly true for users who are used to making international bank money transfers.

However, these simple one-time transfers might not be the best fit for everyone’s situation. Brokers are able to execute a wider range of foreign exchange contracts. This include Forward (fixes rate for up to two years), Limit (waits for when rates hit a desired point) or Stop Loss (exchanges are not made when the rate dips below a certain point) Contracts. For some users, these offer much better value for money.

One reason that peer to peer currency exchange platforms can offer low rates is that the customer does a lot of the work, from signing up to required bank accounts to performing the transfers. Although they tend to have advisors on call to help talk users through the process, they generally won’t be able to offer detailed advice tailored to the user’s individual situation.

Currency brokers employ experienced currency traders who can give personalised advice to their clients. Once the client signs the agreement and makes the initial transfer, their work is done.

The availability of currencies varies between peer to peer platforms, with some only offering exchanges in US dollars, pounds Sterling and Euros. This is because they need to make sure that they have enough people to be able to match prospective exchangers.

In contrast, brokers have access to a wide range of currencies through global markets, making them invaluable for those looking to exchange smaller currencies.

To access most peer to peer currency exchange services users need to not only sign up for an account with the platform, but sometimes also a specific bank or money transferring service. This can be somewhat laborious and, in the long-term, these accounts could have security vulnerabilities.

A reputable broker just requires their clients to make the transfer into a dedicated client account, which is maintained by the brokerage, which simpler and more secure.

Anyone considering using a peer to peer currency service needs to be aware of how secure their deposit is. Although the best platforms are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), only money held in UK-regulated current or savings account is covered by the government backed compensation scheme which guarantees deposits of up to £85,000.

As well as being FSA-authorised, good quality brokers keep your money in a British bank account, display their credit rating and use Irrevocable Payment Documents (IPDs) so a client’s money can be tracked at all times through the exchange process.

Follow our currency news

Peer-to-peer currency exchange service Transferwise handles $13.4m in its first year

Peer-to-peer currency exchange startup Transferwise has announced today that it’s transacted €10m ($13.4m) in its first year.

The company makes it cheaper to send money abroad. Rather than send the money directly, you send it to Transferwise, which then converts your funds at the mid-market rate, cutting out the currency exchange markets and saving you money. It charges just £1 ($1.60) per transaction under £300 ($475). The company is backed by Seedcamp, and we’ve previously covered its appearances at the fund’s events in London and New York .

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This year’s edition of TNW Conference in Amsterdam includes some of the biggest names in tech.

Transferwise currently only supports conversion between euros and British pounds sterling, and vice versa, however co-founder Taavet Hinrikus (who was also employee number one at Skype) says that more currencies will be added this year.

“We’ll start by adding a few more European currencies and then will be expanding to other popular currencies. Also we’ll be thinking about product development – there are many areas where we can go next, by adding an API or business services or faster payments or a mobile client.”

TransferWise estimates that the €10m figure represents €500,000 in saved fees for its customers. Despite the high value, the actual number of transactions completed in the company’s first year is reasonably low, at around 5500. The company will no doubt be looking to boost that number significantly this year.

Martin Bryant is a reporter from Manchester, UK. Happy to hear your thoughts on martin@thenextweb. com or @MartinSFP on Twitter.

Martin Bryant is Editor-at-Large at The Next Web. You can find him on Twitter. subscribe to him on Facebook and visit his personal site. He's based in Manchester, UK and has a thing for quirky American music and Japanese video games.




Peer-to-peer currency exchange for your business: manage exchange rates and save money

Avoid international bank transfer fees

with peer-to-peer currency exchange

Imagine you are Irish but you work in London. Your family is still based in Ireland, though, so you take the last flight out on a Sunday evening and the earliest possible flight in on a Friday evening. Your salary is paid in pounds sterling into your British current account, but you still have to pay the mortgage on your house in Ireland in euros.

In a different scenario, your child might be spending a year abroad, teaching English in Norway. Until they receive their first salary, you are tiding them over and would like to transfer some money to their newly opened Norwegian account. However, Norway doesn’t have the euro: its currency is the Norwegian krone.

In both cases, if you make an international transfer using your bank, the bank fees won’t be negligible and will eat up some of the amount.

Until recently, there was little you could do to avoid this. This has changed now, thanks to peer-to-peer currency exchange services like CurrencyFair. TransferMate and TransferWise. CurrencyFair and TransferMate are Irish companies and they have been hailed as the Irish FinTech sector’s latest success stories. confirming Dublin as the financial management capital of Europe.

There is phenomenal growth in this area. These P2P transfer services may become the vehicle of choice in the coming years, as this sector progresses from just early adopters to mainstream usage. According to a quote given to the Financial Times. “CurrencyFair … estimates the market for P2P foreign exchange is growing at 500 per cent annually and will provide £250bn of currency transfers by 2017. The UK accounts for between 40 and 50 per cent of this.”

What is peer-to-peer currency exchange?

It’s a service that pairs up somebody like you, who might be paid in pounds but needs to make payments in euros, with somebody who has the reverse problem: they are paid in euros on a bank account in, say, Ireland, but they need to make payments in pounds sterling.

Imagine that you paired up with a friend who works in Ireland but is based in the UK. From your British bank account, you could transfer money in pounds sterling to their British bank account, while they transfer euros from their Irish account to yours. They give you the money to pay your Irish mortgage, whilst you give them the money to pay their British bills, for example.

National money transfers being much cheaper (or free) and much faster, you would both save a lot of time and money. However, if you were doing this informally with a friend, problems might arise if the two of you don’t need the “same” amount: you need to cover a €1000 mortgage every month, while your counterpart only needs to make their once-a-year car insurance payment for £745.

These “FinTech” (financial technology) companies solve the problem by pairing up lots of people in many different countries. Your €1000 monthly payment isn’t covered by a single person wishing to make a payment for the exact same amount in pounds sterling.

I’m not comfortable sending money online…

Is peer-to-peer currency exchange a scam?

In my experience the service has been very reliable and it’s made a big difference when doing business in non-euro currencies. CurrencyFair is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and licensed to do business in the EU and Australia; TransferMate has regulatory licences in the EU, 36 American states, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Hong-Kong; TransferWise is fully authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority as a payments institution.

Decreasing the cost of doing business

These services are extremely useful for small businesses as they make operations much simpler, cheaper and hassle-free, like many other online services .

Perhaps you are involved in international trade and driving forward with an exports-led business? Perhaps you’re not… but you may still have international payments to suppliers and contractors. For example, you might be paying for web hosting in dollars, sourcing goods in yuan or attending a conference in London and the registration is to be paid in pounds. You might be using your credit card to pay for these services, as I used to. However, when I saw the exchange rate I was being given and the extra international transaction fees, I started asking for invoices and bank transfer details so that I could use my peer-to-peer currency exchange account instead of my company’s credit card.

By virtue of the fact that so much business is done online today, it’s quite likely that you’re incurring expenses in a different currency.

I was lucky to start in business just as these services were born in Ireland. I could instantly see the saving potential so I set up a currency account from the very start of our company’s history and it has saved us a fortune in hidden fees that can so easily eat into profit. As well as euro, we generate revenue in dollars and sterling; I travel to the UK and the US a lot, so we have travel, accommodation and expenses in both currencies too.

When you are starting to export, those initial orders are often covering previous upfront marketing expenses or are quickly reinvested in the business. Therefore, in our case, I was so delighted to save the extra percentage (about €100 out of every $5000), and it was only a ten-minute investment to submit the required documentation. Today, that saving has been repeated many times over, without any extra effort on our behalf whatsoever.

What peer-to-peer currency exchange

allows you to do

Transact at spot (or very, very close), that is, at the most up-to-date rate of the currency at the moment you are making the transaction. That moment might be right now or, in the case of a “limit” order, when and only when the rate you have specified is met in the market.

Make international transfers following the transaction.

All peer-to-peer currency exchange services do this but they have some differences, so before you set up the account, ensure that they have exactly what you need:

Can you hold money in the account? In some cases, you can actually hold a currency in the account and then either exchange it or transact it when you want. In other cases, you need to move that money within x number of days, which means you do save the bank charges and all other related fees, but you don’t have the capacity to wait until a favourable exchange rate comes about, or to store the money.

Are there fees involved in transactions both with the company and with your own financial institution. For example, there may be a charge incurred if you receive or send money to a certain jurisdiction or country because the company doesn’t have a license in that area, and hence can only receive transfers into a non-jurisdiction account with a fee. For example, a peer-to-peer currency exchange service company might have a UK bank account that will accept dollars but with a cost involved. Also, perhaps there is a transfer fee out of the account: they don’t charge to receive money or transact it, but if you want to move it on to your own bank account, they might charge you. Finally, maybe there is an incoming wire fee to receive wire payments into your own account.

What peer-to-peer currency exchange accounts

can’t do, and when to look for more developed


At this point, it’s unlikely that a currency account will be able to write or receive cheques, be able to offer you a payment card or have the facilty to withdraw cash. It’s not a bank, but a holding account.

There comes a time when you will need a full suite of banking services. We set up a sterling bank account because clients wanted a bank account to pay us, hotels want to be paid by card and we have a subcontractor in the UK. However, we still have and use the currency account, because we still need to transact currencies. It still makes financial sense to move the sterling from our UK bank account to the currency account, exchange it at spot and then transfer it into the Irish bank account if we need the money to invest in a larger project. The issue here is that each transfer takes time (and if it’s urgent, it can cost more).

Of course, the more accounts you have, the more paperwork you have, so you have to take this into account also.

Nevertheless, the savings are truly significant.

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WeSwap is the latest company to jump on the peer-to-peer bandwagon with its bid to solve currency exchange problems.

The London-based startup provides a platform where users can exchange currencies at the interbank rate for a flat fee, and in some cases for free. Currently, when travellers want to exchange currencies, the middle man or exchange agencies quote a higher price (commission) than the interbank rate, WeSwap is aiming to remove this middle man and maximize the monetary benefit in the exchange process.

How it works: User A is planning to exchange US$ into GBP and User B is planning to exchange GBP into US$. Both users upload their amount in respective currency into their WeSwap account. Then the platform does the conversion (and takes 1% flat fee), deposits the money in a prepaid Mastercard and sends it to the user (free of charge).

In case a match is not found for exchange, then WeSwap converts the money (at interbank rate) for a flat 1.5% fee.

WeSwap was founded by Jared Jesner and Simon Sacerdoti. The company’s service can be accessed via its mobile apps – IPhone. Android .

How it works – WeSwap

Q&A with founder Jared Jesner:

Tell us how you founded the company, why and what made you decide to jump in and create the business.

I wasn’t driven by a desire to create a business or be an entrepreneur – I felt deeply that travellers should be allowed to swap currency with each other directly and that banks and corporates have no right taking massive hidden commissions from travellers.

A very strong belief in this idea combined with a feeling of restlessness in my job made me jump. It was a big jump – I had to sell my house to pay the bills in the early days. It’s not cheap living in London with three little kids!

But I wasn’t the only one who jumped. I was introduced to Simon whilst still at my old job. He immediately saw the huge potential in this idea and saw a gap in the market for a peer-to-peer travel money exchange service.

Simon’s extensive experience in corporate finance and advising successful entrepreneurs, and the fact that he had been involved with online businesses for over 20 years, enabled us start commercialising the idea.

Together we founded WeSwap and that’s how the business was born.

Size of the team, names of founders, management roles and key personnel?

Simon and I are the founders of the business and we’re very hands on from day to day. We currently have 15 members of staff working in our London office.

I look after technology, product and marketing. Simon’s focus is on operations, customer service, compliance and finance. In reality we make joint decisions across all areas. The business seems to perform better that way.

We have raised approximately £2.25 million to date. All of our funding at this point has come from angel investors and a couple of super angels, as well as the initial £300k which was raised from friends and family. More funding news to follow.

Estimation of market size?

The travel money market is enormous. In the UK alone travellers spend around £38 billion abroad each year. Currently, WeSwap is live across 10 markets.

Our USP – we offer travellers the best possible rate on their foreign currency by cutting out the middle man – it’s as simple as that!

We’re also unique in that we provide a prepaid MasterCard, which allows customers to access their cash anywhere completely free of charge. We are the only product of our kind that allows you to complete the full sign up process and go on to swap money via our app, so we’re truly a mobile business.

Whilst plenty of travel money businesses exist (e. g. Travelex) no other business offers a peer-to-peer (P2P) exchange for travellers, giving travellers the ability to swap money at the interbank rates and pay a very low, transparent cost.

WeSwap also offers online travel businesses unparalleled insight into traveller’s behaviours enabling an ultra-personalised user experience. In fact, our offer to OTAs and metasearch businesses is almost as innovative is the core business of currency swapping.

Revenue model and strategy for profitability?

Our business model is based around cutting out costs from the supply chain.

WeSwap allows consumers to swap directly with one another, who can thereby avoid expensive bureaus who charge commission on top of the interbank rate. As a result, this brings down the cost of currency exchange and offers an unbeatable proposition to travellers.

The key to our revenue model is to get people to swap. Swapping enables us to run the business in a far cheaper and more efficient way, we can then pass that saving on to customers and continue to drive down the cost of travel money while still maintaining a profitable business.

How did the initial idea evolve and were there changes/any pivots along the way in the early stages?

The core WeSwap offer to travellers has not undergone any significant pivot – it’s working extremely well.

Whilst we have some great improvements in the coming months, the core product remains the same.

The biggest change has been our approach to distribution. We have developed an OTA/metasearch offering that is unique and compelling. It offers WeSwap a superb route to market whilst providing select travel players serious competitive edge.

Why should people or companies use the business?

People should use the business because it offers an unbeatable deal for travellers. WeSwap allows users to sign up, load your account with money then organise a currency swap at the real mid-market exchange rate, paying only 1% commission.

On top of this, customers get a multi-currency MasterCard with the currency pre-loaded so you can use it abroad free of charge, and the WeSwap app means that accessibility to your account to manage your swaps and balances is easy and fast.

It’s a really flexible product that’s perfect for consumers heading abroad on holiday or even business travellers in need of multiple currencies regularly. What is the strategy for raising awareness and the customer/user acquisition?

A key part of our marketing strategy is partnerships with OTAs. The OTAs distribute WeSwap to their travelling customer base. In addition to this approach, we employ a range of social and content strategies across our markets.

On top of this, the product is built to encourage word of mouth referrals. If you sign a friend up, you both get free swaps with each other for life!

Where do you see the company in three years time and what specific challenges do you anticipate having to overcome?

In the long-term, we want to revolutionise the travel money exchange industry and to become the leaders in travel money across the world.

Ultimately, we want to disrupt the currency exchange market and inspire a world where swapping money is the norm. Our goal is to spread the word about WeSwap even more, to educate travellers in this new way to exchange currency and to extend our reach to more countries to offer the WeSwap service.

The main challenge that we face is having to overcome some pretty entrenched thinking in the world of payments. The need to persuade the key players that what they believed was impossible is in fact possible is also crucial to WeSwap’s future success.

What is wrong with the travel, tourism and hospitality industry that requires another startup to help it out?

The travel industry is awesome. The rapid innovation from high street travel agents to instant mobile bookings and metasearch has been incredible.

The winners over the next few years in this industry are those players that personalise the best and have the most engaging mobile apps. WeSwap can help them achieve this in a really big way. What other technology company would you consider yourselves most closely aligned to in terms of culture and style… and why?

There are lots of cool peer-to-peer models on the market right now. One of the most successful of those is Airbnb. We’re aiming to do with the travel currency market what Airbnb has done with accommodation – disrupt the norm and show consumers that there is an alternative that puts you in the driving seat and helps to save you money.

WeSwap’s business model is interesting and simple. Because, it solves a real pain point for a traveller, and it is based on the peer-to-peer model that is gaining momentum globally.

The pain point of not knowing the best available rates available in the market (lack of transparency) and charging a commission on top of interbank rates brings frustration to the exchange process.

The problem is so much that, in India, a startup company launched a service where a user can place a currency exchange request and agents can bid with their best possible exchange rate.

It is worth mentioning that there are commission free currency exchange services available in the market, however, the exchange rates vary.

While the solution offered by WeSwap looks easy, there might be legal complications. For example, in India, exchanging Indian Rupees to other country currencies mandates (by law) the user to submit their local address proof, travel details, and PAN card (similar to SSN in the US) documents.

Peer-to-peer – Midpoint’s new way to exchange currency

A new peer to peer, online foreign exchange and international payments platform has been announced, enabling businesses and individuals to save money by using a currency exchange matching service, providing industry low rates and a flat, transparent fee structure.

With Midpoint. com, a business exchanging £5,000 into euros each week could typically experience savings of more than 2%, a £100 saving per transaction. This activity level would offer customers around £5,000 a year saving over traditional currency exchange methods.

Midpoint's patented technology was the first to 'match' foreign exchange requirements for individuals and companies in euros, US dollars and sterling. For example, Midpoint matches an order to buy British pounds with euros, to an order that buys Euros with British pounds. By directly matching businesses and individuals with opposite currency needs, Midpoint is able to eliminate the 'spread' or 'margin' component from all transactions. This is the mechanism by which current providers generate hundreds of millions in profits each year in the global foreign exchange markets.

With Midpoint, at the time of the match both parties receive the same exchange rate - the mid point - the real time Interbank buy and sell rate. This ensures Midpoint's rates are the best available and as a result, customers save money on each and every currency exchange, paying only a clear and transparent fee to use the service.

Commenting on the announcement Mike Hampson, Midpoint Managing Director said "Millions of people buy and sell currency every day, mostly via traditional, higher cost options. We want to shake up the currency exchange market, motivating importers and exporters, small businesses, individuals, overseas students and foreign holiday home owners to switch and focus on the actual rate and demand a fair, secure and transparent approach to currency exchange.

"The rates set by banks and brokers often obscure the underlying charges, favouring large corporates who conduct large transactions. This scenario discriminates against smaller and infrequent users - small businesses and individuals, hence our approach to target these users first. With Midpoint, everyone receives the same, fair, industry leading exchange rate. We anticipate the most frequent currency amounts exchanged with Midpoint will be within the £1,000 - £30,000 range, but all users can benefit from this service."

Midpoint customers do not need to pre-fund their account. Money is securely transferred when the match is confirmed - guaranteed within 24 hours. This can benefit organisations sensitive to short term cash flow, whilst keen to secure the very best currency exchange rate for their business. Midpoint successfully trialled its service with a range of businesses and individuals experienced in currency exchange. One of these first customers, Meena Bhandari, Finance Manager at Radium One commented: "Midpoint is an excellent platform to exchange large amounts of money. They offer extremely competitive rates - close to the spot rate. Their service is easy to use, efficient and invaluable to my business. Put simply, Midpoint saves our organisation money."

The team behind Midpoint brings a wealth of complementary skills to the business: Mike Hampson, Midpoint Managing Director has substantial experience in international finance and banking. He will be responsible for the overall direction of the business and for regulatory activities. Brad Lemkus, Midpoint Operational Director enjoyed success as an entrepreneur and importer and at Midpoint will be responsible for the development of the system and operations.

Midpoint is initially offering customers the ability to match and exchange in US dollars, sterling and euros, more currencies will be added as the business grows. New users can register now at www. midpoint. com and enjoy the access, flexibility and cost savings of a non pre-funded matching currency exchange account.


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Odd Wiki SocialSynergy Peerto Peer Currency Exchange

peer to peer currency exchange

(Originally Posted at P2P Foundation )

Moneytwins. com describes itself as:

the first service that allows individuals and small companies to exchange their foreign currency notes directly with each other without using the services of a bank. There is a unique price for each currency at which transactions happen, the same that is used by the largest financial institutions,

Many people just keep foreign money as a souvenir, because it is often not worth exchanging it upon returning home. Or, sometimes, in my case I give it to friends and family travelling to the same destination.

Moneytwins. com seeks to become a way to find other people who want that currency, and trade with them at current exchange rates, and without fees. (Moneytwins has started out offering the service for free to attract users. Eventually, they plan on charging a small listing fee of about .05%, similar to what ebay is doing, see this interview). The money is then exchanged at a pre-arranged location, or via shipping through delivery services like UPS or DHL. Security is based around ReputationSystems. where users rate past transactions. Moneytiwns also wants to facilitate remittance of money between immigrants and their families back home.

This is a great idea. Although the Moneytwins application still has some bugs to work out of their system, based upon my experience of registering there and looking around.

Securing A P2P Currency Exchange

Another consideration with P2P currency exchanges, and P2P banking functions in general, is that international organized crime could seek to use these systems as a way to launder money. The Moneytiwns model is moving in the right direction by employing reputation systems. However, if people wanted to launder money through a system like this, they could easily set up hundreds of IDs. They would be motivated to maintain good reputations, because their incentive is to find an easy way to transform and hide currencies, and not to stand out in the system. A P2P currency exchange could help organized crime achieve at least one money laundering function. Reputation alone would would not be enough of a deterrent. In this case, reputation would have to be combined with some sort of accurate identity verification.

There are similar security considerations for exchanging money to and from VirtualWorlds. like SecondLife. and game worlds like Ultima Online. These virtual and game worlds are beginning to feature money exchanges from real world money to VirtualMoney. Or, in some cases, we see a market of people selling VirtualMoney for real currency in online auction sites like ebay. These systems could also be targets for money launderers, because they potentially allow people to disguise or fake identity.

Here is a chart from Kenya, in East Africa that - could really use disruption in the peer-to-peer money transfer. There's certainly opportunity. Mobile Money operators charge as high as 160% in Uganda to send money over a cellular phone P2P. $1500 large amounts are charged 0.9%. Micro payments in cash are a bulk of the economy; informal, small payments, micro purchases. p. ej. bus fare $ 0.25, fresh vegetables $ 0.25. Think micro finance then think digital currency for the informal/financially excluded.

Why the huge disparity? Margins? Cost? Well then, there must be some way to leverage digital currency/virtual currencies to lower these rates, In this podcast, John Ledgard https://soundcloud. com/da vid-bol. sees a future where digital currencies are widely used for targeted informal sectors or groups. Here's an FT article How a digital currency could transform Africa - FT. com

Meanwhile, here is the chart: Kenya - BITCOIN takes on MPESA and mobile money operators Dan Abrahams how's this for *some* data?

There is a loot of hype around P2P Payments - in many cases, especially for x-border remittances, it is more of a marketing hype rather than an entirely different back-end process (for more, you could read our assessment of TransferWise. TransferWise: Rebel, What is Your Cause? )

Business sense aside, mathematically, we would need to calculate how much of $0.6T in x-border money transfers are matched across corridors. It could be done by uploading data from here: Migration & Remittances Data or Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012. Result would be 5-10% or around $50B annually.

Of course, for Intra-Western-Europe, the mathematical P2P portion could be much larger - see response from CurrencyFair 's CEO

But for top global corridors, disbalance in flows is excessive (USA-to-Mexico: $20+B, return - $1B) - it is correlated with major flows in migration worldwide

R. Jay

For the latest statistics on the biggest money transfer markets globally, see the infographic from Penser Consulting - World's biggest money transfer markets

True peer-to-peer currency exchange?

One of the biggest problems currently facing the Bitcoin economy is the exchange market. The market suffers from continued concentration and price volatility. In order to maintain their links to the traditional banking world, these businesses have the unenviable task of attempting to shove Bitcoin into the world of bank accounts and anti-money laundering policies. New exchanges are joining the Bitcoin economy but regulatory compliance is no small barrier to entry. The few existing online exchange services continue to be significant points of failure for the Bitcoin economy.

A network of small, peer-to-peer transactions would likely bypass many of these issues and would be a fitting solution for the brilliantly decentralized Bitcoin network. But is such a thing possible? The guys behind MetaLair. a UK based start-up, think so and are working hard to develop the software and find the investors to make it a reality.

Their vision is a decentralised exchange mechanism which will facilitate peer-to-peer exchanges between crypto-currencies and in the future fiat to crypto exchanges. The MetaLair network would be similar in structure to the Bitcoin network featuring…

No central servers

Open-source software

Incentives for all network operators

A proof-of-work based system

If they are successful in achieving funding, MetaLair will develop both a free open-source version and a pay version with added features. The business intends to make money by charging for the client software with additional features that will include added security, trading and analysis tools. They hope that this could become the defacto standard wallet and trading platform for Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

MetaLair’s developers believe that the project will benefit the crypto-currency community as it is open-source and fully decentralized; this ensures that should MetaLair not be around the decentralised exchange will simply carry on.

“For me personally I’m only ever interested in a business if it has a primary social benefit” explains lead architect Johnathan Turrall who just returned from a trip to Cuba and South America. “The reason I went to Cuba was to look at communism and the impact that it had on financial systems, processes, business and industry. … I think potentially this system could be of great benefit to people in those areas so that is one of the motivations behind it.”

Johnathan and his business partner, Kerry Fraser-Robinson, will release their design papers whether or not the business obtains funding with the hopes that the project will eventually be developed even if they are unable to finish it themselves.

MetaLair will create and distribute the exchange software, but will not handle any funds or transfers. All transfers happen between users of the network. The system uses an escrow service in all exchanges; however, all escrow actions are either automated, or are carried out by the human users of the system.

The projects development will be in two phases with initial development focusing on crypto-to-crypto exchange. Theoretically MetaLair can work with any crypto-currency that uses a blockchain and has M of N transaction capability. This allows the exchange software to act as the escrow agent for the transfer of both crypto-currencies in the exchange.

Explanation of M of N Transactions

An M of N transaction is essentially an escrow system built into the Bitcoin protocol that removes most of the need for trust that a traditional escrow would require. This capability allows a party to the transaction to act as an escrow without actually having access to the funds held.

The most common form of an m-of-n transaction is a 2 of 3 transaction. In this case there are three parties and three private keys, any two of which are needed to sign the transaction for it to be valid.

All parties involved in the transaction can verify that the address belongs to the transaction they are participating in.

All parties can view the funds in the destination address.

Escrow requests must be signed first or second by the escrow in the chain of events.

The escrow is able to grant access to the funds to sender or receiver.

Escrow is unable to access the funds themselves.

Sender and receiver can still cooperate so that one party receives the funds without the need to rely on the escrow.

Any crypto-currency using the Bitcoin source code will support this feature and can therefore be used on the decentralised MetaLair exchange.

For example a Bitcoin/Litecoin exchange would begin with two parties entering buy and sell orders via the MetaLair network. The system correlates the matching bid/ask and, using a 2 of 3 transaction, will act as an automated escrow agent for both the Bitcoin and the Litecoin transfer.

Bitcoins are transferred between the parties via the Bitcoin network and litecoins are transferred between the parites via the Litecoin network with MetaLair acting as the escrow agent for both transfers. If MetaLair’s decentralised exchange mechanism notices that double spending has occurred before the maximum specified number of transactions has been reached it reverses the transaction and refunds each party.

In the crypto-to-crypto scenario the MetaLair software is acting as the automated escrow agent, which makes for a very low trust system; but of course fiat to crypto exchanges would be more complicated.

Fiat currencies in their digital form exist only on the servers of banking institutions. As such, fiat to crypto exchanges require the services of those who have access to the banking system. MetaLair sees a number of options for fiat exchange escrow agents. These options include very large and well respected businesses that may use their name and existing banking relationships to bring in a large volume of trades. Of course this scenario might look at lot like existing Bitcoin exchanges that have to take many steps to comply with regulation to appease their banking partners as they cannot offer exchange services with access to traditional banking.

On the other end of the spectrum, there is the possibility of individuals offering escrow services in their spare time. For example you may have an exchange in India that would only involve a small amount of Rupees moving between local accounts and would likely not draw any attention from regulators.

Essentially what MetaLiar is providing is an open protocol to allow anyone to set up as an escrow to facilitate fiat to crypto transactions, complimented with an underlying trust based system. The fiat exchange may simply be a small transaction between individuals or small businesses. “That’s an added benefit of this approach.”

As Johnathan explains, “what we are creating is an open system. The details of how the fiat to fiat transactions occur between the entities are effectively between them, we are just providing an interface by which they can do that.”

Fiat to crypto exchange also require an escrow service, however, due to the nature of the banking system, this escrow cannot be automated via the MetaLair software. Funds will have to be held by an intermediary individual or business acting as an escrow service. “The key innovation with our system is, because it’s fully decentralized, that it lets a lot of different escrows sign up from anywhere in the world and offer their services via an API .” There are many ways in which a fiat to crypto exchange could take place, but below is how possibility might work…

Bob is looking to sell his bitcoins for Euros and enters a sell order (ask) via the MetaLair network.

Alice is looking to buy bitcoins in exchange for her Euros and enters a buy order (bid).

The MetaLair system connects Bob and Alice who both agree to use Ivan as the escrow agent.

Ivan is a small time Europe based escrow agent who has a good trust rating via the MetaLair network.

Ivan acts as the escrow agent for the fiat funds and holds Alice’s Euros in his bank account.

Ivan therefore also acts as the escrow agent for the Bitcoin transfer which is done via the Bitcoin network using a 2 of 3 transaction. (or this may be automated)

The Bitcoin transaction completes successfully.

Ivan transfers the Euros to Bob’s bank account.

Ivan receives a fee for his services.

MetaLair will leave regulatory compliance as a decision for the users of the network and they do not expect to deal with any financial regulation themselves as the business is not an exchange. “In the same way that Satoshi has provided Bitcoin we’re providing the decentralized exchange mechanism. You don’t pay Satoshi for any of the transactions you do on the network. It’s distributed; you pay the people who are working on the network. It’s the same process with our decentralized exchange mechanism.”

This is an attempt at setting up a network in which anyone is free to join and offer their services or exchange currencies between themselves. Should it succeed it could offer a wide variety of options in what is currently a concentrated and under pressure market.

As the big exchanges face regulatory scrutiny and continue to impose more and more conditions on their users, the network that MetaLair is attempting to create could offer much needed options for consumers.

P2P Currency Exchange TransferWise Raises $6M Led By Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, With Participation From SV Angel, Others

Q&A Pioneer Formspring Says It’s Been ‘Saved’ From The Deadpool, Is Now Under New Management

Here’s some encouraging news for the European startup scene, and London in particular. TransferWise. the online currency exchange that uses the crowd to undercut traditional money transfer services, has announced that it’s closed a $6 million series A round led by Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures — the first investment in Europe by the PayPal co-founder and early Facebook investor’s international fund.

We also understand that Ron Conway’s SV Angel has joined this round, along with a small number of angels, and TransferWise’s existing backers IA Ventures, Index, Seedcamp, and TAG. This brings the total raised by the company to $7.35 million since its launch just two years ago.

Originally billing itself as the “Skype of money transfer ,” TransferWise enables individuals and businesses to send money between countries for a fraction of the price that banks and others charge, using a peer-to-peer, “crowdsourced” model — where money destined for transfer doesn’t unnecessarily actually leave each country. It passes on these saving by charging a small flat fee per transfer.

(It’s the P2P element that playfully draws the Skype comparison, as well as the fact that TransferWise co-founder Taavet Hinrikus was the Internet calling giant’s first employee, while other members of his team also worked at the company.)

The company also pitches itself as the preferred method of money transfer for European startups, recently garnering some decent PR with an offer to waive the fees for a total of $100 million worth of international money transfers for qualifying startups using the TransferWise platform. Interestingly, Thiel was one of a host of names publicly endorsing the campaign, so we probably should have known something was going down.

Hinrikus tell me that the new funding will enable TransferWise to continue expanding, both in terms of the number of currencies it plans to support, and in raw head-count. It started out offering British Pound and Euro transfers, and has since added support for the U. S. Dollar, Swiss Franc, Polish Zloty, and Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Krone. In total, the company claims to have transferred over £125m worth of customers’ money, saving £5 million-plus in banking fees (though it isn’t without competition ). Meanwhile, the team has grown to 33 members of staff.

“There’s another dozen currencies to be launched this year and 20 more people needed in the team,” says Hinrikus. “Also we need to launch locally in key European markets – Germany, France and Spain.” Hinrikus says TransferWise continues to grow between 20-30 percent a month, which to date equals roughly 10x year-on-year growth. “Doing what’s in the pipeline puts us on track to do another 5-10x this year,” he says.

Staying on message, London-based TransferWise (with an office also in Tallinn, Estonia) is now calling itself a Tech City startup. Tech City, headed up by Joanna Shields, ex-Google, AOL/Bebo, and most recently Facebook’s head of EMEA operations, is the UK government’s re-branding of the London tech scene and, specifically, East London’s “Silicon Roundabout” area.

Cue the now prerequisite statement from Shields: “Transferwise is a shining example of the successful businesses that make Tech City a thriving ecosystem. London has a real strength in financial services and technology, with many companies like Transferwise transforming financial services for consumers, for the better.”

That said, TransferWise’s HQ is on Shoreditch High Street, which doesn’t get any more Silicon Roundabout than that. And certainly, a $6 million series A is no mean feat for a European startup, and nor is attracting a top tier Silicon Valley investor like Peter Thiel.


Foreign Currency Exchange Calculator

Posted May 21, 2003 by cweber

Globalization and International Accounting Business globalization continues to grow. To accommodate globalization, a business operation requires additional information, research, and tools. As a company expands its business across borders and overseas, the accounts payable department faces such new challenges as:

The set up of foreign companies as new vendors

Processing invoices denominated in one or more foreign currencies

Processing payments for foreign currency denominated invoices

Paul Holt, in his article “What Is an International Accountant?” describes how doing business with companies in other countries is creating a new “international accounting specialty.” Such an accountant must be knowledgeable about how to handle the transactions that result from international trade. So too do you, the accounts payable manager. As soon as a company enters into a transaction with a company based in another country, you have a new set of accounting issues to handle in your department. When a vendor invoice is denominated in a foreign currency, you face accounting challenges that encompass international accounting rules. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP, require a foreign currency transaction to be recorded in the currency in which you maintain your corporate records. This is described as the ‘functional currency’ of the entity (your company).

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Video: P2P foreign currency challenges, SCAMs and opportunities

The foreign exchange market (FX or forex) is a global decentralized financial market for the trading of currencies. It covers all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or pre-defined prices. FX is the largest market in the world with a daily average trading of US$5 trillion. Essentially it allows individuals and businesses to convert one currency to another foreign currency. International banks remain the biggest participants in forex trade with financial centers acting as anchors of trade between buyers and sellers.

CurrencyFair was founded on the principle that transferring money abroad should be simple, fast and cheap. CEO and co-founder, Brett Meyers (photo right) wrote on this blog that “as an Australian living in Ireland, I needed to send money home on various occasions and for various different reasons and I just got sick of paying the ridiculous fees. It seemed the internet was coming into every other aspect of my life. Why wasn’t it sorting out the way I transferred money?”

Meyer says that CurrencyFair is in the money transfer business and as such complies with local regulations such as Payment Services Regulations in Europe and Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia. In contrast P2P lending is still an issue for a lot of regulators.

He says that the traditional money transfer business as conducted by banks is expensive because of switching costs and the trust element. The financial crisis of 2008 has made consumers more willing to try alternative forms of money transfers.

Watch the video for more in-depth discussion on the world of FX and money remittance.

Institutional FX

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Kantox Surpasses $1 Billion in FX Transactions as Clients Attracted to Low Cost P2P Model

Earthport Signs Up Peer-To-Peer Exchange CurrencyFair As Client

[ 06 Aug 2015 08:45 ]

LONDON (Alliance News) - Earthport PLC, the provider of cross-border payment network systems said on Thursday it has signed the peer-to-peer currency exchange company CurrencyFair Ltd as a new client.

Earthport said that CurrencyFair's peer-to-peer currency exchange marketplace enables consumers to make the exchange of funds quickly and simply. As a client of Earthport, CurrencyFair will use Earthport's payment network to deliver payments locally on behalf of its customers.

Earthport has signed money transfer companies, TransferWise, BEO Group and WorldRemit as new clients in the last twelve months.

No financial details on the deal were disclosed.

"The mass migration of labour, explosive growth in global trade and rise of digital commerce continues to fuel the growing demand for cost-effective, reliable, simple ways of transferring money across borders. We are proud that Earthport, through its global payment network, is bringing about a new era of cross-border payments, streamlining the back-end infrastructure for payments service providers," said Earthport Chief Executive Officer Hank Uberoi.

Shares in Earthport trade up 3.5% at 41.91 pence Thursday morning on the news.

By Preten Patel; pretenpatel@alliancenews. com

Copyright 2015 Alliance News Limited. Todos los derechos reservados.

Earthport Signs Up Peer-To-Peer Exchange CurrencyFair As Client - Alliance News

Kantox Hits $1B in Business Foreign Exchange Transactions: FX P2P Innovator

February 11, 2015 @ 2:43 pm By Erin Hobey

Kantox, the peer-to-peer (P2P) foreign exchange (FX) platform for businesses, has reached $1 billion in FX transactions. Over 20% of this volume was achieved in the last two months, with $100 million worth of FX transactions made in December alone.

“It’s a real testament to our business and technology that global companies are coming to us for FX management, rather than traditional banks, during a time of economic uncertainty. Reaching $1 billion worth of transactions and transferring over $100 million in December 2014 alone is evidence of the appetite for FinTech alternatives amongst the business community,” Philippe Gelis, CEO and co-founder Kantox commented on the milestone. “P2P is already shaking up the consumer space. Now banks need to worry about their corporate clients, who are turning from banks and showing clear trust in simple, innovative, transparent alternatives.”

Against a backdrop of global economic uncertainty and currency volatility, Kantox’s business grew 250% over the course of 2014, as troubled businesses turned away from traditional banks and brokers to alternative solutions to help protect their profits from FX risk, shared the company. Although consumers have been the early adopters of FinTech, particularly in the retail P2P currency exchange space, the desire for control and transparency is now sweeping across the business world, and driving a new phase of FinTech disruption.

Launched in 2011, Kantox challenges the traditional FX banking model, which provides corporations with access to the live-market rate for foreign exchange transfers. By enabling businesses to transfer currency between themselves and providing them with access to the real-market rate, Kantox seeks to democratize the FX industry for smaller and mid-sized companies.

This strategy has proven popular with Kantox’s 1,000 plus business customers who rely on Kantox to transfer money in over 25 currencies across 50 countries. Last year saw Kantox achieve its biggest single transaction to-date, when a corporate client transferred $21 million from euros to dollars via the online platform. In a recent global survey, Kantox found that businesses are increasingly side-stepping traditional banks in favor of alternative financial services providers – over half (51%) of respondents had utilized alternative players for services including P2P lending, invoice financing, foreign exchange and international payments. Just under one third (32%) of business respondents admitted to being dissatisfied with their bank, with 44% feeling that traditional banks charge unreasonably high commission or fees. Meanwhile 78% of international businesses that had relied on traditional banks in the past two years stated that “banks are providers that are mandatory, but they are only concerned with their own interests.”

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Oliwia Berdak's Blog

This is a guest post by Alexander Causey.

Have you ever sent money abroad and been shocked by the amount the recipient is left with? Why can’t you ever get anything close to the exchange rates advertised on the likes of xe. com ?

As a customer, transferring money internationally is often a costly experience. Despite claims of no fees, the exchange rate spreads are often significant. That’s where P2P currency exchange comes in.

Startups such as CurrencyFair, Kantox, Midpoint and TransferWise hope to solve this problem by using the power of peer-to-peer networks to match customers, both individuals and small business, with one another to significantly reduce the cost of currency exchange.

By matching currency orders travelling in opposite directions, these platforms remove the need for money ever having to cross borders, thus avoiding costly international transfer fees. Thanks to low overheads, they also offer exchange rates at (or very close to) the midmarket rate that you see on xe. com. As you can see from Midpoint’s calculator below, the savings can be substantial.

If you’re interested in finding out more about this emerging sector - one that has been backed by the likes of Peter Thiel, Richard Branson, and Andreessen Horowitz - you can read mine and Oliwia’s new report here. The report, the latest in our ongoing series about digital disruption in retail financial services, answers the following questions:

1. What is P2P currency exchange?

2. Who are the main players?

3. What problem are they trying to solve?

4. What headway have they made?

5. Should we (retail banks and international money transfer firms) be worried?

6. How can we outsmart them?

The Next-Generation Digital Currency Exchange

Extensive Digital Currency Support

With blockchain technology continuing to innovate, Bittrex supports established and emerging currencies

The cryptocurrency landscape is in constant state of expansion as brand new cryptocurrencies innovate on blockchain technology and develop business opportunities with the power of the blockchain. At Bittrex. com, we take pride in supporting both new and established cryptocurrencies, providing you with an ever-growing selection of trading and investing opportunities. We conduct compliance audits on all new coin launches, ensuring that our users have the information they need to make informed trades.

Below you will find a selection of the 190+ cryptocurrencies we support.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is a digital asset and a payment system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto who published the invention in 2008 and released it as open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer; users can transact directly without an intermediary. Transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called the block chain. The ledger uses bitcoin as its unit of account. The system works without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the U. S. Treasury to categorize bitcoin as a decentralized virtual currency. Bitcoin is often called the first cryptocurrency, although prior systems existed. Bitcoin is more correctly described as the first decentralized digital currency. It is the largest of its kind in terms of total market value.

Bitcoins are created as a reward for payment processing work in which users offer their computing power to verify and record payments into a public ledger. This activity is called mining and miners are rewarded with transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. Besides being obtained by mining, bitcoins can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. Users can send and receive bitcoins for an optional transaction fee.

Jumbucks (JBS)

The core idea behind Jumbucks is to create a coin for everyone to use. Jumbucks is not only meant to be fun and experimental, but it is designed to be a beacon towards which all cryptocurrencies should be headed. Jumbucks' use cases will fund honest developers for future coin development, and encourage people to keep their wallets open (and staking!) by offering unique wallet features. Compelling and self-sustaining use cases are planned for Jumbucks, many of which have never yet been seen in the world of cryptocurrency. Jumbucks’ core is a fork of ShadowCoin, so it will immediately offer great features such as P2P encrypted messaging and anonymous dual-key stealth addresses. Between its core functionalities, its sustainable use cases, and its unique wallet features, Jumbucks is a coin designed for the whole cryptocurrency community.

Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin.

Blackcoin (BLK)

BlackCoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency with a distributed, decentralized public ledger; that unlike ones held at traditional banks, are viewable and easily audited by the people. The ability to manage transactions and issue additional BlackCoins is all handled by the network of users utilizing BlackCoin. Because the BlackCoin network is run by the people, holders of BlackCoin receive a 1% yearly interest through a process called staking.

Dash (DASH)

Dash (DASH) is a privacy-centric digital currency with instant transactions. It is based on the Bitcoin software, but it has a two tier network that improves it. Dash allows you to remain anonymous while you make transactions, similar to cash.

With Bitcoin, transactions are published to the blockchain and you can prove who made them or to whom, but with Dash the anonymization technology makes it impossible to trace them. This is important because the blockchain is accessible to anyone with an internet connection – a significant drawback for those don’t wish their transaction history and balances to be publicly available. Dash does this through a mixing protocol utilizing an innovative decentralized network of servers called Masternodes, avoiding the need for a trusted third party that could compromise the integrity of the system.

Dash transactions are almost instantly confirmed by the Masternodes network. This is a great improvement on Bitcoin’s system, where confirmations take much longer because all the work is done by the miners.

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

Ethereum is how the Internet was supposed to work.

Ethereum was crowdfunded during August 2014 by fans all around the world. It is developed by ETHDEV with contributions from great minds across the globe.

Gambit (GAM)

Gambit (GAM) is an experimental trading token that combines cryptocurrency trading, hedging, and asset acquisitions. It is a fully proof-of-stake (PoS) coin with an initial distribution via InitialCoinOffering. com. Gambit features a flat yearly staking interest of 5% to keep inflation low, but at the same time provides Gambit holders the ability to earn tokens for helping to secure the network.

Gambit features a large BTC trading pool that is managed by day traders as a side pot to their regular positions. These traders are in constant competition to outperform eachother on the trader spreadsheet. Seventy-five percent (75%) of all trading profits from these allotments will go directly into buy support on the GAM/BTC markets and/or towards refilling the fund. Every single GAM that is purchased this way will be permanently burned, steadily reducing the total supply of Gambit so long as trading remains profitable.*

* Owning any cryptocurrency (such as Bitcoin or Gambit) is a high-risk activity with potentially volatile price movements. We strongly advise you to carefully consider your risk tolerance before joining the Gambit community. The risks of loss in digital currencies are substantial. You may sustain a total loss of funds. Digital currencies are experimental and may succeed or may fail.

Gridcoin (GRC)

Gridcoin (Ticker: GRC) is a decentralized, open source math-based digital asset (crypto-currency). It performs transactions peer-to-peer cryptographically without the need for a central issuing authority. It is the first block chain protocol that delivered a working algorithm that equally rewards and cryptographically proves solving BOINC (Berkley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) hosted work, which can be virtually any kind of distributed computing process (ASIC/GPU/CPU/Sensor/Etc).

Gridcoin provides benefits to humanity through contributions to scientific research. It is the only crypto-currency that rewards individuals for BOINC contributions without the need for a central authority to distribute rewards.

©2016 Bittrex, LLC

TransferWise was nominated as one of the top 20 innovative companies in 2015 and its aim is to solve the problem of high fees associated with sending and receiving cross border foreign exchange.

Traditionally, using a bank was the only option to send and receive foreign currency, and it is still used by individuals and large […]

Protesters take to the streets in protest against hidden bank charges

International money transfer business TransferWise warns about the dangers of hidden FX fees. In Barcelona, residents woke up this morning to a city-wide alert of “Toxic Fees”. Protesters in biohazard suits clutching beachballs marched down Las Ramblas to the beach to eliminate the threat posed by toxic […]

Bitsquare, The First P2P Bitcoin Exchange?

The Bitcoin protocol in itself is a masterpiece when it comes to security, but as many people have found out the hard way, the exchanges that handle Bitcoin trading are not quite on the same level. It is unfortunate, but Bitcoin’s anonymity and irreversible transactions make it a juicy target for cyber-criminals the world over. Bitcoin exchanges today are under a constant barrage of hacking attempts that do not show any sign of slowing down, one can only assume as Bitcoin becomes even more widespread there will be no shortage of Bitcoin exchange heists.

One of the ideas being proposed to counter the central nature of exchanges, is a decentralized cryptocurrency P2P exchange mechanism. A group of programmers and visionaries under the umbrella name Bitsquare are attempting to bring the first functional Bitcoin-Fiat decentralized exchange platform. Bitsquare’s platform will enable anyone to purchase Bitcoin with certain types of fiat bank accounts over a P2P distributed exchange system. Bitsquare was started in early 2014 by Manfred Karrer. over the past several months the developer team has grown to 3 full time developers and 3 communications specialists along with many other contributors from the cryptocurrency arena.

The Bitsquare project funded its first alpha stage using it’s own resource, but the additional development stages of the project will be crowdfunded on a per-milestone basis using Lighthouse’s crowdfunding platform. Bitsquare has split the development and crowdfunding process into 10 stages, in order to proceed to the next stage, the prior stage has to be fully funded and developed. With this development roadmap Bitsquare hopes to provide full transparency and confidence to the backers of the project. Backers of the Bitsquare project will also have access to “WAN Parties ”, which are testing sessions designed by the development team to give users the ability to test the current software and flush out bugs and give feedback on functionality and design. The current funding camping hopes to raise 120 BTC for the next stage of the development process, the campaign is scheduled to end on the 9th of February. According to the figures displayed on the funding page, as of today the project has raised approximately 55 BTC for the second stage. All of the development funds that are raised from the crowdfunding campaigns are kept in multisig wallets and are publicly viewable (3HRnSE6H9eznFXSW4Z3eD1R54D4mcHYUc2).

The first Version 0.1 was delivered in December of 2014 and has basic trading functionalities such as placing bids and offers, order book and a functional p2p network. There is also a video demonstration of the basic functionality of the exchange platform which shows a very slick and intuitive trading interface. This is one of the most ambitious and straightforward crowdfunded projects, but can the holy grail be had? A functional P2P exchange purely between digital currencies is very much doable, but one between fiat and cryptocurrency presents quite a few challenges. The Bitsquare system in a nutshell uses a Bitcoin “security deposit” that is required of both buyer and seller in order to initiate a transaction. These deposits along with a few other fees and the BTC being traded are held in a multisig wallet until both parties have confirmed the necessary fiat electronic currency transfers at which point all funds are released from the multisig wallets and the trade is complete. If something goes awry during the transaction process there is a 3rd party called an “Arbiter” that can step in and mediate the transaction. The one issue with any kind of traditional bank transfer is a charge back. There are certain bank transfers which are not so easily reversible and Bitsquare plans to utilize these on it’s P2P exchange, but under the right circumstances just about any bank transfer can be reversed. This will be an interesting technical challenge and it remains to be seen how Bitsquare will deal with this pesky problem from a technical perspective. If Bitsquare can raise the necessary funding and actually deliver a working P2P Bitcoin exchange, a new frontier in cryptocurrency trading will be open.

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Image Source: http://www. shutterstock. com/

P2P International Currency Exchange

“..the first service that allows individuals and small companies to exchange their foreign currency notes directly with each other without using the services of a bank. There is a unique price for each currency at which transactions happen, the same that is used by the largest financial institutions,…”

Many people just keep foreign money as a souvenir, because it is often not worth exchanging it upon returning home. Or, sometimes, in my case I give it to friends and family travelling to the same destination.

Moneytwins. com seeks to become a way to find other people who want that currency, and trade with them at current exchange rates, and without fees. (Moneytwins has started out offering the service for free to attract users. Eventually, they plan on charging a small listing fee of about .05%, similar to what ebay is doing, see this interview ). The money is then exchanged at a pre-arranged location, or via shipping through delivery services like UPS or DHL. Security is based around a reputation system, where users rate past transactions. Moneytiwns also wants to facilitate remittance of money between immigrants and their families back home. This is a great idea. Although the Moneytwins application still has some bugs to work out of their system, based upon my experience of registering there and looking around.

Securing A P2P Currency Exchange

Another consideration with P2P currency exchanges, and P2P banking functions in general, is that international organized crime could seek to use these systems as a way to launder money. The Moneytiwns model is moving in the right direction by employing reputation systems. However, if people wanted to launder money through a system like this, they could easily set up hundreds of ID’s. They would be motivated to maintain good reputations, because their incentive is to find an easy way to transform and hide currencies, and not to stand out in the system. A P2P currency exchange could help organized crime achieve at least one money laundering function. Reputation alone would would not be enough of a deterrent. In this case, reputation would have to be combined with some sort of accurate identity verification.

There are similar security considerations for exchanging money to and from virtual worlds, like Second Life. and game worlds like Ultima Online. These virtual and game worlds are beginning to feature money exchanges from real world money to virtual currency. Or, in some cases, we see a market of people selling virtual currency for real currency in online auction sites like ebay. These systems could also be targets for money launderers, because they potentially allow people to disguise or fake identity.


Sam Rose

Peer-to-peer currency exchange TransferWise opens for business customers

London, United Kingdom (PRWEB UK) 10 May 2011

Three months after opening its online bankless currency exchange service for individuals, TransfeWise opens its service to business customers. Now business customers too can enjoy the same mid-market exchange rates that banks get on their interbank market.

Kristo Käärmann, CEO and co-founder of TransferWise says "Our service has been really well received by individuals, with more than 1M USD processed in the first three months, and with 70% of transactions coming from repeat customers". He added that business-to-business currency transfers have been the most popular customer request to date.

Traditionally customers pay between 3-6% for foreign currency payments at their bank, made up from margins between buy and sell prices plus fixed fees. Using TransferWise, businesses can make currency transfers at mid-market rates and without paying bank fees, except for a flat fee of £1 for a single transaction regardless of the amount exchanged.

TransferWise currently offers currency transfers between British Pound and Euro, with plans to offer a wider range of currencies in the future. According to Käärmann transactions have been made by customers in all of the 17 Eurozone countries but two, as well as countries outside of the Eurozone such as the UK, Poland and Latvia.

TransferWise was founded in London in March 2010 by Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Kaarmann. Taavet was part of the small team that started Skype in 2003 and has recently worked with a number of startups as an angel investor and advisor. Kristo had financial services background from Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers. TransferWise is registered as Exchange Solutions Ltd and is licensed by the UK Financial Services Authority.

For more information about TransferWise, please visit http://www. transferwise. com or contact Taavet Hinrikus at +44 20 7873 2221 or taavet(at)transferwise(dot)com.

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Bitcointalk member BTCLuke suggested the following six criterion for a P2P Exchange:

A P2P Distributed Exchange MUST:

Be without any central points of failure, since a government or two WILL be coming after it one day. I suggest a Bitorrent-like software schematic.

Show everyone a very large number of possible trades to choose from, (thousands?) so assets can form a stable price. (e. g. a Bitcoin is going for $120)

Transact trades pretty much INSTANTANEOUSLY, so when you're watching a graph and want to trade at a very specific time you can do so. (This is extremely important for arbitragers and other traders who help keep the price fluctuation down.)

Offer Graphs and APIs for for graphing like MtGox does.

Have three-user (trustless) trading, so a non-interested 3rd party always hosts the trade between the buyer and seller. (And should provide Escrow too!)

Hold and transfer IOUs without the need for trust

Does there exist a whitepaper or open sourced project that has a solution for all six criterion? Furthermore, who in the community has been working on P2P exchanges and what regulations would impact them?

asked May 22 '13 at 18:31

Decentralized peer to peer exchange of digital currencies to/from fiat currencies will always have the following constraints:

Fiat currencies cannot be encrypted and represented digitally by a decentralized entity/organization/system. Therefore, fiat currencies will always need to be transferred between traders through the banking system or physically using cash.

Peer to peer trades of fiat<=>digital currencies will always depend on trust. A peer to peer exchange protocol could easily ensure that one party would always send the Bitcoins. The transaction can be verified. The protocol could safely hold the Bitcoins until the other party sends the dollar (Decentralized escrow). But the protocol can never confirm the dollar transaction. It can never know for sure that the transaction has occurred. This introduces the below:

Who's going to send first?

I sent the money. No he didn't

Who will this person be that I'll receive a transfer from? Is he a criminal? Are the funds stolen?

What if this person tells his bank that I fraudulently received this payment.

I went to the cash exchange and had to confirm the transaction at gun point

Remember that transactions within the banking system are monitored, they can be reversed and funds can be frozen.

I have studied all projects aiming to accomplish a peer to peer decentralized exchange:

Dark Exchange


Ripple - which is actually a payment system that will hypothetically allow trades as well.

I haven't seen a solution for the above mentioned constraints. All of these projects will be bound by them.

Ripple protocol proposes to allow dollars to be represented on the network and allow peer to peer transfer of dollars, therefore enabling btc->dollar trades. However, their model depends on Gateways - the entry/exit points of fiat currencies to the network. Users will still need to trust that these Gateways will actually hold and be able to pay the amount of dollars within the network as/when needed. There is no guarantee that these Gateways will not fraud the network or individuals. Neither is there a guarantee that the governments will not shut them down. (Read the first line here: https://ripple. com/wiki/Gateway_List )

My view on the future of fiat=>dollar exchanges:

First and foremost: The significance of exchanges will diminish as the adoption of Bitcoin grows. The less the need to trade your Bitcoins, the less important exchanges are. I truly believe this.

Are you saying that we not need exchanges? Absolutamente no. No matter how much the adoption rate grows, there will always be a need to trade Bitcoins - this will be true for at least our lifetime. So we need better and more exchanges.

So what's it gonna be? A ton of local options for people to buy/sell Bitcoins and lots of big exchanges that local shops can trade with. You need to remember that currency exchange does not always have to be in continuous double auction format. When you go to an exchange office and buy euros with dollar, they are not actually matching that with another order. They put a safe profit margin on the price and we pay it. See: CoinBase

Overall . I truly hope that I'm proven wrong. But I don't think a peer to peer decentralized exchange can be built.

Important last note: All of the above are true only for fiat to Bitcoin exchanges. A digital to digital currency exchange can be made peer to peer and decentralized given that both allow peer to peer public transfers and both are decentralized. (Ex. Litecoin to Bitcoin)

answered May 28 '13 at 22:43

I think the best we have as a P2P exchange is Ripple. Citing their website:

Ripple is a payment system for any currency with support for cross-currency transactions. You can use Ripple to send and receive money in dollars, euros, yen or Bitcoin without having to do extra work for foreign exchange transactions. Now, you can spend and receive your Bitcoin as easily as any fiat currency.

So, Ripple can be used as an exchange for different currencies.

However, it does not comply with all the requirements you listed. Let me go over them.

Be without any central points of failure, since a government or two WILL be coming after it one day. I suggest a Bitorrent-like software schematic.

Ripple itself has no central point of failure if their intended network topology is followed. However, for exchanging currencies, Ripple still depends on gateways that do the actual exchange. Still, these gateways need only to be trusted for a limited amount of currency. If you would really want to, you could see them as the trackers in BitTorrent's paradigm.

Show everyone a very large number of possible trades to choose from, (thousands?) so assets can form a stable price. (e. g. a Bitcoin is going for $120)

In Ripple, all trades happen through gateways. So for every gateway you could have an order book. Probably it's more useful if every gateway just shows its current exchange rate and trade volume. For a more detailed market depth, you will probably be referred to the gateway's website.

Transact trades pretty much INSTANTANEOUSLY, so when you're watching a graph and want to trade at a very specific time you can do so. (This is extremely important for arbitragers and other traders who help keep the price fluctuation down.)

As far as I know, things in Ripple itself are instantaneous. Exchange delays will most probably end up being very gateway-specific.

Offer Graphs and APIs for for graphing like MtGox does.

This is an interesting one. I don't think Ripple currently supports exchanges via gateways. But Ripple is really still very immature (the server code isn't even released yet), so it is very much possible that this is coming.

Since most open software tries to make it possible to do the exact same thing via the API as you can do by using the software itself, this will most probably come to the API.

Have three-user (trustless) trading, so a non-interested 3rd party always hosts the trade between the buyer and seller. (And should provide Escrow too!)

Ripple plans to support escrow. Whether that will apply to XRP transactions as well as gateway exchanges is unsure to me.

Hold and transfer IOUs without the need for trust

Since the whole thing Ripple is built upon is trust . I think it just fails this one. It can hold IOU's though, in fact that's basically all it does.

So, I know Ripple is not the ideal solution you were looking for. But still, Ripple is very much about exchange of currencies, so maybe some day it will be suitable as a true P2P-like exchange.

(Also, I'm no Ripple expert. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake!)

AntonAnsgar's answer covers most of the major concerns I would have but there is one idea I've seen that does have some merit.

The crux of the challenge is that a decentralized exchange requires you to trust someone with your fiat.

The basic idea is you establish lines of credit with people you trust.

A simple scenario is when the two people wanting to make a transaction have a person in common who they trust. Paraphrased from the article:

Mark and Brian are strangers who want to make an exchange. Mark is willing to sell 0.5 BTC to Brian in exchange for $50 (USD).

Brian has previously established a line of credit with his friend John for up to $100.

And John happens to live with and be friends with Mark and they also have agreed to trust each other for up to $100 of credit.

So once John has been notified that the transaction is valid he pulls out his wallet and pays Mark the $50.

Brian now owes John $50 and since they trust each other they can sort that out when and as they wish.

A picture (source: Ripple) might help.

This can easily be extended to chains of trust so that a person in common isn't needed.

I still have a couple of small concerns with this model:

Collecting for larger amounts could be a burden and not very timely since it would be spread across a large number of your trusted friends.

There is some risk with your total debt obligation to friends. It would be rare, but if you agree to give a credit line to 100 friends, each for $50 and the majority of them need to draw on that in the same week you would need to come up with something approaching $5000 in cash. The system would need to include a "max amount per day / week / month" that you would be willing to cover.

Chasing friends for the cash they owe you could get very annoying. It would have to be automated somehow for it to be practical.

But it seems like the minor concerns I have could be addressed in an automated way, so I think this model has some promise. Now Ripple just needs to finish decentralizing the still centralized elements of their network (the UNLs for example as explained in this question ) and this model could have some potential. In aggregate, I actually trust my friends far more than I trust my bank.

answered Mar 29 '14 at 10:12

Peer to peer foreign exchange explained

Understand how to peer to peer foreign exchange works with this quick explanation, and how your company will benefit from using our system for your currency exchange needs. We give our clients the live mid-market rate in real-time. The ways of how the peer to peer system works are explained in detail on the reputed finance website, Cash and Treasury Management File. Click here for full access to the article.

About Cash and Treasury Management File

Cash Treasury Management File is a source of invaluable information and analysis for corporate treasury departments, corporate treasurers, cash managers and finance directors from all around the world. The CTM file provides background information, recent developments, news from the web, case studies and surveys/reports.

Excerpt from the CTMF article:

Peer to peer foreign exchange explained

“Kantox offers the opportunity to match your transactions with other companies. In other words, you can buy or sell currencies to other companies, while at the same time side-stepping banks and brokers. It is the most efficient solution to exchange foreign currencies. When no matching is available with another company, Kantox provide access to the wholesale FX market (as they are FCA regulated) to trade at very tight spreads that they are able to achieve thanks to their size, Approach 2 in Figure.”

To read more, please click here for access to the full article.

Mensaje de navegación

How You Can Use Peer-to-peer Money Transfer Services to Your Advantage

Save money on your personal or business international money transfer today. Fill in the form and you’ll be contacted by a foreign exchange expert to have an obligation-free discussion about your options. Our foreign exchange experts offer a best rate guarantee, are ASIC authorised and never charge transfer fees.

They can help you with all your needs including:

Buying property abroad


Regular overseas payments

Gestión de riesgos


How do peer-to-peer money transfers work?

The process of a peer-to-peer money transfers (also known as a P2P money transfer) is simple. First, you need to select how much money you wish to transfer and where you’re sending it. You can then upload your funds to your money transfer provider, which will then convert your money at the mid-market rate and match you up with a person sending funds in the opposite direction. So if you’re sending money from Australia to the United States, you’ll be matched with someone sending funds from the United States to Australia.

This allows customers to cut out the middlemen in the exchange—the banks—and enjoy better exchange rates and lower transaction fees.

Peer-to-Peer vs Bank

Lauren wants to send $1000 to her mother in the UK. In order to find the best possible money transfer deal, she compares the services offered by her вЂ˜big four’ bank with a peer-to-peer money transfer service like TransferWise or CurrencyFair. The results can be seen in the table below.

As can be seen in the example above, if Lauren sent her funds using a peer-to-peer service she would be sending an extraВ ВЈ41.90.

How do I compare peer to peer-to-peer money transfer services?

You’ll need to take the following features into account when comparing peer-to-peer money transfer services.

Exchange rates. The exchange rate is a very important factor when determining how much money you can save, so look for the company that offers the best rates. However, keep an eye out for companies that suck you in with great rates but then slug you with high fees.

Matrícula. Make sure you’re aware of all the fees attached to your transaction. Does the company charge a flat fee or is it a percentage based on the amount you’re transferring? Is the fee waived entirely if you transfer more than a certain amount?

Minimum and maximum transfer amounts. You’ll need to check how much a company will allow you to transfer, as minimum limits might be too high for some and maximum limits may be too little for others.

Transfer methods. Compare whether your transfer can be lodged only online, or whether there are phone and in-person options available as well.

Other extras. Compare whether providers allow you to lodge forward contracts—where you lock in an exchange rate for a transaction that will occur at a later date— or limit orders, which is where you lock in a minimum exchange rate and the transaction is not completed until the market fluctuates and your chosen rate is available.

Customer service. Is the company known for providing excellent customer assistance? Is there an online help centre and live chat available? Can you email or phone for support, and during what hours is each provider’s support centre open?

What currencies are available? You’ll need to compare which currencies each provider offers and which destinations you can send money to.

What are the pros and cons of using a peer-to-peer money transfer service over a regular service?


Better rates. Peer-to-peer money transfer services usually offer better exchange rates than banks.

Lower fees. You’ll typically pay less to transfer money via one of these providers than you would through a bank.

Rápido. Peer-to-peer money transfer services regularly offer faster processing times than banks, with transfers often able to be completed within one business day.


Supported currencies. While more supported currencies are added all the time, as peer-to-peer money transfer providers are relatively new, they do not yet offer the same number of exotic currencies and transfer destinations as majorВ money transfer services.

¿Hay algún riesgo?

When you’re making an international money transfer, it’s important to keep an eye out for exchange rates and fees. Poor exchange rates can eat up a big chunk of your money if you’re not careful, while hidden fees can be a nasty surprise if you don’t read the fine print before lodging a transfer.

It’s also essential that you ensure you are dealing with a reputable company. Do your research before you commit yourself so that you don’t end up the victim of a dishonest provider.

Preguntas frecuentes

Do these companies charge a commission?

The fees charged vary between providers. While some charge a low flat fee, others will charge a fee which is a percentage of the funds you are transferring.

What currencies are available?

Major world currencies like the United States Dollar, the Euro, the Great British Pound, the Japanese Yen and plenty more are available. For a full list of supported currencies, contact a provider.

Can I use these services for business transactions?

Yes, you can use a peer-to-peer money transfer service for a legitimate business transaction.

Who provides this service?

You can find more information about peer-to-peer services you can compare in the table above .

A P2P platform simply brings together people with complementary currency exchange requirements. So if User A wants to exchange dollars for euros and User B is looking to exchange euros for dollars, they can do so over a P2P currency exchange. By harnessing the power of the crowd, users are thus able to obtain much better exchange rates than they would get through traditional currency exchange mechanisms.

CurrencyFair Ltd , for instance, claims that it can save up to 90% on international currency transfer fees. While £2,000 transferred through a typical bank could cost as much as £100 (£40 in international transfer fees and £60 in exchange rate margin), the same amount sent through CurrencyFair would only cost about £9 (a fixed £3 transfer fee plus £6 exchange rate margin). CurrencyFair charges an average of 0.35% of the amount exchanged as its margin, while TransferWise Ltd charges 0.5%.

The mechanism for P2P currency exchange is straightforward. A client opens an account with a P2P exchange and deposits money into the account. He or she then converts the money into the desired currency by “matching” with other clients on the P2P exchange. The foreign currency is then transferred to an overseas bank account nominated by the client.

Some P2P companies are controlled by FCA rules for example Midpoint and Transferwise whilst other are covered by EU rules such as Currency Fair, so you might want to check who regulates the P2P that you choose.

It can take up to 48 hours to match a deal which could be an issue in some cases.

The cost is definitely cheaper but in addition on large deals you may be able to negotiate further savings.

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A P2P platform simply brings together people with complementary currency exchange requirements. So if User A wants to exchange dollars for euros and User B is looking to exchange euros for dollars, they can do so over a P2P currency exchange. By harnessing the power of the crowd, users are thus able to obtain much better exchange rates than they would get through traditional currency exchange mechanisms.

CurrencyFair Ltd , for instance, claims that it can save up to 90% on international currency transfer fees. While £2,000 transferred through a typical bank could cost as much as £100 (£40 in international transfer fees and £60 in exchange rate margin), the same amount sent through CurrencyFair would only cost about £9 (a fixed £3 transfer fee plus £6 exchange rate margin). CurrencyFair charges an average of 0.35% of the amount exchanged as its margin, while TransferWise Ltd charges 0.5%.

The mechanism for P2P currency exchange is straightforward. A client opens an account with a P2P exchange and deposits money into the account. He or she then converts the money into the desired currency by “matching” with other clients on the P2P exchange. The foreign currency is then transferred to an overseas bank account nominated by the client.

Some P2P companies are controlled by FCA rules for example Midpoint and Transferwise whilst other are covered by EU rules such as Currency Fair, so you might want to check who regulates the P2P that you choose.

It can take up to 48 hours to match a deal which could be an issue in some cases.

The cost is definitely cheaper but in addition on large deals you may be able to negotiate further savings.

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CurrencyFair stellt einen Onlinemarktplatz zum Umtausch von Fremdwährungen direkt zwischen Privatpersonen (Peer-to-Peer) bereit. Der Anbieter unterliegt der gesetzlichen Regulation.

"CurrencyFair is the best way to exchange currency and send funds to bank accounts worldwide. Our unique, new peer-to-peer marketplace ensures big savings on exchange rates and fees, and puts YOU back in control. There’s now an efficient and safe alternative to ridiculous bank and broker charges – sign up for free today and start saving!" (currencyfair. com)

Peer-to-Peer Foreign Exchange unter Umgehung klassischer Banken

Im Fall von ungenügenden Handelsvolumen stellt CurrencyFair als klassische Foreign Exchange ausreichende Liquidität sicher

Información adicional


Anbieter: Non-Bank


Unternehmenssitz liegt in Dublin/Irland

Unterliegt der Regulation als Zahlungsdienstleister (sowhl nach Irländischem Recht, als auch nach australischem Recht)

Land: UK Australien weltweit

Launch Date: 2010

Offizielle Webseite


It's simple. Load your account with the amount in NGN, GBP, USD or EUR that you’d like to exchange. You can do this by making a typical bank transfer.


Once your account is credited you will be able to exchange for any other currency at the price of your choice on the Trading Floor.


After you have made your exchange, you can transfer the exchanged funds to any account of your choice worldwide.

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As British schools break up for the summer, UK holidaymakers preparing to jet off to sunnier climates in Europe would have been delighted to see that they will be getting more for their money when they go abroad this year.

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TradeNAIRA is a trading name of EMEA Trade Limited, a company registered in registered in England and Wales (company no. 9308248) with registered office at 16 Ingestre Place, London, W1F 0JJ.

DISCLAIMER: TradeNAIRA makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning the suitability, completeness, quality or exactness of the information and models provided in this web site. Leer la renuncia completa.

TradeNAIRA provides market matching services to individual clients and business customers. TradeNAIRA does not sell FX or act as a Bureau de Change, it is purely a trade facilitator for individual clients and business customers to trade their excess currency directly with one another.

Use our free estimated currency calculators, estimated exchange rate charts, economic calendars, in-depth currency news and updates and benefit from competitive exchange rates and outstanding customer service.

EMEA Trade Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services.

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OKCoin Targets International Markets with Margin Trading Launch

In the wake of increasingly strict policies from the People's Bank of China – China's central bank – the country's bitcoin exchanges are beginning to turn their focus to international markets and foreign buyers.

For example, on 12th June, BtcTrade announced it would introduce USD trading on its platform. OKCoin is now following suit by announcing new offerings to English-language investors with the relaunch of its previously halted peer-to-peer (P2P) margin trading services.

OKCoin now indicates that users of its Chinese-language and new English-language website can take advantage of its P2P margin trading. Site users can borrow and lend money using the service, setting the desired interest rate on loans to connect with borrowers searching for trading extensions.

Changpeng Zhao, the company's Chief Technology Officer and former Head of Development at Blockchain, emphasized that the resumed services will help the company seek a new audience for its product.

Zhao told CoinDesk:

"Bitcoin has no borders. We believe users around the world will find value in our services."

OKCoin halted its margin trading services for all customers in early May. in part so that the system could be redesigned to meet recommendations from the PBOC meant to inform customers about the risk of such financial investments.

Pain-free transactions

OKCoin's reintroduced margin trading service allows users to take up to 3x leverage at any available interest rate on the marketplace, or earn interest by lending to others.

The exchange's service, in turn, matches prospective lenders and borrowers, allowing for what it calls "pain-free and quick loan transactions".

The P2P service has two levels, the OK Standard Fund, featuring insured deposits and no minimum loan size, and the OK VIP Fund. Users in the latter category must sign a statement acknowledging the risk of their investment and must contribute minimum 1,000 BTC loans.

OKCoin looks abroad

In addition to its latest service and the introduction of an English-language version of its site, OKCoin has seemingly been putting an increased emphasis on foreign markets in light of recent regulatory pressure.

This larger movement by the PBOC was most recently visible in reports that China is potentially considering harsher restrictions on third-party voucher trading. a stopgap measure that helped the country's exchanges work around policies originally set by the bank in December.

Beyond a purely business focus, however, OKCoin has also been reportedly seeking to take on popular public interest projects in the digital currency space. This includes potential interest in the movement to revive insolvent Japan-based exchange Mt. Gox. a project also embraced by well-known members of the ecosystem such as VC investor and Bitcoin Foundation board member Brock Pierce.

Image by OKCoin

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

A free P2P foreign currency exchange platform

We are a P2P foreign currency marketplace that matches sellers with unused foreign currency with buyers looking to get a better rate. In that sense, we want to pair up people coming back from a foreign country to those that are planning on leaving. Since we are just the medium of communication between the two, there is no transaction fee or hidden cost of any sort. Think craigslist for foreign currency but with better UI/UX, security, locality, and freedom to haggle. fluint plans on operating in major cities and airports, where there is enough population density for supply to meet demand. Our customers have multiple use cases on both ends; buyers can do multiple transactions months before traveling to stockpile proportionally cheaper cash, or become sellers and exchange their home currency while abroad without going to a bank. Similarly, sellers can exchange leftover cash that they've accumulated overtime or immediately after they've returned. Our mission is to provide users an efficient way to exchange foreign cash without being ripped off by a bank or foreign exchange booth.

Give fluint some love:


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P2P currency exchange startups disrupting the finance sector

Divina Paredes | May 8, 2015

Person-to-person (P2P) currency exchange platforms represent a threat to the revenues of retail banks and international money transfer firms, according to a new Forrester report.

Although these startups still represent a small share of the market, their growth is impressive and will continue, says Forrester.

These platforms match customers with one another to facilitate currency exchanges. They offer better exchange rates than retail banks and international money transfer firms do and have already saved customers millions of dollars in transaction fees, according to the report authors Oliwia Berdak, Alexander Causey and Benjamin Ensor of Forrester.

If banks can enable international transfers to become as close to real time as possible, then this could be a key differentiator.

These startups include CurrencyFair, TransferWise, Walutomat. pl and KlickEx, a New Zealand company.

One of their advantages is lower fees compared to those charged by retail banks and international money transfer firms such as Western Union and MoneyGram.

They also offer transparency for customers by clearly displaying how much currency will be sent to the recipient bank account and upfront fees.

The report notes many retail banks claim they do not charge fees when exchanging currency for customers, but use an exchange rate that is often far from the mid-market rate. This adds margin on the exchange rate. Additionally, customers often end up being charged international transfer fees at the bank they send the money to.

Another advantage is access. Many customers still visit the branches or exchange bureaus to get their foreign currency. The P2P currency exchange platforms offer a simpler and easier digital experience. Several also make it easy to make transfers on the go, with TransferWise and WeSwap offering slick mobile apps.

Forrester lists some ways banks can 'outsmart' the startups.

The banks, for instance, can make it easy for customers to buy and sell through digital touchpoints, says Forrester.

They can also acquire or partner with a P2P currency exchange firm. Both parties will benefit, says Forrester. Banks will have access to the matching platform to offer international transfers to their customers for less. The P2P currency exchange firm would gain credibility and have access to a bigger customer base.

Forrester likewise recommends the traditional players to focus on speed -- a pain point of international money transfer.

"If banks can enable international transfers to become as close to real time as possible, then this could be a key differentiator," says Forrester.

You might be interested in

The concept of peer to peer currency exchange is quite ingenious: Instead of paying the high exchange rates charged by banks, or the even higher rates charged by places like Travelex, you connect directly with people who have currency that you need and trade them (at market rate) for currency they need. There are some variations on this model, and different ways for the companies facilitating this trade to make a profit. But all systems work out to a much better exchange rate for travelers.

To be clear, the only way to get completely free market rate exchanges is to either pay with a credit card without a foreign transaction fee, or use an ATM without a fee. Check out my What’s in Your Wallet post for more on the best way to avoid wasting money on fees while traveling. But I know that it’s nice to arrive in a new country with at least a small amount of local currency in your wallet, just in case there’s no way to immediately get money in the airport. That’s where these currency exchange businesses really appeal to me.

I’m currently aware of five companies in this business. You can find info on these, and any new ones I come across, in my master spreadsheet of sharing economy travel services. Choose the category “currency exchange”.

I’ve written about WeSwap. a veteran in this market place. They’ve been around since 2010, and provide pre-paid cards with local currency for easy use at ATMs. They cover five currencies and a variety of countries in Europe. The exchanges are at market rates, with WeSwap taking a small fee for the transactions.

CurrencyFair is focused on expats and long term residents or foreign investors, rather than short term travelers. Founded in 2009, CurrencyFair offers a market for exchanges letting users set the rates they will accept. They cover 17 currencies and charge a fee for each transaction. They are focused on users who want to send money without high fees, and currently serve Europeans sending money to Australia, Canada, the U. S. and Europe.

Weeleo is a mobile app which offers free connections with people in your location who want to swap currency. You publish an ad describing how much of a specific currency you want to swap, Weeleo matches you with people nearby who are looking for the reverse swap, and you then use the in app messaging to arrange meetups. Founded in 2013 they currently support 9 currencies. They are based in France but can also be used elsewhere around the world.

CrowdTransfer launched in 2014 and provided a platform for people to sent money to Europe and Latin America. They are currently in the process of redesigning their product to send money between Europe and Chile. The release date is not yet known.

Fluint is currently in private beta so I haven’t had a chance to test it out yet, but they claim to be a no-fee way to facilitate currency swaps between people in the same location.

Fluint landing page

Sabo. ng – Nigeria’s Peer to Peer Currency Exchange & Transfer Service

Left unchecked and unregulated, currency exchange can fast turn into an illegal real where exploitation is the order of the day. However, if you are in Nigeria and are looking to exchange your Naira for some USD, Euro, or Pound, then Sabo. ng is the place for you.

Sabo. ng is a site that allows a peer to peer currency exchange securely and anonymously. If you have either Dollars, Euro, Pounds or Naira and want to exchange one for the other. All you have to do is sign up at Sabo. ng, list your offer for the currency you are looking to exchange; a number of buyers will place their offers. With each offer made by prospective buyers, you get a notification. If you get the offer at which you are willing to exchange your currency, you can then proceed to execute the money.

For security purpose, Sabo. ng has an escrow service where both the seller and buyer of currency must upload their money. When they two agree to exchange currency, the money is transferred from their respective escrow accounts to the each other. For more details on the currency exchange on Sabo. ng, click here .

Kantox is looking to help users avoid the burn of high fees and long waits associated with foreign currency exchange by employing a person-to-person (P2P) platform to directly exchange one currency for another.

A source in Europe told Bank Innovation that Kantox is raising another round of funding. Company officials declined to comment.

Foreign currency exchange (sometimes abbreviated FX) is a pain point for anyone unlucky enough to have experienced it. The fees are high and often obscure, money can be held up, and it’s not uncommon to feel poorly served by the process.

Kantox looks to make switching dollars for pounds as easy as using a P2P program like Popmoney or Square Cash. For companies engaged in import/export that are paid in multiple currencies every day, Kantox could have a transformational effect on their businesses.

The platform allows spot trades — that is, trading the currency immediately — as well as hedging currency to minimize risk. Hedging foreign currency is a complicated process involving contracts and lawyers. Easing the pain of hedging was the original function of the Kantox platform, which launched in 2011. Spot trades were introduced in early 2013.

In the spot-trade scenario, users post their dollars or other currency on the Kantox platform and choose the exchange currency they’re looking for. From there, Kantox negotiates the transaction between the holders of the currencies. Currently, some $11 million dollars worth of value is floating on the platform. Kantox facilitates the transfer between currencies at what it says is up to 80% lower than that offered by banks. Its rate was described as 0.09%-0.29% in a February 2013 report. All fees and exchange rates are displayed on the site alongside the other mechanics of the transaction.

Kantox trades more than 20 currencies, but not, at the moment, bitcoins. (They would require some serious hedging.) The company has offices in Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

Irish P2P Money Exchange CurrencyFair Raises $10.7M

P2P currency exchange marketplace CurrencyFair has closed a €10 million ($10.7 million) funding round, the Dublin-based company said on Thursday (April 16).

The Series A round was led by Octopus Investments with participation from existing investor Frontline Ventures, and brings CurrencyFair’s total funding to $15.4 million. The new money will be used to enhance and expand CurrencyFair’s existing currency corridors between the U. K. Europe and Asia/Pacific, according to the company, which says that in 2014 it became the first platform in the world to hit $1 billion in money-matching transfers.

“The money transfer sector has seen a lot of attention recently, with customers beginning to realize the high fees charged by banks when sending money internationally,” CurrencyFair CEO Brett Meyers said in a prepared statement. “These customers, made up of an internationally mobile workforce, retirees and foreign property owners, are regularly sending €2,000 or more in the form of pay, pensions, mortgages and rents. For these people we are a great match as we are virtually unbeatable over £2,000, sometimes even beating the interbank rate, which banks, brokers and other transfer services can’t do.”

The basic mechanism is simple: Customers send funds to their CurrencyFair client account via a local transfer, it’s converted to the target currency at an exchange rate that’s typically much better than that offered by banks or Western Union, and the customer gives the receiver’s account details to CurrencyFair, which does the rest. In theory that can cut the transfer cost by 90 percent.

In practice, there can be far more fine print, according to CurrencyFair’s website. For example, U. S. and Canadian dollar deposits typically must be made by (more expensive) wire transfer, and there are also extra fees associated with funds that start out as South African or U. A.E. currency. (Most European, Australian, New Zealand and Hong Kong currencies have very low deposit fees, though.) And because the actual exchange rates are decided by marketplace users, there’s no guarantee that rates will be spectacularly low.

Still, CurrencyFair says it typically gives much-better-than-banks results that aren’t huge but are still larger than about $2,000. For smaller transfers, or places where CurrencyFair doesn’t go (such as most of Africa, Asia and South America), other remittance-oriented startups like TransferWise and WorldRemit are taking up the slack, according to TechCrunch. And even traditional remittance giant Western Union is sharpening up its approach with a technology partnership with Hyperwallet .

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BitCoin: P2P Internet Currency for Foreign Exchange

How often does a technology comes from Open world and changes our lifes forever. The Open Web did this to us years back and today we spent most our lives on the web. BitTorrent did it to all kinds of file sharing and here come BitCoin – The Open currency for the internet.

BitCoin was started in 2009, and it was until very recently that it started getting more adoption worldwide. Unlike most currencies, bitcoin does not rely on trusting any central issuer. Bitcoin uses a distributed database spread across nodes of a peer-to-peer network to journal transactions, and uses cryptography in order to provide basic security functions, such as ensuring that bitcoins can only be spent by the person who owns them, and never more than once.

BitCoin is purely P2p. that means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions. Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. So you get the same advantages that you see in BiTorrents. yet better:

Bitcoins can be sent easily through the Internet, without having to trust middlemen.

It can’t be stopped.

Transactions are designed to be computationally prohibitive to reverse.

Be safe from instability caused by fractional reserve banking and central banks. The limited inflation of the Bitcoin system’s money supply is distributed evenly (by CPU power) throughout the network, not monopolized by banks. No extra currency conversion fees.

Bitcoin relies on the transfer of amounts between public accounts using public key cryptography. All transactions are public and stored in a distributed database. To prevent double-spending, the network implements a distributed time server . using the idea of chained proofs of work. The whole history of transactions must be stored inside the database.

Here are few videos that can get you started:

Very Recently, A Google developer release a Java-based open source implementation of BitCoin and called it BitCoinJ .

BitcoinJ implements the native Bitcoin P2P protocol, which allows it to maintain a wallet and send and receive transactions without needing a local copy of the official implementation.

BitcoinJ implements the “simplified payment verification” mode so it stores what it needs in order to verify transactions with the aid of an untrusted peer node.

Andresen said Google is more likely to adopt Bitcoin if the company has an in-house implementation of the client software like BitcoinJ and that’s why we see a Big future in BitCoin And a second implementation of Bitcoin is very good for network diversity of apps, platforms and robustness.

Download C++ based BitCoin application :

Grain is a P2P crypto currency like Bitcoin or Litecoin. It uses PoW/PoS (Proof of Work and Proof of Stake) to mine the coins. It is designed to be the unit of cyber-coin. Grain coin has a total of 50 billion unit to be released, through a fair p2p mining process. It is fast, secure and have sufficient coins for circulation so it can be used in real daily shopping.

Grain is from the family of PPCoin/Novacoin with latest available algorithms that fixed various problems in the PoW/PoS coins. As compared to the PoW only coins, the proof of stake coins are more resilient to 51% attack. Also it is a long term energy-efficient crypto-currency since not all coins are obtained by mining.

Each grain block provides random 1024 - 2048 grains initially. It also provides rare superblocks. The coin uses hash-based algorithm to determine superblocks based on the number of 9s in the previous block hash. It works as follows:

- the hash contains six 9s or less: regular block - the hash contains seven or eight 9s: 8 times the regular block (about 5% chances) - the hash contains nine or more 9s: 64 times the regular block (about 1% chances)

Latest version is 1.4: use Downloads menu to download the latest client and source.

* please note, you must upgrade to version 1.5, it is a hard fork.

P2P Lending Services Open to International, Non-Resident Investors

If you are living in the UK then there is an abundance of available p2p lending services available for you to invest into. However for most other countries, even developed European markets, there are few or even none p2p lending services operating in. Quite often I receive emails from readers that ask which platforms are open for international investors, so I decided to create this information page.

Why invest in p2p lending abroad?

Aside form the obvious reason (being, that there is no p2p lending market in the country the investor resides in), there are several other reasons even if there is a local service:


More features (e. g. a secondary market or secured loans or more better data)

(Perceived) better risk-reward ratio

What is meant by ‘open to international, non-resident investors’

Some platforms say, yes we are open to international investors, but they really man only large institutional investors. Or they mean expats, because they require a local bank account and a local passport. On this page ‘open’ means the platform is allowing foreign nationals, that reside in a foreign country and have a bank account outside the local market to invest as a retail investor in p2p loans on the platform.

Know your customer, anti money laundering

Legal reasons require the platforms to check identities of investors. For local investors that often is automated. For international investors the platforms typically require the investor to upload document scans (e. g. driving license).

Currency risk and money transfer

Cross-border lending often means that the investor has to bear an additional risk: currency exchange rates fluctuate. But the first issue may arise when transferring money in. Luckily in the Eurozone the SEPA payments are fast and efficient and very low-cost (or even free). If there is a currency exchange necessary, services like Transferwise or Currencyfair might be cheaper options than a bank transfer.

Obviously investors will have to check if legislation in their home country allows them to invest in p2p lending and what the tax implications will be.

La lista

I have personally invested on the following platforms as an international investor, meaning I can tell from own experience that the platforms are not only open to international investors but that the process is also functioning well.

Bondora Bondora. Estonia, is open to international investors since the end of 2012. Bondora offers p2p loans to consumers (borrowers) in 4 European countries. It is open to international retail investors residing in the European Union, Switzerland and on a case by case basis other countries. It is also open to accredited investors from the US. The currency is Euro. Read my blog coverage on Bondora .

Mintos Mintos. Latvia, opened to investors in January 2015. Loans offered by several loan originators in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Georgia. Some loans are secured by assets and/or buyback gurantee. Mintos is open to investors from the European Union, Switzerland and Norway. The currency is Euro. Read my blog coverage on Mintos .

TWINO TWINO. Latvia, launched in June 2015. TWINO is open to investors from the European Union, Switzerland and Norway. TWINO offers opportunities to invest into consumer loans with a buyout guarantee, thereby reducing risks for investors. The currency is Euro. Read my blog coverage on TWINO .

FinBee FinBee. Lithuania, launched in August 2015. FinBee is open to investors from the European Union and Switzerland. FinBee is a marketplace for consumer loans and features a compensation fund. The currency is Euro. Read my blog coverage on FinBee .

Learn about bonus offers on our p2p lending cashback page.

Information for p2p lending services Inclusion in the above list for services that are open to international retail investors is only 80 EUR per month (plus VAT if applicable; payable in advance for one year). P2P-Banking has a global readership and is a leading resource on information about p2p lending. Aside from winning investors directly, p2p lending marketplaces will benefit by the fact that information & tables compiled on this site are often cited or the contents copied by media and other internet sites, which will lead to even larger awareness for the service. For inclusion please email me. (my Linkedin profile )


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Peer-to-peer currency exchange TransferWise opens for business customers

London, United Kingdom (PRWEB UK) 10 May 2011

Three months after opening its online bankless currency exchange service for individuals, TransfeWise opens its service to business customers. Now business customers too can enjoy the same mid-market exchange rates that banks get on their interbank market.

Kristo Käärmann, CEO and co-founder of TransferWise says "Our service has been really well received by individuals, with more than 1M USD processed in the first three months, and with 70% of transactions coming from repeat customers". He added that business-to-business currency transfers have been the most popular customer request to date.

Traditionally customers pay between 3-6% for foreign currency payments at their bank, made up from margins between buy and sell prices plus fixed fees. Using TransferWise, businesses can make currency transfers at mid-market rates and without paying bank fees, except for a flat fee of £1 for a single transaction regardless of the amount exchanged.

TransferWise currently offers currency transfers between British Pound and Euro, with plans to offer a wider range of currencies in the future. According to Käärmann transactions have been made by customers in all of the 17 Eurozone countries but two, as well as countries outside of the Eurozone such as the UK, Poland and Latvia.

TransferWise was founded in London in March 2010 by Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Kaarmann. Taavet was part of the small team that started Skype in 2003 and has recently worked with a number of startups as an angel investor and advisor. Kristo had financial services background from Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers. TransferWise is registered as Exchange Solutions Ltd and is licensed by the UK Financial Services Authority.

For more information about TransferWise, please visit http://www. transferwise. com or contact Taavet Hinrikus at +44 20 7873 2221 or taavet(at)transferwise(dot)com.

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The Introduction

What is Foreign Exchange? The concept of foreign exchange "refers to the money flows between countries, so as to pay off the creditor's rights and debt relationships between international parties. It is a specialized business activity. It is short for international exchange (Foreign Exchange). And its static meaning refers to all assets expressed in foreign currencies.

What is the foreign exchange market?

Foreign exchange market is the place for global currencies bought and sold. Foreign exchange market is huge, according to the size and liquidity, the foreign exchange market is far exceeds the biggest domestic market, such as the United States or the United States stock market futures market. The latest surveys show that: 52 countries, according to data provided by the monetary authorities global average daily market turnover is about $3 trillion.

Foreign exchange market exists, mainly due to the international trade and risk aversion, as well as the needs of speculative trading in cross-border flow of goods and services of the company must be into the foreign exchange market, on the one hand is for the currency exchange, on the other hand is to protect the exchange rate fluctuates. Speculative trading occurs because there are traders believe that will bring them profit when the exchange rate fluctuates.

Although there is no detailed data to distinguish the trade safety and speculative trading activity in the proportion of the foreign exchange market, but the latter on the amount of dominant is the fact that does not dispute. The main causes of the surge in the more traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds in foreign exchange outside of an asset, and the role of hedge funds continuously. In addition, exchange rate and interest rate volatility, corporate globalization and the development of the telecommunications infrastructure, as well as the birth of new foreign exchange trading tools and development. FX market is different with commodity and stock market as it is an intangible market. It is like an organized frame, the attendees in the frame are trading through telephone and net-work. Besides the weekends, the foreign exchange market is operated on the financial center 24 hours a day.

In this market, you can't see the real currency, all trading are turned out from one bank account to another bank account like an electronic transfer. The OTC market trading means that the buyers and the sellers make deal by talking about the price, the amount and the settlement date.

On a global scale, the main trading markets include Sydney, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt and New York. The time is from 5:00 P. M. Sunday to the next Friday 5 P. M. at US east time. The foreign exchange market begins from Sydney time, with the rotation of the earth from west to east, making the foreign exchange market trading in 24 hours a day.

Each currency pair will involve two different currencies. Buy one currency while selling another currency. On the foreign exchange market, the currency with the mainly trading volume include EUR/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF and GBP/USD.

Have an account?

Just five minutes to open a live account. Risk-free trading practice!

TransferWise launches world’s first peer-to-peer international money transfer app

LONDON, 23 October 2013 . TransferWise. the international money transfer platform started by the first employee of Skype, has today launched the world’s first peer-to-peer money transfer app .

The free app. which is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, enables users to bypass banks and their ‘hidden fees’ in order to transfer money abroad cost effectively and at the touch of a button.

To set up a payment users simply select currencies, import contact/payment details and upload the amount they wish to transfer. TransferWise then processes the money and sends a final notification when the payment has been completed.

Taavet Hinrikus, co-founder of TransferWise, said: “This new app has been designed to take the hassle out of transferring money overseas, by saving users both time and money. We offer significantly cheaper and more transparent money transfers than banks – just 0.5% of the money being transferred, while banks charge up to 5%.

“We can afford to do that because our technology bypasses the traditional international bank payments system and directly matches consumers and companies in different countries who want the opposite currency.

Following the launch of the app, users will now be able to take advantage of the service while on the go. So, whether you’re an international student, expat or business owner, the world really is becoming a smaller place”.

TransferWise was founded by Mr Hinrikus, a former Skype director, and consultant Kristo Käärmann in 2010. Following a recent $6m (£3.9m) investment from Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and influential Silicon Valley venture capitalist, TransferWise is transferring up to £1 million a day for consumers and small businesses.

Following the investment, TransferWise has launched a new ‘pay button’ service to allow freelancers and small companies to easily invoice and receive payment from overseas clients at the lowest possible cost to both parties.

It has also doubled the number of currencies it offers – with the Indian Rupee, South African Rand and Turkish Lira among those recently added – so more of its users can avoid the complexity and hidden costs associated with traditional foreign exchange providers.

Unlike banks and brokers, TransferWise is always transparent about its pricing. The technology removes the hidden fees that have been used by traditional foreign exchange companies for decades. It can be up to 10 times cheaper than using a bank.

For more information about TransferWise, visit: https://transferwise. com/

Estonian friends Taavet Hinrikus, the first ever employee of Skype, and consultant Kristo Käärmann came up with the idea for building the platform in 2010 when they first became expats in London and were confronted by the high fees banks charge to transfer money abroad.

International money transfers are more expensive than meets the eye - even when banks and brokers claim there are ‘no fees’. Many banks take as much as 5 percent of the money being sent. TransferWise is a clever, new alternative that allows people to transfer money abroad at a lower cost than ever before. It uses technology developed by the people who built Skype and PayPal to remove all the fees the foreign exchange industry has kept hidden for decades. Customers have already moved more than £250m using the platform – an approach that has put over £10m back in their pockets.

The business has transferred over £250m worth of customers' money, saving its customers over £10m in banking fees.

TransferWise started in early 2011 with the two founders, making transfers between just British Pound and Euro. It has since added a further 45 members of staff and over 100 currency routes. The firm continues to grow between 20-30 percent a month.

TransferWise supports currency transfers between Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Polish Zloty, Turkish Lira, Romania Leu, Georgian Lari, Hungarian Forint, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Krone. It also supports transfers from these currencies to Indian Rupee, South African Rand, US, Australian, Singapore and New Zealand Dollar. Transfers from these currencies to all other supported currencies and many other routes are coming soon.

TransferWise has attracted $7.35m from some of the world’s most sought after investors. Most recently this includes Facebook’s first outside investor and co-founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel. TransferWise marked his first Valar Ventures investment in Europe.

Other investors include SV Angel, fellow PayPal founder, Max Levchin, IA Ventures, Index Ventures, TAG (Robin Klein and Saul Klein), Seedcamp, Betfair’s former CEO David Yu, and the owner of Le Monde Xavier Niel (via Kima Ventures).

TransferWise is fully regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA; formerly the FSA - Financial Services Authority).

enlaces relacionados

How to get the best exchange rates on travel money

Our tips for getting the best exchange rate on travel money, whether it's dollars, euros or another currency.

Puntos clave

Shop around online and on the high street to get the best deal on foreign currency

Don't leave it until you're at the airport where exchange rates can be poor

A credit card for use abroad can be a cost-effective and secure way to spend and withdraw cash

Whether you go to your local travel agent or post office, buy currency online or wait until you get to the airport, making the most of the exchange rate can depend on a number of factors.

How much money you need, whether you can wait for a better rate and whether you have the time (and inclination) to shop around could all affect your currency-changing decision.

Find out about the different ways you can get more for your money, from peer-to-peer currency exchanges to simple shopping around.


For convenience and because it's accepted everywhere, good old-fashioned cash in the currency of your destination can sometimes be hard to beat.

Exchange rates do vary widely though, depending on where and when you swap your money.

Shop around

The way to get a good deal on currency is, as always, to shop around.

Nothing beats looking online, visiting high street travel agents, banks, shops like Marks & Spencer and specialist currency providers.

"The important thing is not to leave it to the last minute to sort out your currency - that way, you could end up buying in an airport and getting short-changed," said travel expert Caroline Lloyd.

Airports may be where currency exchange dreams go to die, but if you pre-book in advance and collect there, rates can sometimes be quite competitive.

The Supercard

In May 2015, Travelex released the 'Supercard', a free card that promised close-to-the-best exchange rates in every country with no cash withdrawal fee, no exchange rate fee and no credit check.

The card is a sort of prepaid credit card but, rather than being pre-loaded with cash, it's linked to your existing debit and/or credit card(s).

Released as a pilot, the Supercard was soon fully subscribed and when this page was updated in November 2015 it was not available.

The card seems to have been designed as a loss-leader for Travelex to help it gather more information about its customers' spending habits. Look out for it if it proves successful and becomes available again.

Note that you can often get more bang for your buck (or euro, or lira) by ordering your travel money online and having it delivered than by exchanging it on the high street.


While we're happy to haggle over the cost of lots of things, bartering in a high street travel agent may seem a step too far.

However, questioning the offered rate can be the easiest way of getting a bit more out of your money.

If you've seen competitive exchange rates online but don't have time to have it delivered, or you just don't want to pay the delivery fee, be cheeky and ask if your local bureau de change will match the rate.

According to a Thomas Cook spokesperson we asked in July 2014, when a customer may have found a better rate elsewhere their staff are allowed to price match at their own discretion.

Getting your cash abroad

Some countries have laws prohibiting the import of foreign currency, or the local lolly may simply be too scarce or unusual to exchange before you go - if this is the case, you'll have to change your cash on the ground.

Finding somewhere to change money shouldn't be difficult, but you may not have much choice depending on where you are.

It can be convenient to change money at your hotel, but remember that the exchange rate might not be the best.

Getting a competitive rate is important, but look for somewhere safe and reputable, like a bank or an official bureau de change.

Stay away from shady, cowboy money-changing shops and places that don't display the exchange rate up front.

It might be cheaper to change larger sums of money, so consider pooling cash to change with friends and family rather than all exchanging money separately.

How much are you paying in overseas fees?

If you use Gocompare. com's advanced midata-powered current account search you can work out exactly how much switching banks could save you based on your actual account usage

The cost of withdrawing cash abroad

Beware of withdrawing cash while abroad with a debit card - many card providers charge a foreign usage fee or 'load' of up to 3%, plus a cash withdrawal fee which can be typically 2.75-3%, or simply a flat usage fee of around £2 every time you withdraw cash overseas.

If your card applies both load and cash withdrawal fees, taking out £100 worth of foreign currency could cost you £106 or so. What's more, the exchange rate given by your debit card provider might not be competitive.

Even withdrawing cash abroad with certain credit cards might be more cost effective.

Peer-to-peer exchange service

Peer-to-peer currency exchange services cut out banks and middlemen by providing an online platform for travellers who want to exchange currencies.

Websites like CurrencyFair, TransferWise and MoneySwap allow users in different countries to register online and to credit their account with money they want to exchange.

You then look for the best deals the site has to offer and, if you see a rate you like, the trade is 'matched' and the sum transferred from your account to the seller's, and vice versa.

The money never actually leaves the country of origin, meaning that the cost of bank conversion fees is cut.

However, this means you need to have a bank account in the currency you're swapping into - so if you're buying US dollars with sterling, you'll need a dollar account in the US into which the money can be deposited.

This makes CurrencyFair and other transfer websites like TransferWise and Midpoint worth considering if you have a holiday home abroad, visit a country regularly or are an ex-pat, but perhaps not if you just need spending money for a week away.

Some currency exchange websites are authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), but others aren't and with these you'll have no recourse to complaints procedures and the Financial Ombudsman service if there's a problem.

If a site has FCA accreditation it'll mean that your money is ring-fenced in a separate account, keeping it protected.

Keeping your money safe

Only carry a daily budget with you to minimise any loss or theft

If your money is lost or stolen, report it to the local police and ring your travel insurance provider when you arrive home

Use the hotel safe and consider using a money belt or neck wallet

Write down card helpline numbers and keep them handy

Peer-to-peer currency transfer sites charge a varying rate of commission, which can rise depending on how much you transfer.

Check the sites before signing up to find out whether they have the currency you need - they may not carry the wide range that's available on the high street.

Credit cards for use abroad

Don't want the fuss of carrying cash or travellers cheques? Credit cards could be the answer.

There are a number of different credit cards designed for use abroad. so make sure you do your homework and check that your provider doesn't charge a fee for foreign use - most do.

If you get a specialist card for spending abroad, it might offer some of the most competitive rates on the market.

There are two fees to be aware of - the non-sterling transaction fee charged when you spend on your card and the cash fee, which applies when you withdraw money at a cash machine.

Remember too that the exchange rate is determined by your card issuer - it should be competitive, but may not be the very best on the market.

Spending on your credit card abroad

Using a credit card to pay for car hire or expensive souvenirs has the added benefit of protection under the Consumer Credit Act .

Plus, if you're making a large purchase abroad, a 0% purchases card could help to spread the cost - just check the fees and charges for foreign use to make sure it's cost effective and aim to repay before the interest-free period ends.

Withdrawing money on your credit card abroad

Some credit card providers charge a withdrawal fee if you take out money from a cash machine while abroad, but others have low or no withdrawal fees.

In some cases this could mean you'll get better value with this method than taking cash to a bureau de change.

Be aware, however, that credit cards will charge interest from the day the money is withdrawn, with no interest-free period as you'd get on purchases.

The cost of this can be minimised by repaying the amount as soon as you can using internet banking while away.

Prepaid cards

Prepaid cards can be useful when you go abroad to help you to budget while you're on holiday, as well as removing the need to carry around a lot of cash, which could leave tourists vulnerable to theft.

Prepaid cards work by allowing you to top up in advance and then use the plastic while away to make purchases or withdraw cash.

By loading a card with currency before travelling you can purchase at a time that works best for you - it's the exchange rate on the day you load the card, not the day you spend it, that counts. This can work to your advantage if you buy at the right time.

See also

Remember that the exchange rate could go up or down after you buy and that, like credit cards, the card provider will set its own exchange rate, which may not be competitive.

Bear in mind that your prepaid card might not be as widely accepted as a credit or debit card, so don't assume that, for example, a car hire firm will accept a prepaid card in place of a credit card.

Some cards may require you to pay a fee to use them overseas, but there are some prepaid cards which are specifically designed to be used abroad. These may have a lower application, transaction or withdrawal fee.

Some also have an inactivity fee, so check for this if you only plan to use the card once or twice a year on holiday.

Traveller's cheques

The selling point of traveller's cheques is the protection they offer - if you keep note of the unique serial number on each cheque you could get your money back in the event they're lost or stolen.

However, there are a number of charges to take into account when considering traveller's cheques, which can make them one of the poorest value ways to use travel money.

A commission of 2-3% may be charged, plus a handling fee and a charge when you cash your cheques in.

Exchange rates can also be quite poor compared to the other options.

Finally, with traveller's cheques falling in popularity, it can be quite hard to find somewhere to change them into cash once on holiday.

With credit cards and prepaid cards offering similar levels of security, you may want to consider these options first.

By Emily Bater

Press Release: Peer-to-peer currency exchange TransferWise opens for business customers

Peer-to-peer currency exchange TransferWise opens for business customers

Transferwise has been operating a consumer oriented peer-to-peer currency exchange service for three months, now it is opening the innovative service for business customers.

London, United Kingdom May 04, 2011 – Three months after opening its online bankless currency exchange service for individuals, TransfeWise opens its service to business customers. Now business customers too can enjoy the same mid-market exchange rates that banks get on their interbank market.

Kristo Käärmann, CEO and co-founder of TransferWise says "Our service has been really well received by individuals, with more than 1M USD processed in the first three months, and with 70% of transactions coming from repeat customers". He added that business-to-business currency transfers have been the most popular customer request to date.

Traditionally customers pay between 3-6% for foreign currency payments at their bank, made up from margins between buy and sell prices plus fixed fees. Using TransferWise, businesses can make currency transfers at mid-market rates and without paying bank fees, except for a flat fee of £1 for a single transaction regardless of the amount exchanged.

TransferWise currently offers currency transfers between British Pound and Euro, with plans to offer a wider range of currencies in the future. According to Käärmann transactions have been made by customers in all of the 17 Eurozone countries but two, as well as countries outside of the Eurozone such as the UK, Poland and Latvia.

TransferWise was founded in London in March 2010 by Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Kaarmann. Taavet was part of the small team that started Skype in 2003 and has recently worked with a number of startups as an angel investor and advisor. Kristo had financial services background from Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers. TransferWise is registered as Exchange Solutions Ltd and is licensed by the UK Financial Services Authority. For more information about TransferWise, please visit www. transferwise. com

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TransferWise Stories #2: Photography without borders

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" stroke-width="20" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="86.1" y1="249" x2="176.9" y2="158.2"/>

TransferWise Stories: Funding my business in Thailand

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" stroke-width="20" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="86.1" y1="249" x2="176.9" y2="158.2"/>

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" stroke-width="20" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="86.1" y1="249" x2="176.9" y2="158.2"/>

South Korea, welcome to TransferWise

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" stroke-width="20" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="86.1" y1="249" x2="176.9" y2="158.2"/>

Number26 and TransferWise join forces

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The Rise and Rise of the P2P Currency Exchange

Finally it’s starting to look like technology has found a means to subvert the international money exchange system thanks to peer to peer currency exchanges. At present, the sector is one of the fastest growing in consumer finance and offers a wealth of advantages and generally much superior rates compared to the established banks. Even those that consider themselves market leaders in the business of currency exchange are being ever more undercut by P2P currency exchange services; and the great thing is that as this option becomes more established it can only grow further.

So what’s wrong with the traditional currency exchange system?

High street banks have long made a hefty dose of their profits by artificially raising the price of exchange currencies above the international bank exchange rate. Sure every company needs to turn a profit, but banks typically make around 5% of their profits by these exchange markets which were, until now, seemingly impervious to any alternative system. While there are companies that have been overtly set up and marketed to serve companies exchanging large sums at preferential rates, the truth is that even these operators are now being seriously undercut.

How has P2P currency exchange managed to become so popular?

In truth, it’s not just the popularity that is the fascinating issue here; it’s also how quickly the market has developed. Much of this has been down to people and companies becoming ever more willing to ‘think outside the box’ when conducting financial affairs – especially online. You can look at the prominence of alternative currencies such as Bitcoin becoming accepted as a viable (if temperamental) currency, how online shopping and business ordering has become the norm in day to day life and even a sense of frustration at the banks themselves following the crash of 2008.

Essentially the technology has made alternative systems of currency exchange viable, and they have been set up long enough now to prove that the system works.

How does P2P differ?

There’s plenty of in depth articles about the economics of P2P exchange but it’s worthwhile quickly outlining how the system works and why it is so able to undercut the banks. In a nutshell, a P2P currency exchange allows their clients to offer their domestic currencies at their own set rate of exchange and look for people abroad wishing to enact a similar trade – it’s essentially a match-making service. This is conducted under strict anonymity and the funds are managed through the site in exchange for a small handling fee. This makes the exchange of currencies a personal transaction based upon total anonymity, and the rates available can often seriously undercut the banks.

But isn’t it risky doing business this way?

Not at all, and this is one of the main reasons for the successful growth of the system. Not only are transactions all handled by the site itself – the exchange partner who you match with has no knowledge of your banking or personal details – making the site exceedingly difficult if not even impossible to defraud. The transfers tend to lean towards larger amounts for the best rates – making them great for businesses, especially those with international concerns.

Is p2p going to continue to rise?

All indications are that this is the case, especially as trade and lifestyles continue to become ever more internationalised. At present users need to have a bank account arranged in the currency that they wish to transfer funds to – say an account not just in the UK but also one in a Eurozone country to exchange into Euros or the USA to convert Pounds to Dollars. It’s not yet a viable option for personal, low-scale use such as holiday money but can save many thousands for larger transactions that otherwise would just be going towards the banks profit.

There’s no sign of the cynicism that people feel towards banks shifting anytime soon, and instead there’s a very good chance that P2P exchange will become a norm in the future – especially if rumoured services targeting smaller scale users come to fruition.

MidPoint offer a peer to peer money exchange that is one of the best established in this burgeoning marketplace. Take a look at their services to understand just how much P2P currency exchange can save you and your business.

About Ms. Miel

BitShares P2P trading platform to offer dividends on bitcoins

A mathematician and a software engineer have garnered venture capital funding for a decentralized cryptocurrency and financial derivatives trading system. Called BitShares. the project will be officially unveiled in October.

BitShares is the brainchild of Invictus Innovations. It will consist of a protocol and a piece of software called Hydra, which will offer three separate services: a decentralized identity management system called BitNames, a secure chat and messaging system codenamed BitCom, and a peer to peer trading exchange.

Both the protocol and the software will be open source, said Charles Hoskinson. who is co-founder of the project.

Hoskinson has a track record – he is the director of the Bitcoin Education Project and a mathematician with a strong cryptography background. He also heads the education committee for the Bitcoin Foundation.

His co-founder Daniel Larimer is a software engineer with a background in networked C++ applications. They secured “mid-six figure” funding from Chinese private equity firm BitFund. PE. which is focused on funding bitcoin-related projects. BitFund founder Li Xiaoli is a director of Invictus.

Like bitcoin, the protocol is designed to be decentralized and trustless, and to provide at least as much privacy and security as the Bitcoin protocol. The founders also want it to be as easy as using email, and scalable.

The BitShares project is particularly ambitious, encompassing not only a peer-to-peer network, but also a cryptocurrency that will be used as the basis for sophisticated online trades.

Invictus wants to enable common investment actions on the trading exchange, such as shorts, and options. There are two main components of this trading system: a cryptocurrency called BitShares, and a new type of financial derivative called BitAssets.

BitShares aren’t designed to be spent with merchants in the same way that bitcoins are. Instead, they act as a form of collateral to back BitAssets. BitAssets in turn represent ‘real world’ assets such as gold, silver, dollars, and other currencies. Each BitAsset is a pairing of BitShares with one of these other assets, and it is used to hedge the value of BitShares against that asset.

Specific BitAssets include BitUSD (BitShares to US dollars), and BitGold. BitAssets will also be created for bitcoin using the BitBTC BitAsset, and the team is considering other cryptocurrencies.

BitShares are mined at a gradually reducing rate, reaching zero in twelve years (at which point, mining rewards will come from transaction fees). This maximizes mining rewards early on, which the team hopes will encourage adoption.

BitShares have value in their own right. Their use as collateral gives them value, but they were also pay dividends, based on a share of the mining reward and transaction fees proportional to the number of BitShares owned. Because BitShares back BitAssets, BitAssets also pay those dividends.

“If you own BitBTC you can earn dividends on your bitcoins,” said Larimer. “If you have a thousand bitcoins and you convert them to BitBTC, and then you hold it for six months, then you convert the BitBTC plus the dividends you received back to bitcoins, you'll end up with more bitcoins than you started with.”

Any scheme that suggests you’ll always come out ahead on your investment will raise eyebrows. Someone always has to lose if someone else wins. So how does all this work?

How BitShares and BitAssets trading works

The BitShares world is divided into two types of users, which Larimer calls ‘speculators’ and ‘savers’. Similar to conventional markets, the speculators try to make as much money as they can and stand to lose everything, whereas the savers concentrate on low risk and relatively steady returns.

In this system, speculators gamble on the value of assets (such as gold, dollars, and bitcoins), as related to BitShares. They do this by creating BitAssets, such as BitBTC or BitUSD, backing them with BitShares as collateral. This enables them to take short or long positions on the assets, betting that they will go down or up in value. BitAssets, then, are financial derivatives: they’re agreements between two parties, designed to represent the value of an underlying asset.

“They are a completely new type of derivative, which is why we have named them Polymorphic Digital Assets,” said Hoskinson.

Conversely, the savers simply buy the BitAssets and sell them at a later date, making money from the dividends. They can do this without buying or mining BitShares, by paying for the BitAssets using real-world assets such as gold, dollars, or bitcoin.

The base exchange rate between BitAssets and the real-world asset it represents is supposed to be relatively stable, because Invictus wants the value of one to be market-pegged to the other. One BitUSD will always be worth around one dollar, say the founders, just as one BitBTC will be worth around one bitcoin. It’s the amount of BitShares needed to buy one BitUSD or one BitBTC that will change. That amount is reflected in BitAssets, and speculators who create those BitAssets take that risk.

The key word here is ‘market’. Invictus is relying on market consensus to keep the prices pegged rather than setting any prices itself. It does this by forcing a speculator to close their position when a trade moves against them by a certain amount, in a move that financial traders call a ‘margin call’. This constantly renews the capital coming into a BitAsset, and means that the crowd regulates the price. That’s the hope, anyway.

There is a caveat to this market-pegged pricing. People may impose a price premium on BitAssets. Someone might sell a BitBTC for more than 1 bitcoin, on the basis that the risk-reward ratio is favourable, especially if the dividends are good. If the dividend return ends up falling short of that premium, the buyer could still end up down on the deal.

The block chain(s)

Dividends will vary in part because of the block chain. All of these transactions will be stored in a block chain called a BitShares Exchange. It will support multiple assets, such as cryptocurrencies, company stocks, or commodities, and Invictus will initially launch with BitAssets for gold, silver, bitcoin, and the 15 top fiat currencies.

Larimer also hopes that independent entities will launch their own such block chains, which he likens to exchanges such as the Dow and the Nasdaq. Miners can mine on multiple block chains, and Invictus envisages inter-chain arbitrage. Different BitGold assets might exist on multiple chains, he says. However, the dividends for each chain will vary, based on factors such as the number of BitShares that existed in that chain, and the number of BitShares held.

The BitShares Exchange block chain is different from the bitcoin block chain in several ways. Firstly, it automatically moves transaction outputs forward after a set period, imposing a 5% transaction fee for the privilege (although this can be avoided if you have old outputs in the block chain by simply running your client at least once a year). This enables transactions to be deleted from the block, limiting its size to an arbitrary figure. This should avoid block chain bloat, Hoskinson said.

“You don't need to keep an internal record of everything that has been done to have everyone's accounts settled. We recognized a solution that would keep everyone's block chain relatively lean,” he added.

Block chains will also include different information than bitcoin’s. To support trading of multiple assets, with sophisticated investment features such as shorts and options, transactions between two parties will contain information such as bid/ask prices for a particular asset and the number of BitShares backing a BitAsset.

When a block is mined, miners pair all of the compatible bids and asks in the network, so that all bids for which there are compatible asks can be traded. If a trade doesn’t have a suitable counterparty, and it leaves a short position beyond a certain threshold, the miner automatically exercises a margin call. If a trade moves too far against a trader, the miner will automatically sell his BitAsset to cover his position, charging him a 5% transaction fee in the process. This motivates people to manage their own margins.

Proof of work

Significantly, the Invictus Project uses a different proof of work to the two incumbent ones (Bitcoin’s SHA-256, and Litecoin’s Scrypt). The former rewards ASIC miners, while the latter rewards GPUs. The Invictus one will focus on general purpose CPUs, keeping them 32-64 times faster than a GPU for mining. To do this, it has a high RAM requirement, and also relies on sequential data processing.

The Invictus team hopes that this will keep mining relatively decentralized. Larimer worries that mining in bitcoin is becoming increasingly centralized, especially with the creation of large ASIC-based pools.

“The reason why it's a problem is that if mining is collectively controlled by three companies, they can collectively block any transaction that isn't approved by the government,” he said.

Core bitcoin developer Jeff Garzik has argued the opposite, however. “It is trivial for a mining hardware owner to switch mining pools and that helps keep individual mining pools from gaining power,” he has told CoinDesk. “Also, the ASIC market is very decentralized.”

Getting funds into the system

The biggest challenge for Invictus may be getting funds in and out of the system. BitShares can be mined, which is great for speculators, but the “savers” Larimer talks about need to get their funds in and out from elsewhere to buy BitAssets.

There are four ways to achieve this. The first involves physical BitAsset exchanges, Satoshi Square-style. The second involves hooking up with conventional bitcoin exchanges. “This could be used with exchanges and let them plug into it and link together through our ecosystem,” says Hoskinson, pointing to Mt Gox’s problems with getting US dollars to customers. If the exchange supported the Invictus protocol, that issue would go away, he explains. “You could use us to move USD to another exchange and then withdraw.”

The other system involves escrow transactions. One person could buy a BitAsset from another by wiring them money using a conventional system. An escrow agent would ensure that the money arrived, releasing the BitAsset afterwards.

Escrow agents are anonymous. The agent collects a fee for every transaction that references their service. Either party in a transaction can post another transaction freezing the funds until the escrow agent makes a decision. The idea is that there is no profit motive for cheating the system, because neither party can collude with an anonymous escrow agent.

The final bridge involves having the Hydra software talk to a bitcoin client like Bitcoin QT. Bitcoin will probably be the primary gateway into the BitShares exchange initially, Larimer says.

ID management and secure communication

That Hydra software would also provide the two other functions originally mentioned: ID management, via a naming system, and secure communication.

The naming system will be similar to the DNS alternative used by Namecoin. Just as Namecoin users can claim. bit addresses, so the BitName naming system will allow people to claim identities (although they won't have to buy them using BitShares - they will be free). The block chain will allow for 1 billion IDs from the start, but it will be expandable, Hoskinson says.

There will be two classes of names: individual user names (using the BitName BitID system), which are trivial to create, and business names (using the BitName BitDNS system). The latter ones must be created and then auctioned to the highest bidder, giving businesses a chance to claim their own business names.

The identity system will also form the basis for the BitCom encrypted communication network, which will be accessible from within the Hydra software. In BitCom, chat and asynchronous messaging will require a proof of work to send, which will discourage spammers. Encryption keys won't be stored centrally.

The communications function will mirror the existing BitMessage system in some ways, Hoskinson says, in that it will be broadcast based. Messages sent to a single person are received by all nodes, and everyone tries to decrypt it, but only the recipient succeeds. That masks their identity, along with the contents of the message. That way, the NSA can’t come knocking on your door asking you to decrypt a message because it found out that you were sending the message to a particular person by reading its metadata.

Where BitCom differs from BitMessage is that it will use the unique, human-readable address generated using BitName when sending.

“So unlike Bitmessage, where you have to remember some hideous address, you could just send it to ‘dannybradbury’, and the corresponding public key will be in the block chain, just like bitcoin,” he explauned. (If you’re using it for secure anonymous communication, though, you’d be well advised to claim a random nickname rather than using your own).

The team will work to build gateways to insecure regular communication systems, to make migration easier. Those sending from Gmail to Yahoo mail won't be any more secure by putting this system in the middle, but that isn’t the point. Invictus is playing a long game. “Our conjecture is that if we make it as easy to use as traditional mail, and bundle VoIP and chat, then people will start it over Gmail and outlook. com and traditional email services,” says Hoskinson.

That will no doubt please the owners of sites like Groklaw, the long-standing law blog, famed for its insightful and controversial legal discussions, which is shutting down. Owner Pamela Jones argues that there is no way to run Groklaw without secure email.

“They tell us that if you send or receive an email from outside the US, it will be read. If it's encrypted, they keep it for five years, presumably in the hopes of tech advancing to be able to decrypt it against your will and without your knowledge. Groklaw has readers all over the world,” she said in a final post.

One step at a time

Invictus is a long way from taking over email yet, or ID management or derivatives markets, for that matter. It has big ambitions, and a lot to prove. It’ll start with an official unveiling at the C3 conference in Atlanta in early October. It will go into beta the following month, when mining will begin (it won’t be premined). It will start offering bitcoin bounties, potentially into the hundreds of bitcoins, for improvements in security and efficiency.

One of the reasons it can offer bounties is because it has backing from BitFund, which will also enable it to hire good penetration testers to security test the software. Another is because the whole thing is open source. This is an issue which has dogged Ripple founder OpenCoin, which keeps promising to open up its code base.

The open source element will allow third-party developers to build their own modules on top of the system and charge for them if they wish.

"If they charge, then they're charging in BitShares, and we get a percentage," says Hoskinson, who adds that Invictus, a private, for-profit company, will also be mining BitShares from day one. When it releases mobile clients, it will also charge transaction fees for those, adding to its revenues, although it won't be charging for transactions made from Hydra.

So, there is a lot to look out for. All eyes will be on Atlanta in the fall. In the meantime, check out the white paper here .

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Virtual dirty money – why the Feds are circling around.

Everything You Wanted to Know about Peer to Peer Currency Exchange

For many people currency exchange is like dark matter. They do not understand how it works and some don’t even to know where to go to exchange currency. They simply do not have frequent need for it. Majority of the people end up exchanging their currency at the airport when they land in the foreign country. While this is very convenient they end up paying high commission fee for it. Recently a new trend has emerged that bypasses these middlemen. It is called peer to peer exchange and it is not only convenient, but also saves you significant money in fees. So what is peer to peer currency exchange and how does it work?

No banks or brokers

Over the past decade or so, a new breed of currency exchange companies that do not charge high fees has emerged. Rather than buy and sell currencies using the traditional money market route they look for people who want to sell currency and match them with those who want to buy. Effectively they act as an intermediary and take a small fee for doing so.

You tell them how much money you want to exchange and what currency you want to buy. They then search their database and find a firm or private individual that wants to buy the currency you are selling and has the currency you need. The results of this search are sent to you as well as details of the transaction fee and exchange rate that is available.

If you are agree with the price and terms, the peer-to-peer (P2P) firm will take care of the transaction for you. The firm or person who has the currency you need sends it to the P2P firm and you send your currency to them. They swap the two currencies. You end up with the currency you want minus the pre-agreed fee and the buyer gets their cash in the currency they want.

Benefits of Peer to Peer Currency Exchange

It is a quick and easy to follow process. Initially this service was developed for business users, but today it is popular with all kinds of people especially expats, students and those with family who live abroad. The accessibility, simplicity and transparency of the service makes it perfect for any kind of user, but particularly small businesses who are often busy and need low cost yet dependable services like this.

Cheaper currency exchange

The exchange rate used is normally fixed by the market. Rather than use the top market rate the best firms use the midpoint rate. The fact that they use the midpoint rate means that you get a better exchange rate than you would if you used a traditional currency exchange service. In other words, you end up with more money in your business account.

In addition, the fact that these firms are not using the money markets for the transaction means that they can charge far lower fees. Typically, the transaction fee you pay is less than 1%. Using a traditional bank or broker, you can expect to pay at least 2% often 5%, as well as lose money on the exchange rate.

Finding a trustworthy provider

Across the world, there are more and more firms offering this service. Most are very good, but it is important to vet providers before using them.

In most countries this type of currency exchange service is well regulated. which makes them as safe an option as any other form of currency exchange. However, you do need to check that the firm you are planning to use is bona-fide and is a member of the relevant trade or regulatory body for your country.

If you are looking for a fast, inexpensive way to change currency for your business, peer-to-peer exchange firms are certainly well worth looking into and using.

Related posts:

www. midpoint. com

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Prepaid Currency Cards

Prepaid currency cards are fast becoming the most popular way for travellers to ensure that they can access foreign currency whilst abroad. They are issued by a number of different prepaid operators (some big brands and other smaller players, purely trading on the strength of their product) and are available as either single or multi-currency products. They are also available on a number of different platforms, so it’s essential for you to compare products to ensure you get the best deal on your currency card.

The name of the company that offers the product and the product name."> Product Name

Monthly Fee Rate and period

Caxtonfx Global Traveller

UK: £1.50 Abroad: £0

Currency loaded in Sterling - converts to appropriate currency on transaction, with a flat 2.49% exchange rate

Use card in shops or ATMs with no overseas fees

Instant approval - need passport to complete application

WeSwap Prepaid Card

UK: £0 Abroad: £0

Peer-to-peer foreign exchange - effectively swap currency with other travellers and get a highly competitive rate of 1% per transaction

This prepaid Mastercard is completely free to load and free to use in shops, restaurants and online

The WeSwap card can carry up to 16 currencies at once, so you can keep you pounds, euros, dollars and more in one easy place

my Travel Cash Euro Prepaid MasterCard

UK: 0% Abroad: £0

Winter offer. - UP to £20 free when you load £500 or more

1% cashback on all purchases

Load in Euros and then spend and withdraw Euros abroad with no ATM or transaction fees

Chip & PIN protected and 24/7 Customer Services support

Mobile app available to manage your money on the go

my Travel Cash US Dollar Prepaid MasterCard

UK: 0% Abroad: £0

Winter offer. - UP to £20 free when you load £500 or more

1% cashback on all purchases

Load in Dollars and then spend and withdraw Dollars abroad with no ATM or transaction fees

Chip & PIN protected and 24/7 Customer Services support

Mobile app available to manage your money on the go

Express delivery option available

*See Website for more details & Terms and Conditions

FAIRFX Anywhere Prepaid

UK: 1.50% Abroad: 1.50%

Award-winning rates give you an extra £88 to spend

Lock in the best exchange rates when you load your card, load your card when the rate suits you !

No cost to spend your leftover currency in the UK when you come home

Get great exchange rates with no transaction or management fees

Free purchase transactions made in the UK and overseas

Load funds and check your balance anywhere via the Fairfx free app or online

UK: €1.50 Abroad: €1.50

Award-winning rates give you an extra £88 to spend

Lock in the best exchange rates when you load your card, load your card when the rate suits you !

No cost to spend your leftover Euros in the UK when you come home

Get great Euro rates with no transaction or management fees

Free purchase transactions made in the UK and overseas

Load funds and check your balance anywhere via the Fairfx free app or online

Even Prepaid Travel Card

UK: £0 Abroad: £0

Wholesale interbank exchange rates, with no mark ups. This is the rate banks use to trade with each other, but don't give you access to

One fixed fee - No mark-ups, transaction, ATM, lost, reactivation or dormancy fees

GBP Card means you can spend and withdraw 150 foreign currencies or use at home - We automatically convert the money for you

Up to 13% cashback on top brands and retailers + loyalty points programme

my Travel Cash Multi-Currency Prepaid MasterCard

UK: 2.99% Abroad: £0

Winter offer. - UP to £20 free when you load £500 or more

Use worldwide with no ATM fees or transaction fees for foreign currency withdrawals/purchases

1% cashback on all purchases

Mobile app available to manage your money on the go, and 24/7 Customer Services support

Quick approval – subject to ID checks

Euro Currency Card by easyJet

UK: 3.50% Abroad: £0

Excellent exchange rates and a free card (normally £5.95) when you load more than £100 onto the card

0% transaction fees & 0% management fees

Lock in the best exchange rates when you load your card

Quick approval - subject to ID checks

BreadFX Euro Prepaid MasterCard

UK: €2 Abroad: €1.50

Fix your exchange rates before you travel and have up to 10% more cash

Feel confident you are getting a great exchange rate

No need to worry about what rates and fees your bank may charge you

If you lose it, we'll express courier you a replacement (additional fees apply)

We provide a personal finance, insurance and utility comparison service free to the user. compare and save. com is a credit broker, not a lender, for the consumer credit products we feature. We usually receive commissions from the businesses we refer users to. This table comprises a range of popular products. Other tables may feature other products which may be better suited to your needs. Please ensure you have thoroughly investigated all available options before applying for products.

What’s the best prepaid currency card?

The UK prepaid market offers a diverse range of products that cater to different and specific needs. Because of this, there is no single ‘best’ prepaid currency card. What is the best product for you will depend on how you plan to use the card, how often you’ll need it and where you are going abroad (there are specific cards available for Euro and Dollar currency ).

How to compare prepaid currency cards?

Although all prepaid cards are different, there are certain common elements which are directly comparable and are therefore useful when assessing which is the right credit card for you.

Setup cost - the cost payable to an issuer to establish an account with them

Transaction fees - there are a number of fees associated with different transactions, like ATM fees (at home and abroad), purchase fees, etc.

Load fees - the charges payable as the card is ‘topped-up’

For currency cards, it’s also good to have an understanding of how and when the exchange of currency takes place and when the exact rate is set.

Product Offers Please ensure that you fully read the terms & conditions of any product or policy before you decide to proceed and are fully aware of the total costs and the benefits and any exclusions or limitations applicable to the product or plan.

Please note that the product links will take you direct to the Issuer or Insurer's site direct and we cannot be held responsible for the information which they provide within their own sites. On some comparison tables we use a star rating which rates products by visitor popularity.

©2016 compare and save. com is a trading name of Freedom Marketing Ltd. Freedom Marketing Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, firm reference number 493117. This can be checked at http://www. fca. org. uk/register. Registered in England & Wales under registration number 05349340. The company's registered office is Freedom Marketing Limited, Colchester Centre, Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom, CO2 8JX.

Freedom Marketing Ltd is also authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a Credit Intermediary for all consumer credit products listed on our sites, with the exception of products from the following providers: Tesco Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland Group and Nationwide Building Society. Our CCL number is 624508/1.

How to choose the best P2P foreign exchange platform for your international business payments

With more and more people looking to manage their money across multiple borders, peer-to-peer (P2P) alternatives for buying and selling currency are growing in popularity.

Midpoint is a peer-to-peer foreign exchange platform that matches buyers and sellers of euros, US dollars, sterling and several other currencies at the mid-point between the "buy" and "sell" rates from global currency markets (the inter-bank rate).

Midpoint operations director, Brad Lemkus, offers advice on how to choose the best P2P platform for your transfer.

P2P FX is essentially a currency marketplace where platforms bring together users looking to exchange money for another currency. By matching someone selling currency to another user who wants to buy . the P2P provider is able to offer the interbank midmarket rate that the big banks use to trade amongst themselves. If there isn’t an internal match available, most platforms will step in and provide the required liquidity to make up the shortfall and complete the customer orders.

There are many P2P Foreign Exchange companies out there, so how do you chose which one is the best match for you?

Most people don’t know that P2P FX is regulated so the first thing to do when considering a P2P FX company is to check if it’s authorised by your local financial regulator, like the FCA in the UK.

Transparency is the key to any financial transaction, and you want absolute reassurance that you’re getting the best and most straightforward deal possible. Some P2P providers, whether deliberately or inherently, are not providing the upfront information about their services and rates to allow customers to make an informed choice on their currency exchange needs.

So which company is right for you? Different providers offer a better service, depending on the level of the transaction. Midpoint has compared three different UK providers to explain why these P2P FX companies are the best in their class for their respective exchange amounts.

TransferWise frequently offers the best fee for transactions below £2,000 charging 0.5% of the total transaction, and allowing the customer to choose what level of rate fluctuation they are willing to accept, up to 2%. This makes it ideal for smaller payments and amounts, such as paying small overseas invoices. But, as there is no sliding scale of percentage charges on larger transactions and on anything higher than £2000, they fall behind other platforms in providing the best value for money.

Midpoint offers the mid-market rate regardless of the size of the transaction. Its flat fee of £10 for all transactions up to £2000 makes it slightly more expensive than TransferWise in this space. However, unlike Transferwise, Midpoint has a sliding scale of fees so the more you transfer, the lower the fee percentage. The scale starts at 0.5% and reduces to 0.3% as the transferred amount increases. Midpoint’s fee also includes transfer of funds to the payee – an area where banks (in particular) levy extra charges at their own discretion. A match for funds is also guaranteed within 24 hours, with liquidity provided if a reciprocal match is not found in time.

Kantox best serves medium to large organisations with revenues of up to $1 billion without the resources or leverage to negotiate foreign exchange themselves. It deals with such high transaction amounts that it employs its own analysts and economics experts to monitor the markets to give up-to-the second forecasts on rates. The rates are on a sliding scale similar to Midpoint – 0.29% to 0.09% from £1million upwards, depending on the transaction volumes trading per semester.

All three examples here charge fees significantly lower than the banks which range from 2% to 5%, or sometimes even more.

As trust in P2P FX platforms grow, companies such as Kantox, Midpoint and TransferWise are continuing to expand, offering more currencies for exchange.

However, the true test for these companies will be their ability to remain completely transparent. P2P FX companies need to arm the consumer with the information they need to make choices about their transfers, whatever the size. In an Internet age, customer information is an abundant commodity; they can make an informed choice and will not tolerate smoke and mirrors as before.


Joint Venture to Bring the Benefits of Peer-to-Peer Foreign Currency Exchange with Real and Easily Verifiable Price Transparency

Clearshift Group, City National Bank of New Jersey and East Coast Capital Holdings Sign Letter of Intent

February 10, 2016 11:18 AM Eastern Standard Time

NEWARK, N. J.--( BUSINESS WIRE )--The Clearshift Group, an international financial services company, City National Bank of New Jersey (CNB), one of the ten largest African-American banks in the US, and East Coast Capital Holdings (ECCH), a specialized small business investment company (SSBIC), have announced the signing of a Letter of Intent to form a partnership that will revolutionize the US-based cross border payments market.

With the US corporate foreign currency payment space ripe for disruption, the collaboration seeks to bring the benefits of peer-to-peer foreign currency exchange with real and easily verifiable price transparency. It will provide an online platform for businesses to easily pay foreign counterparties in virtually any currency, with transparent and low-cost fees. The service will also be made available as a white-label solution for other community banks.

Ari Dobner, CEO of the Clearshift Group said, “We are a Fintech company that brings new technologies and innovation to the often archaic financial market. Our unique business model leverages technology to deliver transparent foreign currency exchange and supply chain finance services. Partnering with CNB and ECCH enhances our visibility and makes it easier and more affordable to effect cross border payments.”

"This venture is an example of how the combination of Fintech companies and banks could ease payment processes, reduce fraud, save users money, promote financial planning, and ultimately move the giant financial industry forward," said Preston D. Pinkett III, Chairman & CEO of City National Bank. “Entering the cross border payments space will similarly allow us to fill a gap in the financial system. We selected Clearshift because of their expertise in efficient execution in the foreign currency payments arena. The streamlining of the foreign currency market through transparency and low-cost fees opens up a whole new opportunity for customers who would not necessarily approach us for such services, or who lack the expertise and resources to properly monitor their foreign currency exchange cost.“

"We are proud to be part of this partnership," stated Yitzhak Zelmanovitch, President of East Coast Capital Holdings. "It is a natural progression of our strategy to invest in first-class minority deposit institutions, particularly those that received TARP investments. The partnership is the latest example of CNB’s harnessing technology for the benefit of customers and its leadership role in community banking."

About The Clearshift Group

Clearshift (www. clearshiftinc. com ) redefines currency exchange pricing, offering an innovative and transparent pricing model for online currency transactions that is transforming financial services. Generating tangible value to customers and the market as a whole, the company leverages technology to enable the global delivery of safe, simple financial services and to close transactional gaps in international trade. Headquartered in Europe, Clearshift is led by a team of seasoned financial professionals who ensure fair pricing standards and servicing of customers in the culture, language and legal environment that they are accustomed to.

About City National Bank of New Jersey

CNB (www. citynatbank. com ) is a diversified financial institution committed to providing quality financial services to the unbanked and underbanked, domestically and internationally. A certified Community Development Financial Institution, minority owned and managed, CNB is currently among the ten largest African-American banks in the country. Headquartered in Newark, NJ, its primary businesses are Community Development and Global Payments. Through its new and sophisticated Internet banking program, its services are now available nationwide.

About East Coast Capital Holdings (ECCH)

ECCH (www. eastcoastcapitalholdings. com ), headquartered in New York City, is a Specialized Small Business Investment Company (SSBIC) licensed by the Small Business Administration (SBA). ECCH invests in minority depository institutions and financial service companies. ECCH also selectively invests in minority-owned asset managers, identifying investment strategies and providing ongoing expertise.


The Clearshift Group Ari Dobner, CEO, +1 267-678-1279 adobner@clearshiftinc. com or City National Bank of New Jersey Preston D. Pinkett III, Chairman & CEO, +1 973-624-0865 ppinkett@citynatbank. com or East Coast Capital Holdings Yitzhak Zelmanovitch, +1 212-686-1515 yz@eastcoastcapitalholdings. com

How to choose the best P2P foreign exchange platform for your international business payments

With more and more people looking to manage their money across multiple borders, peer-to-peer (P2P) alternatives for buying and selling currency are growing in popularity.

Midpoint is a peer-to-peer foreign exchange platform that matches buyers and sellers of euros, US dollars, sterling and several other currencies at the mid-point between the buy and sell rates from global currency markets (the inter-bank rate).

Midpoint operations director, Brad Lemkus, offers advice on how to choose the best P2P platform for your transfer.

P2P FX is essentially a currency marketplace where platforms bring together users looking to exchange money for another currency. By matching someone selling currency to another user who wants to buy, the P2P provider is able to offer the interbank midmarket rate that the big banks use to trade amongst themselves. If there isn’t an internal match available, most platforms will step in and provide the required liquidity to make up the shortfall and complete the customer orders.

There are many P2P Foreign Exchange companies out there, so how do you chose which one is the best match for you?

Most people don’t know that P2P FX is regulated so the first thing to do when considering a P2P FX company is to check if it’s authorised by your local financial regulator, like the FCA in the UK.

Transparency is the key to any financial transaction, and you want absolute reassurance that you’re getting the best and most straightforward deal possible. Some P2P providers, whether deliberately or inherently, are not providing the upfront information about their services and rates to allow customers to make an informed choice on their currency exchange needs.

So which company is right for you? Different providers offer a better service, depending on the level of the transaction. Midpoint has compared three different UK providers to explain why these P2P FX companies are the best in their class for their respective exchange amounts.

Transfers below £2,000 - TransferWise

TransferWise frequently offers the best fee for transactions below £2,000 charging 0.5% of the total transaction, and allowing the customer to choose what level of rate fluctuation they are willing to accept, up to 2%. This makes it ideal for smaller payments and amounts, such as paying small overseas invoices. But, as there is no sliding scale of percentage charges on larger transactions and on anything higher than £2000, they fall behind other platforms in providing the best value for money.

Between £2,000-£1m - Midpoint

Midpoint offers the mid-market rate regardless of the size of the transaction. Its flat fee of £10 for all transactions up to £2000 makes it slightly more expensive than TransferWise in this space. However, unlike Transferwise, Midpoint has a sliding scale of fees so the more you transfer, the lower the fee percentage. The scale starts at 0.5% and reduces to 0.3% as the transferred amount increases. Midpoint’s fee also includes transfer of funds to the payee – an area where banks (in particular) levy extra charges at their own discretion. A match for funds is also guaranteed within 24 hours, with liquidity provided if a reciprocal match is not found in time.

Above £1m - Kantox

Kantox best serves medium to large organisations with revenues of up to $1bn without the resources or leverage to negotiate foreign exchange themselves. It deals with such high transaction amounts that it employs its own analysts and economics experts to monitor the markets to give up-to-the second forecasts on rates. The rates are on a sliding scale similar to Midpoint – 0.29% to 0.09% from £1m upwards, depending on the transaction volumes trading per semester.

All three examples here charge fees significantly lower than the banks which range from 2% to 5%, or sometimes even more.

As trust in P2P FX platforms grow, companies such as Kantox, Midpoint and TransferWise are continuing to expand, offering more currencies for exchange.

However, the true test for these companies will be their ability to remain completely transparent. P2P FX companies need to arm the consumer with the information they need to make choices about their transfers, whatever the size. In an Internet age, customer information is an abundant commodity; they can make an informed choice and will not tolerate smoke and mirrors as before.

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International money transfers

If you want to send money overseas, a foreign exchange or currency broker can be a good option. They often charge no fees and usually offer a better exchange rate than a high street bank. So how do they work?

Let’s say you want to send 10,000 euros to France as a deposit on a French property purchase. You’ve contacted your bank but the service is expensive. You’ve also checked out a money transfer firm but, again, the charges are high. You therefore decide to use a foreign exchange broker.

Set up an account

First, you have to register to set up an account with the broker. A dealer will then usually contact you to discuss the transfer. If you are happy with the costs and exchange rate, you can book the transaction, give details of the recipient’s account and pay the agreed amount, typically by electronic transfer from your UK bank account.

Once it has received the funds, the broker will send the currency electronically to your beneficiary. The whole process shouldn’t take more than one or two days, though this depends on the currency – with popular currencies such as euros or US dollars, the time taken should be shorter than for less familiar ones.

Los tipos de cambio

Foreign exchange brokers do not normally charge a fee for transfers of more than £3,000. They also generally offer better exchange rates than the high-street banks. For example, you might need £8,410 to send £10,000 euros through a broker, compared to £8,850 through a bank.

The bank would also charge a fee on top, which could be as high as £40. In other words, you could save about £480 by choosing a currency broker.

Types of transfer

You can also benefit from exchange rate movements by using a foreign exchange broker. There are normally three types of transfer, and you can select the one that best suits your needs and time scale. A transfer at the current exchange rate, sometimes called a spot deal, is the quickest and most straightforward as you simply send the funds immediately at the today’s rate of exchange.

Forward contract

If you do not need to send the funds straightaway, you could consider a ‘forward’ contract, which allows you to lock into today’s rate but effects the transfer the money at a given date in the future.

A forward contract can be appealing if you don’t want to have to worry about exchange rate movements, or if you expect the rate to get worse. Remember, however, that currencies can be volatile and the rate could move against you.

Put down a deposit

The exchange rate on a forward contract is calculated by adjusting the current rate for so-called “forward points”, so is not the same as the current exchange rate. Your broker should explain the terms and conditions of the contract, but it’s worth making sure you understand the cost before you go ahead.

You do not have to pay the full price of a forward contract up front, though you will normally have to put down a deposit, with the rest due on the transfer date.

Limit orders

A limit order is another way to play the currency markets. If you choose a limit order, you nominate your ideal exchange rate. When the rate is reached, the broker automatically buys the currency and transfers the funds. Limit orders are not normally appropriate for small amounts, and many brokers insist on a minimum of £30,000.

Regular payments

Foreign currency brokers can also usually arrange regular payments to a recipient overseas, perhaps if you pay a foreign mortgage or school fees. The minimum payment tends to be about £500.

Protección al Consumidor

Security is paramount if you are sending money overseas, so you should always check that your broker is authorised or regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The firm must then operate within certain guidelines to safeguard consumers. Ideally, the firm should offer the protection of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, so you are guaranteed to get your money back if something should go wrong.

Compare brokers

The cost of international money transfers varies from broker to broker. MoneySuperMarket’s free independent comparison service allows you to quickly and easily compare the deals on offer from all the major currency brokers, so you can make the most of your money.

International Money Transfers

Our International money transfer pages are designed to give you access to all the information you need to save money and get highly competitive exchange rates when transferring money to and from the UK.


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Transferwise undercuts the banks with crowdsourced currency exchange

Do you live outside your native country? Need to transfer money home? Most banks will charge you not only for the currency exchange but also for the transfer itself.

TransferWise today announced funding of $1.3m for its scheme to sidestep the banks using cheap, peer-to-peer currency exchange. Among the new investors is Max Levchin, the co-founder of PayPal.

Banks charge 3-6 percent more than the mid-market rates for currency exchange. The mid-market rate is halfway between the “buy” and “sell” rate for a particular currency on the global currency markets. Transferwise cuts out the banks by matching your exchange, e. g. from Euros to British pounds, with others who want to turn pounds into Euros. For example, if I want to send 1000 EUR from Amsterdam to the UK, Transferwise would save me around 40 EUR at the current exchange rates.

Transferwise was founded by Taavet Hinrikus, one of Skype’s first employees. Hinrikus is Estonian but lives in London. He says he often needed to transfer money home. An informal market emerged where Estonians would exchange currencies. Transferwise automates this process.

“Banking is broken and people want simple and cheap solutions,” says Hinrikus. “Banking needs to be democratized in the way that low cost airlines did 20 yrs ago in aviation or Skype did 10 yrs ago in Telecoms.”

Since the company launched in January 2011, Transferwise users have exchanged $13 million (10 million EUR) and saved more than $654, 000 (500,000 EUR) in the process. Most users are pensioners, students or professional expats. The average size of transfer is around 1500 GBP.

As a user, you transfer the money you want to exchange to Transferwise’s UK or Irish account. Your cash is matched with one or many other parties at the mid-market rate currently available on the currency markets. The cash is converted, for example, from British pounds to Euros and transferred to the designated recipient. Transferwise charges 1 GBP for each transfer. No banks or brokers get a commission on the exchange process.

Currently, you can only exchange British pounds to Euros, and vice versa, but Hinrikus told me that additional European currencies will be added in about a month. The American dollar is one of the most requested currencies.

Transferwise is based in London, has 10 employees and was founded in 2010. The new investment of $1.3 investment was led by IA Ventures, Index Ventures and a group of angel investors.

Emerging P2P Foreign Exchange Platforms Need To Be Transparent And Open With Customers

With more and more people looking to manage their money across multiple borders, peer-to-peer (P2P) alternatives for buying and selling currency are growing in popularity.

Midpoint is a peer-to-peer foreign exchange platform that matches buyers and sellers of euros, US dollars, sterling and several other currencies at the mid-point between the "buy" and "sell" rates from global currency markets (the inter-bank rate).

Midpoint operations director, Brad Lemkus, offers advice on how to choose the best P2P platform for your transfer.

P2P FX is essentially a currency marketplace where platforms bring together users looking to exchange money for another currency. By matching someone selling currency to another user who wants to buy . the P2P provider is able to offer the interbank midmarket rate that the big banks use to trade amongst themselves. If there isn’t an internal match available, most platforms will step in and provide the required liquidity to make up the shortfall and complete the customer orders.

There are many P2P Foreign Exchange companies out there, so how do you chose which one is the best match for you?

Most people don’t know that P2P FX is regulated so the first thing to do when considering a P2P FX company is to check if it’s authorised by your local financial regulator, like the FCA in the UK.

Transparency is the key to any financial transaction, and you want absolute reassurance that you’re getting the best and most straightforward deal possible. Some P2P providers, whether deliberately or inherently, are not providing the upfront information about their services and rates to allow customers to make an informed choice on their currency exchange needs.

So which company is right for you? Different providers offer a better service, depending on the level of the transaction. Midpoint has compared three different UK providers to explain why these P2P FX companies are the best in their class for their respective exchange amounts.

TransferWise frequently offers the best fee for transactions below £2,000 charging 0.5% of the total transaction, and allowing the customer to choose what level of rate fluctuation they are willing to accept, up to 2%. This makes it ideal for smaller payments and amounts, such as paying small overseas invoices. But, as there is no sliding scale of percentage charges on larger transactions and on anything higher than £2000, they fall behind other platforms in providing the best value for money.

Midpoint offers the mid-market rate regardless of the size of the transaction. Its flat fee of £10 for all transactions up to £2000 makes it slightly more expensive than TransferWise in this space. However, unlike Transferwise, Midpoint has a sliding scale of fees so the more you transfer, the lower the fee percentage. The scale starts at 0.5% and reduces to 0.3% as the transferred amount increases. Midpoint’s fee also includes transfer of funds to the payee – an area where banks (in particular) levy extra charges at their own discretion. A match for funds is also guaranteed within 24 hours, with liquidity provided if a reciprocal match is not found in time.

Kantox best serves medium to large organisations with revenues of up to $1 billion without the resources or leverage to negotiate foreign exchange themselves. It deals with such high transaction amounts that it employs its own analysts and economics experts to monitor the markets to give up-to-the second forecasts on rates. The rates are on a sliding scale similar to Midpoint – 0.29% to 0.09% from £1million upwards, depending on the transaction volumes trading per semester.

All three examples here charge fees significantly lower than the banks which range from 2% to 5%, or sometimes even more.

As trust in P2P FX platforms grow, companies such as Kantox, Midpoint and TransferWise are continuing to expand, offering more currencies for exchange.

However, the true test for these companies will be their ability to remain completely transparent. P2P FX companies need to arm the consumer with the information they need to make choices about their transfers, whatever the size. In an Internet age, customer information is an abundant commodity; they can make an informed choice and will not tolerate smoke and mirrors as before.


5 Social Media Tips for Foreign Exchange Trading

Foreign exchange traders are beginning to see the advantage of social media as it pertains to their space. While some use Twitter and Facebook just because it’s expected, real traders use it because they need to know what’s happening in real time.

In contrast to having to work in a vacuum in the past, social media provides traders with an opportunity to follow other influential people in their industry and capital markets firms. Here’s five hot tips to assist you in foreign exchange trading.

1. SEC says social media okay

To show the validity of social media today in foreign exchange trading circles, in April 2013 the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a report condoning trading companies’ use of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. This means traders can tweet and post updated statuses without fear of working outside the SEC’s guidelines.

2. New social media platforms

While the standards of Twitter and Facebook have proved successful for Forex traders, some very advanced social networking platforms and communities like Quantconnect have also emerged. Other social platforms like eToro, Myfxbook, Currensee, ZuluTrade, MeetPips, ibfxconnect, Fxstat, StockTwits, and TradeSlide have also entered the industry.

Use of these relevant trading networks opens traders to opportunities to gain valuable intel about markets in real time. eToro, considered one of the largest, has processed more than 20 million trades since their social network went live in 2012.

3. Learn from the influencers

Do your homework by learning from the most successful Forex traders and how they use social media to distinguish their individual brands. Witness and analyze what they’re doing right. Match this up with who’s trading what, and master their best practices.

4. Twitter can predict stock movements

In the equities market, Twitter postings are used to predict stock price movements. London-based hedge fund firm Derwent Capital has launched a new spread-betting application for retail traders that uses Twitter’s 350 million daily tweets to create a sentiment indicator that covers currency pairs and other assets.

Sentiment indicators are signposts that help traders understand consumer preferences and shift of preferences.

5. Twitter Analytics

Forex brokers can use Twitter metrics to measure the influence they’ve obtained by using Twitter on a regular basis:

— TweetEffect: filters data from Twitter to show which of your tweets have made people follow you or not follow you — TweetLevel: measures the importance of an individual in Twitter, based on popularity, influence, commitment, and confidence — TweetReach: reports provide a thorough set of metrics about search terms and their impact on Twitter — Twinfluence: determines the primary factors controlling your power and influence in Twitter

For novices and even experienced traders, it’s important to continue to learn as conditions evolve in the digital age. To learn more about Forex trading, TradingConceptsInc. com is a valuable resource. Their trading articles provide great tips on day-trading. put-call ratios, and other trading indicators.

Social trading allows traders to trade online with the help of others. They no longer have to work in “silos” with limited communication from the outside world. Social trading shortens the learning curve from novice to experienced Forex trader.

Traders can engage quickly, watch others take trades, then duplicate their trades and learn what prompted the top performer to take a trade in the first place. It’s a win-win for all parties.

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Buttonwood SF - P2P Cryptocurrency Trading

Buttonwood SF - P2P Cryptocurrency Trading

Once a week, Buttonwood SF meets to trade cryptocurrencies peer-to-peer. Cryptocurrencies are math-based currencies which aren't controlled by any central entity, but instead by a distributed computer network which secures the payment network against fraud. The first and most pop…

Once a week, Buttonwood SF meets to trade cryptocurrencies peer-to-peer. Cryptocurrencies are math-based currencies which aren't controlled by any central entity, but instead by a distributed computer network which secures the payment network against fraud. The first and most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, which will likely be the dominant cryptocurrency being traded at each meetup (though all cryptocurrencies are welcome). Even if you've never heard of or used cryptocurrencies, bring a smartphone or laptop, a good attitude and good questions, and be prepared to have your mind blown by the possibilities which are unlocked by cryptocurrencies.

Official hashtag for Twitter / Diaspora / Facebook is #ButtonwoodSF. You can use this to coordinate trades online and promote the meetup.

Our full anti-harassment policy can be found here. Please read it before attending your first Buttonwood SF meetup.

To support the development of this meetup group (ie promotional materials, a real website, private location, etc), you can send Bitcoin donations to this address: 1MNX5SkSRCbZgstLemHGwSd6LLhPubWJRT

22 October 2012

What exactly is peer to peer money transfer? And how is it saving people so much money?

Some call it the "peer to peer marketplace", others prefer the rather neat phrase "collaborative consumption". However you define it, it's slowly but surely reinventing the way we live today. One of the best known is Airbnb and its rivals, which let you rent out rooms in your home to travellers, cutting hotels out of the equation. And then there's WhipCar, a peer-to-peer network where you can let others hire your car. The major advantage of this business model is that it tends to be cheaper than the traditional alternatives. And when it comes to financial services, the savings can be frankly massive. So how are companies managing to apply peer-to-peer thinking to money transfer and currency exchange?

First of all, it's useful to consider how things are traditionally done. Let's say you live in the UK and want to send a cash gift of £300 to your mum, who's retired to Spain. The obvious way to do it is through your bank, who'll charge a transaction fee and also hit you with an exchange rate that's been skewed to give them a greater profit. Let’s say the total charge comes to 5% of the amount you're sending. It's all part and parcel of a system which sees your pounds actually leaving your account and being shunted to an account in Spain, where it's converted to euros. Hence the expense of it all.

The way to slash costs is to minimise the amount of actual movement. Keep the various currencies in their own country, and bank fees almost vanish. So let's return to the example of your mum, impatiently awaiting that £300 you promised, and do it through a peer-to-peer company like TransferWise.

Instead of instructing your bank to send the cash to Spain, you send it to their UK-based account instead, which means the money stays in one country. Meanwhile, they send the corresponding amount of euros from their eurozone bank account to your mum's in Spain. In other words, your pounds haven't literally been converted to euros, making the whole process up to 85% cheaper for you.

So where have the euros come from? Well that's the peer-to-peer, or collaborative, aspect of all of this. They were paid in by a user in the eurozone who was looking to convert their euros to pounds – that's the cash your mum receives. It's all done swiftly and automatically, minimising fuss on your part, and meaning you don't have to worry about trusting people you don't know (which has been an occasional criticism of the collaborative model).

It's swift, simple and so much cheaper than banks and currency brokers that it may well change how you send money, forever.

This article was provided by TransferWise , an international money transfer service offering tiny charges and transparent currency exchange at the real mid-market rate. With no hidden rate adjustments whatsoever and fees at up to 85% less than traditional banks, the process is fast, convenient and fully FSA authorised. Why not give it go next time you need to send money abroad.

Is Peer to Peer Foreign Exchange The Next Big Thing?

The peer to peer way of doing business has gained a lot of attention in the last few years. Peer to peer trading takes away the middleman – instead of money being borrowed, lent, or otherwise transferred via a business, the entire transaction takes place from individual to individual – or using groups of individuals, with money moving in opposite directions.

Peer to peer lending has become incredibly popular of late, so it seems only natural that a peer to peer money exchange system would be the next logical step. The system works quite simply from a user’s perspective, but the question is, can you trust it?

How does it Work?

Most peer to peer systems work using a simple concept. If you want to transfer money to, say, someone in America, you would transfer your money to a holding account in the UK – paying in British Pounds. Once the funds clear in that holding account, the person in America would have their money transferred to them from an American bank account that holds the right amount of currency in US Dollars. The money never leaves the originating country, a network of accounts (and some company reserves) are used to ensure that everyone gets the right amount of money.

Is Your Cash Safe?

Assuming that you choose a system that is recognized by the Financial Conduct Authority, you should have no problem with peer to peer exchange services. The only risk might be if the company you worked with ran out of reserves. However there are risks with all online transfer companies. Your best choice is to pick a company that is recognized by the FCA. This means that you have at least some peace of mind that the company is reputable. However, there is no compensation scheme – if a company goes bust while your money is being held by it, there is nothing to guarantee that you will get it back.

There are, however, two kinds of registration system with the FCA. The most basic is “FCA Registered.” All this means is that the FCA knows that the company exists. Being FCA registered does not mean that the company is safeguarding your money in any way. Only relatively small financial organizations are allowed to be FCA registered. Bigger companies with high trading turnovers must be FCA “Authorized” and this means that the company must keep their customer’s funds separate from their day to day trading funds. This means that if the firm does get into financial difficulty, your money should have been safeguarded and you will have a greater chance of getting it back.

Peer to peer currency trading is a promising system, and something that is worth looking into for smaller foreign currency transactions. It may never replace dealing with traditional financial establishments completely, but it does serve a useful niche in the currency markets and offers good value for money for people who need to send occasional payments abroad.

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CurrencyFair Money Transfer Review

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Company Information and Credibility

CurrencyFair, not be confused with travel money giant FairX. went live in Dublin in 2010. Since then, it has brokered roughly €1.5 billion, saving its customers some €100 million. CurrencyFair has expanded into the UK, Poland, and Australia, and it able to transfer funds to most nations around the world, though they don’t accept customers from anywhere but EEA countries or Australia.

The Currencyfair model has seem to find its way around investors minds, managing to raise in excess of $20m in several different rounds (as listed here. here. here and here ). The company is often mentioned next to betting exchange giant Betfair in media, and we speculate there might be a connection between the two companies, with shared investors and employees (like this consultant ).

Side Note: There’s also a strong connection between Betfair and Transferwise. as David Yu is an early investor in Transferwise.

Though the firm is still still young and developing, CurrencyFair is one of a few genuine Peer to Peer currency exchange companies. where transparency plays a huge rating, and saving is demonstrated across the board.

Whether this is a viable business model in the long term is yet to be seen. But for now, CurrencyFair seems to have a lot of happy customers and a growing influence.

The Central Bank of Ireland, The Autralian Securities and Investment Commission

🏆 Best in Show, FinovateAsia, 2012

🏆 IIA Dot IE Net Visionary Awards for Most Insightful and Intriguing Internet Innovation, 201311.

Though Currency fair can’t be matched with the old-timers in this industry like Moneycorp (operating since the 70’s and exchanging billions annually), it’s level of credibility is definitely in par with its direct competitor Transferwise.

Both companies have high expectations from them, cheap and transparent pricing, sexy marketing campaigns, and approximately similar trading volumes (both passed the 1bn mark in 2014).

Comentarios del cliente

There are 850+ client reviews available on TrustPilot . netting the company a 9.4 / 10 rating. This represents a large improvement from a shaky start Currencyfair had on the platform (in early 2014 it had an average rating of 6.2). It means that reviews added over the past 2 years have been almost unanimously positive.

CurrencyFair has received hundreds of positive client reviews and these were the main points:

Best exchange rate

Ability to achieve even better rates through marketplace options

Courteous approach form the support staff

Secure and prompt online platform

Complaints we have discovered about the company were most around these topic

Unhelpful service

Cumbersome platform which is not intuitive

Lack of transparency about fund withdrawal fees

Service discontinued to some countries without prior notice

The testimonials prove that Currencyfair meet the goals it has set up in order to become an industry leader:

Ability to achieve the best rates through the marketplace

An innovative product which combines an eWallet with currency transfers

Helpful service and overall client satisfaction from the experience

On the negative side there are some fairly justified complaints, but these are small things to consider inside a 95% positive overall feedback. The fact services were discontinued is indeed true, but doesn’t happen very often. The platform is a tad more complicated than other FX firms’ platform, but on the other hand it serves a different functionality, so it is expected. And yes, there are withdrawal fees but pretty negligible when it comes to high volume trading.

Exchange Rate & Matrícula

Tasas. There’s a min. €3 fixed fee per transaction (which grows to €8 for priority /same-day transfers). That is if you send money from the UK. You can pay as much as 40 ILS ($10 or so) if you’re transferring Israeli Shekels, which is comparable to a normal bank fee.

In addition, there are withdrawal fees to collect money from your Currencyfair account to your bank account. We’re trying to look for additional information on that topic, as it is not clearly stated anywhere on the site (but clearly mentioned in some clients’ reviews).

Exchange Rates: The currency rates offered by Currencyfair are dynamic.

In fact, Currencyfair is a marketplace where buyers and seller meet to exchange currencies. Each person can set his preferred rate, or engage into trading with an existing offer.

There are two ways to go along:

1. If you need to exchange the currency quickly, you can use the Quicktrade option. This will automatically search for the best rates currently available on the marketplace and match your transfer. We don’t have particular data on the average margin achieved through this function but we can tell Currencyfair claims to step in and offer a 0.4%-0.5% margin if no marketplace match is made (and we assume margins will hover around these prices).

2. If you want to let the money sit for a while, and willing to wait for the best deals, then you can potentially even beat the mid-market rate. On the other hand, in terms of currency fluctuations, you could end up losing much more than the fees you saved.

The average spread that Currencyfair reports is 0.35% which is a great margin even for large transfers, but it’s difficult to know if it can be ever achieved through the more recommended Quicktrade option.

Limits: €8 is the minimum amount that can be transferred, one of the lowest seen anywhere. There is no upper limit.

The fees could be excessive with some currencies, or if you want a priority trade. If you are transferring small volumes in exotic currencies, or need a priority transfer, you better off not use them.

In terms of exchange rates, we think they are quite comparable to Transferwise, all in all, at around the 0.5% from mid-market rate (if you factor in the fees). Pretty good, but can be beaten by traditional companies when the amount transferred is significant.

The marketplace is the hottest, one of a kind, feature that Currencyfair bring into the table, but it’s a service which is only usable to expert which can predict market movements, or money managers in organizations. Still, it must be mentioned that in certain scenarios this marketplace can achieve rates that simply cannot be beaten.

Exchange Rates & Fees Rating

Global Reach & Servicio

Dedicated Dealer: No.

Offices: UK, Australia, Ireland.

Ways to approach: Email, Telephone, Face to Face.

Translations: Polish, French.

Accepts clients: UK and Australia, Europe only.

Currencies Handled: 15.

Client reviews: 9.4 / 10, complimenting the company for saving and service.

Currencyfair is not the most global company there is. Not only it accepts clients from very specific locations, it also handles the least amount of currency pairs of all companies, especially in comparison to companies like FC Exchange .

On the service side, there’s no doubt the company stands to the highest standards of client satisfaction, but there are no expert dealers to assist you with market guidance (or offer hedging instruments such as forward contracts). That leaves the majority of customers at a disadvantage, having to make their own estimations on market movements if they decide to focus on the marketplace option.

Global Reach Score

Additional Functionalities

Spot contracts (instant currency exchange) only.

There are no special advantages for online sellers, whereas Currencies Direct and World First offer eTailers the option of opening collection bank accounts abroad .

Currencyfair has a great money transfer app, rated 4.2 / 5 on Google Play store. It is available to both Android and iPhone users, but seems much more popular on Android than it is on iPhone.

The app allows clients to log into their accounts, and basically perform all the necessary actions, such as opening a position, exchange money and transferring it from the account.

We cannot ignore the revolutionary P2P marketplace set up by Currencyfair, which represents a truly unique option of finding a mid-market rate (and then paying only 0.15% in spreads to Currencyfair itself).

Currencyfair has good features when it comes to two types of clients:

1. Experts who want to bet on currency movements without advisory on the subject. These individuals or businesses can fully utilize the marketplace and achieve tremendous rates, but they must know which way the market is moving.

2. Individuals or small businesses from UK or Europe who need to move money through popular corridors, and want to use the Quicktrade option to get pretty good rates. If they’re transferring massive amounts then they’re not likely to use an app for it, or let the money wait in the marketplace until a match is made (and could potentially get better rates with traditional FX firms).

Still, the whole concept is ground-breaking and the execution of features is good.

Special Features Score

Currency fair’s front page calculator suggested 1.0923 on EUR/USD but at the same time when getting a live quote to compare to my bank, offered 1.08464 On a €230k exchange that amounted to nearly €2k difference. My bank (large global player) was at 1.093346. Spot at 1.1002 or close. Would not trust the calculator on the homepage.

Posted on November 3, 2015

Hi Seth. Thank you for your input. A bit confusing though. Currencyfair’s comparison tool on the homepage was inaccurate, claimed to save you 2,000 Pounds in costs but the rate you got from your bank was actually better? If I got this correctly it is just very probable that the EURUSD was fluctuating at the time…. and data not refreshed on Currencyfair’s side yet. Very unlikely that a bank would beat Currencyfair’s margins. The rate you are describing is at around 1% which is fairly good for a bank, but any foreign exchange firm like World First. Transferwise or Currencyfair would beat. With that amount of money you should pay less than half of what the bank quoted you for.

Posted on November 3, 2015

Amazing company. Easy to set up account and I have just got better that inter bank for $38000 Oz To Canadian. Delighted with every aspect of my dealings with them.

Posted on November 12, 2015

Thank you Susan. We appreciate the feedback. Did you have any prior experience with other FX firms?

Posted on November 12, 2015

Here the a response I received from currency fair in response to my funds not being transferred - Currency fair provided all the required information and yet where unable complete the transaction or know where the funds went! This doesn’t bode well where you are taking a risk on whether this is a legit company or not.

“Thanks for your email, and apologies for not being able to respond to you sooner.

It would appear from your receipt that you accidentally sent these funds to our CAD (Canadian Dollar) bank account. We’ve sent a query to our banking partner to determine the whereabouts of your funds. Thus, we hope to be in a position within the next business day or two to confirm to you where these funds are. In the interim, please kindly check the account from which you sent them to see if they’ve already been returned.”

Posted on February 28, 2016

Hi Ciaran, definitely not what we would expect from a company like Currency Fair. It is not clear whether you made a mistake and sent it to the wrong bank account, or they provided you with the wrong details, but either way they should be more confident about the whereabouts of your funds. Please update us on this.

Posted on February 29, 2016

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Perfect Money Сертифицированные партнеры

Perfect Money строит свой бизнес на партнерских отношениях и высоко ценит каждого своего Бизнес Партнера.

Вы всегда можете выполнить множество видов обмена валюты Perfect Money через наших сертифицированных партнеров. Мы стараемся расширить аудиторию и сделать PM настолько ликвидной насколько это возможно.

Пожалуйста, для операций обмена, пользуйтесь услугами только сертифицированных партнеров.

В этом разделе вы найдете список всех обменных сервисов, которые по результатам своей работы доказали, что они являются честными и надежными партнерами:

NXT Assets and Money is a next generation Instant Exchange Service. High e-currency reserves. Low rates. Instant and transparent exchange. 24/7 Jabber automated bot with OTR support.

Trust Score: 510.6

RCHANGE is fully automated exchange service and available 24/7/365. Buy / Sell e-currency through local transfer(20 countries local pay, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan),Bank Wire, Western Union, Money Gram, btc-e, virtex and China Unionpay. We provide support by email, live chat, fax and phone in English and Chinese. We have a flexible system of discounts and the partnership rewards.

Trust Score: 1552.7

Ежедневно обмениваем PerfectMoney на наличные в следующих городах: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Киев, Минск, Ереван. Офис, курьерская доставка в любой город России, также обсуждается обмен в иных городах СНГ. Работаем с наличными, BTC, WMZ, российскими банками, MG/Unistream/Contact, Bank wire. Worldwide exchanger: China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Europe and others. PM-BTC, Bank wire, Cash, MG. English support.

Trust Score: 2363

BitYes is a one of Top 5 BTC-USD exchanges invested by Sequoia Capital, offering 24X7 customer services around the world. Our trading fee is as low as 0.1 with 3X margin trading and P2P. Also, the professional AML/KYC process, transparent and stable banking support, and experienced Huobi team ensure our security, liquidity, and popularity.

Trust Score: 330.4

P2PChange - Automatic and instant exchange Bitcoin - PerfectMoney. P2PChange - Автоматический и мгновенный обмен Bitcoin - PerfectMoney

Trust Score: 490.2

Unichange. me is fast, reliable and secure e-currency exchanger. Among our methods of buying and selling Perfect Money clients can find bank wire, money transfer (Western Union or MoneyGram), credit or debit cards. By constantly monitoring e-currency exchange market, we provide the best rates. We have created flexible discount system for our constant customers and partners. Besides Perfect Money we provide exchange of other popular e-currencies and many other service. Our team consists of experienced players of e-currency exchange market, working in this sphere more than 8 years already. Unichange support team is always ready to help our clients - they can submit a ticket on the website or contact us via Live chat. Our new enhanced Knowledge base enables clients to find solutions by themselves.

Trust Score: 2767.6

MuaBanPm. com is fully automated exchange service and available 24/7, buy and sell e-currency through local bank in Vietnam. We provide support by email, live chat and yahoo 24/7

Trust Score: 281.3

Naira4Dollar is your reliable source for fast e-currency funding and converting your e-currency to Cash. Naira4Dollar is operated by Sunej Global Ventures LTD which is a registered company with CAC. Reliable service since 2006. We offer INSTANT FUNDING!.

Trust Score: 634.5

Fully automated exchange service. Exchange/buy/sell Perfect Money using VISA/Mastercard credit cards, Russian and Ukrainian banks. We also support deposit/withdrawal operations with Wire Transfer.

Trust Score: 2457

Standard Gold Nigeria is the leading e-currency exchanger for buying and selling of major e-currencies with the lowest exchange rates and completing these exchanges within shortest possible time. We are tested and trusted by our clients and we offer the best rates around. Our fast, cheap reliable services ensures that you get the best value for your money.

Trust Score: 417.6

Сервис по оказанию услуг ввода-вывода Perfect Money через банковские карты(Приватбанк, Юникредитбанк, Аваль и др). Профессиональный саппорт и выгодные тарифы не оставят вас равнодушным. Our exchange service will help you to buy, sell or exchange Perfect Money via money transfer(Western Union, Money Gram) and bank transfer. Our helpful support will make your exchange easy and fast.

Trust Score: 1693

We will exchange automatically from perfect money to local bank Vietnam ( Vietcombank. Vietinbank. Acb. Sacombank. )

Trust Score: 487 is fully automated exchange service and available 15/7/365. Buy / Sell e-currency through local transfer, Bank Wire, Money Gram, Alipay and China Unionpay. We provide support by email, live chat, fax and phone in English and Chinese. We have a flexible system of discounts and the partnership rewards.

Trust Score: 746.5

ZITC-Exchange is one of Nigerias largest and most trusted accredited Perfect Money Exchangers situated in Warri, Delta state and with a growing base of thousands of customers through its site network. A leader in e-currency exchange, fully capable of handling large and small perfect money orders efficiently with an unparalleled reward system for her customers.

Trust Score: 880.3

MewahGold is a a digital currency in E-Currency exchange services over 6 years since 2007. We provide service with the western union, moneygram, bankwire and local bank transfer.

Trust Score: 1384.4

We are specialized for Bitcoin, BTC-e and Perfect Money to Western Union payment and it will be finished within 15 minutes and MTCN will be sent to you. We ensure you the market competitive low rates for exchanging from/to Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria Money Transfer from/to Perfect Money, BTC-e, Epay, FasaPay, MoneyPolo, PayPal and Bitcoin as well as Bank Wire, Local deposit in China, Hong Kong, Russia, Cyprus, Latvia, Czech Republic, Italy, United Kingdom and SEPA transfer within EUR Zone. We complete buy order within 30 minutes after receiving fund. We provide services 24/7 days online. QCashPay is Hong Kong registered company and operated from China office.

Trust Score: 320.1

1wm. kz – казахстанский обменный пункт электронной валюты. Покупка и продажа Perfect Money, EKZT, Qiwi, Webtransfer USD, Казкоммерцбанк и Халык банк. Выгодный курс, быстрая техподдержка, накопительная система скидок и партнерская программа.

Trust Score: 155.3

MihanPay is an Iran based e-currency exchanger as well as an accredited Perfect Money agent. We provide buy/sell/exchange Perfect Money using Iranian local banks, BTC. BTC-E and other e-currency. میهن پی. مرکز خرید و فروش انواع ارزهای الکترونیکی دارای نماد اعتماد

Trust Score: 217.3

Sendemoney was created to deliver fast and secure exchange operations for e-currency, safety and customer satisfaction is our company priority.

Trust Score: 413.3

Coinomat. com is a cryptocurrency and classic e-currency exchange service with extremely low fees and instant transactions.

Trust Score: 312

24paybank. com - the Fast exchange service of the international currencies. Buysell Perfect Money, BTC, Visa/MasterCard, QIWI, VTB, Sberbank, Tinkoff and other. Мы работаем круглосуточно без выходных. Всегда на связи вежливый support даст консультацию по любому вопросу. Накопительная система скидок и выгодная партнерская программа.

Trust Score: 28.6

XZZX site is a convenient way to buy/sell and exchange PerfectMoney.

Trust Score: 2419.9

E-dollar was founded in 2010 as one of the leading e-currency exchange providers, with the lowest exchange rates possible, and completing these exchanges within shortest possible time. We provide services to large Online Forex Brokers, Internet Merchants, Exchangers, Consultancy Companies and Individuals, who prefer safe e-currency exchange

Trust Score: 512.7

Zenithincome is a registered Ghana most valued and unique electronic currency exchanger with a historical excellence and adequate understanding of E-Business since 2008. Our service is simple, fast, secure with lowest rate. We provide support by email, live chat and phone in English and Hausa. Acceptable payment methods includes, Local Bank Deposit within Ghana, Bank Wire, MonenyGram, Western Union, MTN and AirTel Mobile Money.

Trust Score: 387.1

Zharif Sofia Exchanger is an Malaysian E-currency Exchanger Reliable, Trusted and Fastest Service for buy and sell perfect money by local malaysia deposit bank such Maybank CIMB. We also accept international customers deposit through Wire Transfer. We guaranteed the transaction will be done around 5 - 20 minutes for local customers 1 - 3 days for international customers. We are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We have English support for our customers by Call, SMS, Whatsapp, Wechat BBM and Skype. Our service is the largest in Malaysia, We have been doing exchange services since 2010. Terima kasih kerana menggunakan servis kami, sila datang lagi.

Trust Score: 325.2

Perfectexchange. info is a fast and safe exchanger. We buy and sell the PM for the most popular banks of Russia. We guarantee our clients the excellent courses and a quick exchange. perfectexchange. info - быстрый и безопасный обменник. Мы продаем и покупаем PM за самые популярные банки в России и гарантируем нашим клиентам отличные курсы и быстрый обмен.

Trust Score: 269.5

Сервис PMobmen осуществляет ввод/вывод PerfectMoney в России, странах СНГ и зарубежья. Вводим/выводим PerfectMoney - наличные(в Москве и Киеве), электронную валюту, банки, системы быстрых денежных переводов, SWIFT переводы. Продаем e-Voucher PerfectMoney. Пользуясь нашим сервисом, Вы можете быть уверены, что деньги придут быстро и вовремя. Мы работаем для Вас 24/7/365.

Trust Score: 300.3

We Provide E-Currency for Investing, Trading Forex, Autosurfs, High Yield Investment Plans, Online Product Purchase and many more purposes. We are into E-Currency Exchange Business Since 2005. We are Most Reliable E-Currency Exchanger in Lagos. We Help You to Convert Naira To E-Currency. We Also Help You Convert Back your E-Currency to Naira.

Trust Score: 848.1

247 Xchanger is a subsidiary of AyTech Web Solutions, which is one of the leading web solution companies is Nigeria. Our goal at 247 Xchanger is to ensure that your account is funded instantly without any delay because we understand that the time of our clients is very important. In regards to this, you can be rest assured that your e-currency account will be funded almost immediately after we receive your payment in our account or at most 24hrs which may be due to unforeseen circumstances. At 247 Xchanger we treat our customers as kings and queens, we keep growing because we have you.

Trust Score: 97.4

Наш онлайн сервис осуществляет быстрый ввод/вывод Perfect Money в странах Балтии. Мы выполним вашу заявку в самые короткие сроки. Наш сервис предлагает самые низкие комиссии, быстрые операции по обмену на другие платежные системы, качественное обслуживание и надежность. Our exchange service will help you to buy, sell or exchange Perfect Money. Exchange your e-currency with the lowest rates. Our helpful support will make your exchange easy and fast.

Trust Score: 87.6

FehuPay осуществляет быстрый и круглосуточный обмен Perfect Money на другие валюты и банки России и Украины. Без перерывов и выходных. 24/7. Fehu Pay provides a fast and non-stop exchange Perfect Money to other currencies and banks in Russia and Ukraine. Without breaks and days off. 24/7.

Trust Score: 11.5

Nigeria No 1 Perfect Money certified partner. Offers the cheapest rate in the market with instant funding. You can buy and sell Perfect Money and other major e-currencies on our platform through local bank deposit, internet banking, mobile banking and ATM fund transfer etc. We have top notch customer support working day and night to provide the best service to our clients. Try us today for the best service.

Trust Score: 41.7

DITUKAR. COM is one of e-currency exchanger in Indonesia that currently work to buy and sell Perfect Money balance online by local Indonesia deposit bank such BCA, Mandiri, BRI and BNI. We are tested and trusted by our clients and we offer the best rates around. Our fast, cheap reliable services ensures that you get the best value for your money.

Trust Score: 35.8

Maplexchange. com is Nigerias most innovative e-commerce and e - currency exchange service provider. All of our customers orders are accorded priority, and always executed swiftly, because our customers interest is our biggest concern. We have flexible payment options. We accept international and local card payments Unionpay, American Express, Mastercard, Visa card and Verve, local bank wire, internet banking, mobile money, and direct bank deposits. We work 24/7 to ensure that all of our customers are effectively served.

Trust Score: 24.2

Ru-change. cc is a fast and safe exchanger. We buy and sell the PM for the most popular banks. We guarantee our clients the excellent courses and a quick exchange. Discounts for registered. Ru-change. cc - быстрый и безопасный обменник. Мы продаем и покупаем PM за самые популярные банки и гарантируем нашим клиентам отличные курсы и быстрый обмен. Скидки зарегистрированным.

Trust Score: 33.1

Our service operates on e-commerce market in 2009. During this period, there was a lot of different events on the market - from changes in the rules of work with the payment system before the closure of several large payment sistem. V result of these events, not all the exchange services were able to stay on the market. During this entire period, our employees have accumulated extensive experience and knowledge in the field of electronic payments. And only thanks to our quick response to changes in working conditions, in this period, we were not only able to remain on the market, but also to take a leading pozitsii. Our specialists are able to provide you with expert assistance in the commission of exchange transactions on the site of our exchange service. We always offer you for a safe and comfortable working conditions, and continue to improve the service, taking into account your wishes.

Trust Score: 22.8

ZuluExchange is one of the fastest and Reliable Platform for Instantly Exchanging perfect Money to iTune Gift Cards, Google Gift cards, Entromoney and Other e-currency Online. Buy/Sell e-currency, auto-exchange e-currency. Trusted by hundreds of users. Our website is user-friendly, swift with Instant Email Delivery of iTune Gift codes.

Trust Score: 12.7

EXIPON - гибкая система электронных обменов. Обслуживает крупных клиентов, предъявляющих специфические задачи. Обменные операции в различных платежных системах на территории России, Болгарии и стран ЕС.

MGchange. com is a reliable and secure e-currency exchange service. We provide Perfect Money exchange to other e-currencies, deposits from and withdrawals to your bank accounts and cards. MGchange. com – надежный и безопасный сервис обмена электронных валют. Мы осуществляем обмен Perfect Money на другие электронные валюты, а также ввод/вывод на банковские счета и карты.

Trust Score: 198.4

Наш On-line сервис предназначен для тех, кто хочет быстро, безопасно и по выгодному курсу обменять на Perfect Money различные виды электронных валют. Этим возможности нашего сервиса не ограничиваются. В рамках проекта действуют программа лояльности, накопительная скидка и партнерская программа, воспользовавшись преимуществами которых, вы сможете совершать обмен электронных валют на более выгодных условиях. Наш пункт обмена электронных валют – система, созданная на базе современного программного обеспечения и содержащая весь набор необходимых функций для удобной и безопасной конвертации наиболее распространенных видов электронных денег. За время работы мы приобрели репутацию проверенного партнера и делаем все возможное, чтобы ваши впечатления от нашего сервиса были только благоприятными.

Dailychanger is one of the Indonesian Exchanger Certificed Partner Perfect Money. We provide service buy or sell E-currencies by local bank in indonesian like BCA, Mandiri Bank, and BNI Bank. the process transactions during 5 until 10 minutes. and we have livechat support to contact with our customer. and make customers feel cozy. Our Website uses SSL encrytion, so that to secure and protecting privacy data and security customer.

Semi-automatic exchange your Perfect Money to other e-currencies. Low commission. Полуавтоматический обмен Perfect Money на другие электронные валюты. Низкие комиссии при обмене.

XChanger is The first Iranian exchanger. This website provides exchange services for various e-currencies for people inside of Iran. All transactions are manually performed due to security reasons. Therefore, each transaction may be completed within 5 minutes to 48 hours. The requested money will be directly transferred to your account.

Trust Score: 60.5

e-CoinsPay. com is an e-currency exchange company offers now market low rates for exchanging from/to Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria Money Transfer from/to Perfect Money, BTC-e, Epay and Bitcoin as well as Bank Wire. We complete order within few minutes after receiving fund. We provide services 24/7 days online.

WuBill. com work with any Money Transfer system: Western Union, MoneyGram, Anelik, Unistrim. Wire: Any BankCard of Russia. Low fee, fast service and 24/7 support. Discounts for active customers.

Trust Score: 37.4

The worlds 1st customer to customer E-Currency exchange marketplace.

Payment Bazar is an Iran based e-currency exchanger as well as an accredited Perfect Money agent. We support our customers by email, SMS and online chat, fax and phone in Persian and English. We provide buy/sell Perfect Money using Iranian local banks fast, secure and with lowest price with Paymentbazar. com

eSarrafi is the most trusted, accredited, reputable digital currencies Exchanger in Malaysia. We offer an unbeatable digital currencies exchange services in Malaysia. With our competitive and affordable exchange rates in the continent plus with the speed of service delivery, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Our service operates on e-commerce market in 2011. During this period, there was a lot of different events on the market - from changes in the rules of work with the payment system before the closure of several major payment systems. Not all the exchange services were able to stay on the market as a result of these events. During this entire period, our employees have accumulated extensive experience and knowledge in the field of electronic payments. We always offer you for a safe and comfortable working conditions, and continue to improve the service, taking into account your wishes.

Сервис BEST—CHANGE. INFO – это удобный способ конвертировать валюту. Актуальный курс, широкий выбор валют для выгодного обмена, скорость и законность проведения операции – все это сервис. Мы работаем с популярными электронными валютами, банками: Perfect Money, Яндекс. Деньги, AdvCash, Qiwi, NixMoney.

Velocity Capital offers funding, withdrawal and exchange services to clients worldwide. Being in business since 2007, we know our clients time is worth a lot. Always striving to provide fast and quality service you can depend on.

eCashMe provide excellent, fast and cheap services of automatic exchange, top-up, withdrawal major electronic currencies. Available payment methods: Domestic Bank transfers at 40+ countries, SWIFT/SEPA transfers, Sofort Banking, Technocash, quick money transfer systems and more! Debit card program. Modern and convenient website. Company operator of eCashMe is a legally registered company at Dominica. Friendly support available 24 hours online.

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Если у вас есть работающий бизнес по обмену электронных валют или по проведению других финансовых операций, и вы показали себя с хорошей стороны в платежном рынке, у вас есть прекрасная возможность стать нашим сертифицированным партнером. Мы предлагаем специальные условия работы для всех сертифицированных обменных сервисов.

The Chinese currency is called Renminbi (People's money), often abbreviated as RMB. Issued by the People's Bank of China, it is the sole legal tender for both the Chinese nationals and foreign tourists. The unit of Renminbi is yuan and the smaller, jiao and fen. The conversion among the three is: 1 yuan = 10 jiao =100 fen. Chinese people normally refer to Yuan as Kuai, Jiao as Mao. RMB is issued both in notes and coins. The denominations of paper notes include 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 yuan; 5, 2 and 1 jiao; and 5, 2 and 1 fen. The denominations of coins are 1 yuan; 5, 2 and 1 jiao; and 5, 2 and 1 fen.

Although foreign currency cannot be circulated within the People's Republic of China or used to determine the price and settle accounts, it can be exchanged in China through traveler's cheques, currency conversion at banks and hotels. Besides, many credit cards can also be used in China. What follows is a more detailed explanation.

Traveler's cheques provide a fairly secure way of carrying money. The Bank of China can cash travelers' cheques sold by international commercial banks and travelers' cheque companies in the United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany and other countries and regions. Also the Bank of China sells travelers' cheques for such banks as American Express, Citibank, Tongjilong Travelers' Cheque Co. the Sumitomo Bank of Japan, the Swiss Banking Corporation and others.

Money exchange facilities for both currency and travelers' cheques are available at major airports, hotels, and department stores. Please note that hotels may only exchange money for their guests. The US dollar, British pound, French franc, German mark, Japanese yen, Australian dollar, Austrian schilling, Belgian franc, Canadian dollar, HK dollar, Swiss franc, Danish Krone, Singapore dollar, Malaysian ringgit, Italian lira, Macao dollar, Finnish markka, and Taiwan dollar are all exchangeable. Exchange rates fluctuate in line with international financial market conditions and are published daily by the State Exchange Control Administration.

Keep your currency exchange receipts, because you will need to show them when you change RMB back to your own currency at the end of your visit to China. Currency rather than credit cards is essential in remote areas, and you should ensure that you carry sufficient RMB and travelers' cheques to cover your requirements.

At present, the following credit cards are accepted in China: Master Card, Federal Card, Visa, American Express, JCB and Diners Card. Holders can draw cash from the Bank of China and pay for purchases at exchange centers of the Bank of China, appointed shops, hotels and restaurants. However, this applies only in major cities. Credit cards are not always accepted for the purchase of rail and air tickets. ATMs that accept foreign cards are few and far between. Do not rely on them as a way of obtaining cash in Mainland China.

Consult with your bank before departing to make sure that your brand of cheque or credit card will be accepted. Currency Regulations

There is no limit on the amount of foreign currency and foreign exchange bills that can be brought into China by tourists, but the amount must be declared to the customs.

For more information, please click Exchange Rate .

(China. org. cn, June 12, 2002)

www. currencyfair. com

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e-Exchange is a real-time exchange for peer to peer trading of securities, currency and other fungibles 24 hours/day. Traders, investors and brokers trade directly with one another peer to peer by posting orders on an online global book trading market. e-Exchange integrates the exchange, broker & clearing house functions to reduce risk, increase efficiency & lower fees. We have completed online beta testing.

Quotes, prior trades and market depth are free and delivered in real time. All the information displayed in the Danish Krone US$ trading market above is available to individual investors, traders & brokers on the same terms. The Trader-ID column contains investor pseudonyms to remain anonymous or advertising to facilitate peer to peer contact.

Our Real Time Advantage . e-Exchange operates in real time. Everything is real time! Investor accounts, member-broker accounts, account status and margin displays are in real time. When an investor buys a security at 10:00 PM, the transaction is reported in real time; the investor’s account is updated in real time and his security positions are revalued and margined in real time.

Most, if not all, brokers still use batch accounting systems for client records; these batch systems are not real time. Our real time advantage provides e-Exchange with a window to establish a profitable position in the marketplace.

Competition . We are unaware of any direct competitors to our innovative integrated exchange for peer to peer trading. e-Exchange does not compete with existing exchanges nor with brokers. Our objective is to create new business in under serviced such as extended hours & 24x7 peer to peer trading and niche markets such as Equity Crowdfunding .

Live Trading . e-Exchange can begin live foreign currency prior to the trading of securities which can begin once an exchange license is acquired. We have real time online testing.

Our Objective . Our objective is to provide peer to peer trading for the following niche markets:

Unlisted securities presently without an electronic marketplace

Call & Put options

Gold bullion coins and other fungible collectibles

Foreign and domestic securities seeking to extend their trading hours

Foreign currencies

e-Exchange has a competitive advantage with the following features:

Real time accounting and trading; cash settlement (T+0)

24 x 7 direct investor-to-investor trading

Trader-ID to facilitate contacts between investors & dealers

Real time portfolio margining across multiple related accounts in any combination of US$ or Canadian$ accounts

28 order types including hidden Fill-bids-only and prearranged cross normally available only to professional traders

Display of all visible orders in a global book Trading-market

Common platform for trading and settlement

Technology . e-Exchange has been designed as a real-time system that is highly reliable, secure and scalable. It is designed in a manner that allows for:

Rapid development and deployment of new software features in response to changing information needs and business requirements

Effective data security among system users and system security protection against external threats

Efficient processing of online transaction data

The e-Exchange system has been developed using Microsoft technology and a three-tier applications architecture.

Market Potential . Small exchanges servicing niche markets can be profitable. The very profitable not-for-profit Alberta Stock Exchange, “ASE”, is an example of a successful small exchange. During the four years 1995 to 1998, the ASE had an average operating profit of $2-million annually on average revenue of $9.9-million. During the same four years, the ASE increased its capital from $12.9-million to $18.6-million. e-Exchange has the potential to duplicate the success of the ASE and more.

Peer-to-peer currency exchange platform Kantox raises €6.5m Series A investment

Peer-to-peer currency trading platform Kantox today announced it has raised €6.5m of Series A funding from a group of European investors, set to back a new phase of growth for the business.

Founded in 2012 by Philippe Gelis, Kantox is a currency exchange platform that allows businesses to trade currencies directly with each other, allowing them to bypass banks and other traditional facilitators of foreign currency exchange.

London-based Kantox says its platform promotes greater transparency in the foreign exchange market, allowing businesses to avoid the hidden fees and mark-ups associated with third-party exchange brokers.

Since launch Kantox has grown rapidly, helped by a previous €1m seed investment in July 2012, and now has more than 500 corporate clients across Europe serviced by a 45-strong team; it says its platform will process more than 1 billion euro worth of transactions in the year to come.

The current €6.5m investment was led by Partech Ventures and Idinvest Partners, alongside existing investor Cabiedes & Fogonadura.

It will be used to develop the firm’s technology and hire additional marketing staff in order to consolidate the company’s presence across Europe.

Philippe Gelis, founder and CEO of Kantox, said: “We are extremely excited to have secured this latest round of funding, and can’t wait to continue building out our sales teams in Germany, France, Spain, the UK and Italy.

“We believe our model is second to none and are convinced that it has a huge market potential globally.”

Philippe Collombel, managing partner of lead investor Partech Ventures, said: “Kantox is one of the most remarkable actors within the trend of tech companies dedicated to financial services. Many companies will be able to reduce the cost of their FX transactions and to make them easier thanks to Kantox’s solution.

“We are very happy to support this amazing team in the development of their offer and are convinced of their ability to become a major player in the foreign exchange market.”

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A CURRENCY website is offering rock-bottom foreign exchange rates that are lower than the wholesale rates the banks charge to buy and sell from each other.

Currency Fair, Britain’s first online peer-to-peer currency service, brings together people who want to exchange 17 different currencies, including the US dollar and euro.

The website allows users to buy and sell currency, avoiding fees. Once registered, customers either get the rate offered at the time they log on or wait for a better deal from another buyer looking to make a purchase.

Since launching in 2010, it says, it has saved customers £15m in total compared with using banks, which often charge high transfer fees and offer a poor exchange rate.

Some sellers are eager to offload foreign currencies, so the exchange rates offered can be very competitive.

The firm said that, since the start of the year, 11% of its customers had

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Peer-to-peer currency exchanges and associated systems and methods are disclosed herein. In one embodiment, a computer-implemented method of facilitating a currency exchange transaction between multiple users of a peer-to-peer currency exchange system can include receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system for a currency exchange transaction. The method can also include funding corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system based on the respective user's selected amount of money to be converted and a current exchange rate between the first currency and the second currency. The method can further include aggregating funds from the corresponding user accounts at the system and, after aggregating the funds, matching user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing. The matching process is based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined matching parameters. The method can also include transferring the converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user.


1. A computer-implemented method of facilitating a currency exchange transaction between multiple users of a computerized peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange system, the method comprising:receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system for a currency exchange transaction, wherein individual user instructions include (a) a selected amount of money to be converted, (b) specification of a first currency in which the funds in which the funds are to be provided, (c) specification of a second currency different from the first currency into which the funds are to be converted, and (d) specification of a period of time in which the transaction is to be completed;funding corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system based, at least in part, on the respective user's selected amount of money to be converted and a current exchange rate between the first currency and the second currency;aggregating funds from the corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system;after aggregating the funds, matching user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing, wherein the matching process is based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined matching parameters; andfor each matched user request, electronically transferring the converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user.

2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein matching user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing comprises prioritizing the user requests for a particular processing cycle based on at least one of the following matching parameters--the total number of transactions;a total transaction volume;a user or customer rating; anda chronological order in which the user instructions were received.

3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2, further comprising assigning a weighting factor to individual matching parameters relative to the other matching parameters before prioritizing the user requests in a given processing cycle.

4. The computer-implemented method of claim 2 wherein a first set of matching parameters is used for a first processing cycle, and wherein a second set of matching parameters different from the first set of matching parameters is used for a second processing cycle.

5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein aggregating funds from the corresponding user accounts and matching user requests for conversion comprises a first processing cycle, and wherein excess aggregated funds that are not transferred to external accounts of the users are rolled over into a second, subsequent processing cycle.

6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein transferring the converted funds to an external account of the respective user occurs at least 24 hours after receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system.

7. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein transferring the converted funds to an external account of the respective user occurs no more than three business days after receiving user instructions and funds at the currency exchange system.

8. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein transferring the converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user includes transferring a lump sum of the converted funds to an external payment processing entity, and wherein the payment processing entity disburses the converted funds to the corresponding external accounts of the respective users.

9. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, further comprising registering multiple users with the currency exchange system before receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system for a currency exchange transaction, wherein each user is assigned an account with the currency exchange system.

10. The computer-implemented method of claim 9, further comprising linking a first and a second external financial account of a user with the respective user's account at the currency exchange system, wherein the first external financial account is based on the first currency and the second external financial account is based on the second currency.

11. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, further comprising receiving confirmation at the currency exchange system that the funds have been received into corresponding user accounts from an external financial account of the corresponding user before aggregating funds from the corresponding user accounts.

12. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, further comprising linking a first and a second external financial account of a user with the respective user's account at the currency exchange system, wherein the first external financial account is based on the first currency and the second external financial account is based on the second currency, and wherein transferring the converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user comprises transferring the converted funds to the external financial account based on the appropriate currency.

13. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, further comprising electronically reporting details of each completed transaction to one or more regulatory agencies.

14. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein funding corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system includes using an electronic funds transfer from an external financial account of the corresponding user to fund the user's account at the currency exchange system.

15. The computer-implemented method of claim 1 wherein receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system for a currency exchange transaction includes electronically receiving user instructions from remote client devices via a communication network.

16. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, further comprising cancelling a particular user request if the transaction request is not matched within the period of time in which the transaction is to be completed, and wherein unmatched user requests are not fulfilled by the currency exchange system.

17. A peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange system for facilitating foreign currency exchange transactions between multiple users the system comprising:one or more data storage components configured to store user account information, user instructions for currency exchange transactions, and one or more predetermined transaction matching parameters; andone or more data processing components coupled to the one or more data storage components, the one or more data processing components configured to--process user instructions for currency exchange transactions, wherein the individual user instructions include a selected amount of money to be converted from a first currency to a second, different currency and a time period in which the transaction is to be completed;debit funds from one or more external financial accounts of each user to fund the respective user's account at the currency exchange system;group the user requests and funds from corresponding user accounts;match two or more of the grouped user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing based, at least in part, on the one or more predetermined transaction matching parameters; anddisburse the converted funds to a corresponding external financial account of the corresponding user.

18. The currency exchange system of claim 17 wherein the one or more data processing components are further configured to:process an application of an applicant to become a user of the currency exchange system;upon approval of the application, link a first external financial account and a second external financial account of the of the new user with the user's account at the currency exchange system, wherein the first external financial account is based on the first currency and the second external financial account is based on the second currency.

19. The currency exchange system of claim 17 wherein the one or more predetermined transaction matching parameters include at least one of the total number of transactions during a particular processing cycle, a total transaction volume during the processing cycle, a user or customer rating, and a chronological order in which the user instructions were received.

20. The currency exchange system of claim 17 wherein the one or more data processing components are further configured to cancel a particular user request if the request is not matched within the period of time in which the transaction is to be completed.

21. The currency exchange system of claim 17 wherein disbursing the converted funds to a corresponding external financial account of the corresponding user occurs between at least approximately one business day and three business days after processing user instructions for the particular transaction.

22. The currency exchange system of claim 17 wherein the one or more data processing components are further configured electronically notify users of completion of currency exchange transactions and disbursement of funds to the particular user's external financial account.

23. One or more computer-readable media collectively storing computer-executable instructions that, when executed, perform a method for facilitating a foreign currency exchange transaction between multiple entities, the method comprising:registering multiple users with the currency exchange system, wherein each user is assigned an account with the currency exchange system;receiving at the currency exchange system a plurality of user requests for currency exchange transactions, wherein the individual requests include a selected amount of money to be converted from a first currency to a second currency, and a desired period of time in which the transaction is to occur;debiting funds from one or more external financial accounts of each user to fund the respective user's account at the currency exchange system based, at least in part, on the selected monetary value of the respective user's request;pooling funds from multiple transaction requests together at the currency exchange system and, after pooling the requests, processing user requests for a conversion of funds in a selected currency pairing based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined factors; andtransferring converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user.

24. A system for facilitating a peer-to-peer (P2P) foreign currency exchange transactions, the system comprising:means for receiving user transaction instructions at a currency exchange system, wherein individual user instructions include (a) a selected amount of money to be converted, (b) specification of a first currency in which the funds in which the funds are to be provided, (c) specification of a second currency into which the funds are to be converted, and (d) specification of a period of time in which the transaction is to be completed;means for funding corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system based, at least in part, on the respective user's selected amount of money to be converted and a current exchange rate between the first currency and the second currency;means for matching multiple user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined matching factors; andmeans for transferring the converted funds to corresponding external accounts of the respective users.

25. The system of claim 24, further comprising means for registering multiple users with the currency exchange system and assigning each user an account with the currency exchange system.

26. A computer-implemented method of facilitating a currency exchange transaction between multiple users of a peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange system, wherein the currency exchange system includes at least one currency exchange server coupled with multiple remote client devices via a public computer network, and wherein the method comprises:receiving from a user instructions for a currency exchange transaction, wherein the user instructions include a selected amount of money to be converted from a first currency to a second currency, a desired period of time in which the transaction is to occur, and a specification of one or more external financial accounts of the user from which at least a portion of the particular user's transaction will be funded;providing the instructions for the currency exchange transaction from a remote client device to the currency exchange server via the public computer network, wherein the instructions cause at least one of the currency exchange server and corresponding remote client devices to--pool funds from multiple transaction requests together at the currency exchange system and, after pooling the requests, process transaction requests for a conversion of funds in a selected currency pairing based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined factors; andtransfer converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user;receiving at the remote client device confirmation that the converted funds were transferred to the external account of the user; anddisplaying by the remote client device the confirmation to the user.

27. The computer-implemented method of claim 26, further comprising:receiving application instructions at the remote client device from an applicant to become a user of the currency exchange system;providing the application instructions to the currency exchange server; andreceiving at the remote client device confirmation of approval of the application before providing instructions for the currency exchange transaction to the currency exchange server.


[0001] The following disclosure relates generally to peer-to-peer currency exchange and associated systems and methods.

[0002] To exchange currency, a person typically walks into a bank or approaches a currency exchange kiosk at an airport, railway station, or the like, and completes the transaction. For example, upon arrival in a foreign country, an international traveler may use such an exchange to obtain local currency with which to conduct transactions during his or her trip. At the end of the traveler's stay in the particular country, the traveler may again use such an exchange to convert any excess funds in the local currency back into the currency of the traveler's home country or region. In another example, a company located in a first country (e. g. Canada) may conduct a significant amount of business with one or more companies (e. g. suppliers, vendors, etc.) in a second country (e. g. the United States), and may need to exchange currency on a regular basis to make payments to the one or more companies in the second country.

[0003] Although conventional currency exchange methods are readily available, the transaction fees associated with such exchanges can be very high. For example, although currency exchange rates vary, it is not uncommon for such fees to be as much as 3% for each transaction. For individuals or businesses who conduct a large number of currency exchange transactions, the total cost of such fees can be significant.


[0004] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a basic and suitable computer that may employ aspects of the disclosure.

[0005] FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a computing environment suitable for implementing a peer-to-peer currency exchange system and method in accordance with embodiments of the disclosure.

[0006] FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating components of a peer-to-peer currency or value exchange system configured in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure.

[0007] FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for opening a new account with a currency exchange system in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure.

[0008] FIGS. 5A-5C are screen displays illustrating representative Web pages for various aspects of the method of FIG. 4

[0009] FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating a method for conducting a currency exchange transaction between two or more persons or other entities via peer-to-peer trading in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure.

[0010] FIGS. 7A and 7B are screen displays illustrating representative Web pages for various aspects of the method of FIG. 6.

[0011] FIG. 8 is a block diagram illustrating data flow between various components of a P2P currency or value exchange system in some embodiments.

[0012] FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating data flow between various components of a P2P currency or value exchange system in some embodiments.

[0013] The following disclosure is directed generally to peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange and associated systems and methods. Aspects of the disclosure, for example, are directed to matching buyers and sellers of currency directly to facilitate currency exchange transactions between users of the currency exchange system. In this way, the currency exchange system can avoid the currency carrying risks associated with many conventional exchange dealers and provide conversions at or around the median of the bid-spread rate, which is significantly lower rate than most conventional currency exchanges.

[0014] As described in greater detail below, one feature of various embodiments of the system and methods described below is that, in almost all situations, the currency exchange system can complete currency exchanges for the users of the system in a timely and predictable manner regardless of demand imbalances during any given processing cycle. The foreign exchange market is a highly dynamic and volatile market. Various embodiments of the currency exchange systems and associated methods in this disclosure, however, are expected to provide users with a single entity that can handle foreign currency exchange needs for a disparate group of users in an efficient, low-cost, and secure manner.

[0015] One aspect of the disclosure is directed toward a computer-implemented method for facilitating a currency exchange transaction between multiple users of a computerized peer-to-peer (P2P) currency exchange system. The method can include receiving user instructions at the currency exchange system for a currency exchange transaction. The individual user instructions can include (a) a selected amount of money to be converted, (b) specification of a first currency in which the funds in which the funds are to be provided, (c) specification of a second currency different from the first currency into which the funds are to be converted, and (d) specification of a period of time in which the transaction is to be completed. The method can also include funding corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system based, at least in part, on the respective user's selected amount of money to be converted and a current exchange rate between the first currency and the second currency. The method can further include aggregating funds from the corresponding user accounts at the currency exchange system. After aggregating the funds, the method can also include matching user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing. The matching process is based, at least in part, on one or more predetermined matching parameters. The method can further include, for each matched user request, electronically transferring the converted funds to a corresponding external account of the respective user.

[0016] In another aspect of the disclosure, a peer-to-peer currency exchange system for facilitating foreign currency exchange transactions between multiple users can include one or more data storage components configured to store user account information, user instructions for currency exchange transactions, and one or more predetermined transaction matching parameters. The currency exchange system can also include one or more data processing components coupled to the one or more data storage components. The data processing component(s) can be configured to process user instructions for currency exchange transactions. The individual user instructions include a selected amount of money to be converted from a first currency to a second, different currency and a time period in which the transaction is to be completed. The data processing component(s) can also be configured to debit funds from one or more external financial accounts of each user to fund the respective user's account at the currency exchange system. The data processing component(s) can further be configured to group the user requests and funds from corresponding user accounts, and match two or more of the grouped user requests for a conversion of funds into a selected currency pairing. The matching process can be based, at least in part, on the one or more predetermined transaction matching parameters. The data processing component(s) can further be configured to disburse the converted funds to a corresponding external financial account of the corresponding user.

[0017] Certain specific details are set forth in the following description and FIGS. 1-9 to provide a thorough understanding of various embodiments of the disclosure. Well-known structures, systems, and methods associated with such systems have not been shown or described in detail to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the description of the various embodiments of the disclosure. In addition, those of ordinary skill in the art will understand that various embodiments of the disclosure may be practiced without several of the details described below.

[0018] The terminology used in the description presented below is intended to be interpreted in its broadest reasonable manner, even though it is being used in conjunction with a detailed description of certain specific embodiments of the disclosure. Certain terms may even be emphasized below; however, any terminology intended to be interpreted in any restricted manner will be overtly and specifically defined as such in this Detailed Description section.

A . Suitable Computing Environments in Which Aspects of the Disclosure can be Implemented

[0019] FIGS. 1 and 2 and the following discussion provide a brief, general description of a suitable computing environment in which aspects of the disclosure can be implemented. Although not required, aspects and embodiments of the disclosure will be described in the general context of computer-executable instructions, such as routines executed by a general-purpose computer, e. g. a server or personal computer. Those skilled in the relevant art will appreciate that the disclosure can be practiced with other computer system configurations, including Internet appliances, hand-held devices, wearable computers, cellular or mobile phones, multi-processor systems, microprocessor-based or programmable consumer electronics, set-top boxes, network PCs, mini-computers, mainframe computers and the like. Several embodiments of the disclosure can be embodied in a special purpose computer or data processor that is specifically programmed, configured, or constructed to perform one or more of the computer-executable instructions explained in detail below. Indeed, the term "computer", as used generally herein, refers to any of the above devices, as well as any data processor.

[0020] Several embodiment of the disclosure can also be practiced in distributed computing environments, where tasks or modules are performed by remote processing devices, which are linked through a communications network, such as a LAN, WAN, or the Internet. In a distributed computing environment, program modules or sub-routines may be located in both local and remote memory storage devices. Aspects of the disclosure described below may be stored or distributed on computer-readable media, including magnetic and optically readable and removable computer discs, stored as firmware in chips (e. g. EEPROM chips), as well as distributed electronically over the Internet or over other networks (including wireless networks). Those skilled in the relevant art will recognize that aspects of the disclosure may reside on a server computer, while corresponding portions reside on a client computer. Data structures and transmission of data particular to aspects of the disclosure are also encompassed within the scope of the disclosure.

[0021] Referring to FIG. 1, one embodiment of the disclosure employs a computer 100, such as a personal computer or workstation, having one or more processors 101 coupled to one or more user input devices 102 and data storage devices 104. The computer is also coupled to at least one output device such as a display device 106 and one or more optional additional output devices 108 (e. g. printer, plotter, speakers, tactile or olfactory output devices, etc.). The computer 100 may be coupled to external computers, such as via an optional network connection 110, a wireless transceiver 112, or both.

[0022] The input devices 102 may include a keyboard and/or a pointing device such as a mouse. Other input devices are possible such as a microphone, joystick, pen, game pad, scanner, digital camera, video camera, and the like. The data storage devices 104 may include any type of computer-readable media that can store data accessible by the computer 100, such as magnetic hard and floppy disk drives, optical disk drives, magnetic cassettes, tape drives, flash memory cards, digital video disks (DVDs), Bernoulli cartridges, RAMs, ROMs, smart cards, etc. Indeed, any medium for storing or transmitting computer-readable instructions and data may be employed, including a connection port to or node on a network such as a local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN) or the Internet (not shown in FIG. 1).

[0023] As mentioned above, aspects of the disclosure may be practiced in a variety of other computing environments. Referring to FIG. 2, for example, a distributed computing environment includes a system 200 having one or more user computers 202, one or more banks or financial institutions 230, and at least one server computer 208 interconnected via a communication network 206 (e. g. the Internet). The individual user computers 202 can each include a client application, such as a browser program module 204 that permits the computer to access and exchange data with a communication network 206 (e. g. the Internet), including Web sites within the World Wide Web portion of the Internet (although other networks and network access applications may of course be employed). The user computers 202 may be substantially similar to the computer 100 described above with respect to FIG. 1. User computers 202 may include other program modules such as an operating system, one or more application programs (e. g. word processing or spreadsheet applications), and the like. The computers may be general-purpose devices that can be programmed to run various types of applications, or they may be single-purpose devices optimized or limited to a particular function or class of functions. More importantly, while shown with web browsers, any application program for providing a graphical user interface to users may be employed, as described in detail below. The use of a web browser and web interface are only used as a familiar example here.

[0024] The server computer(s) 208 coupled to the network 206 performs much or all of the functions for receiving, routing and storing of electronic messages, which may at times include web pages, audio signals, and electronic images. While the Internet is shown in the illustrated embodiment, a variety of different types of networks, such as an intranet, an extranet, virtual private network (VPN), a non-TCP/IP based network, or the like, may be preferred in some applications. The network 206 may have a client-server architecture, in which a computer is dedicated to serving other client computers, or it may have other architectures such as a peer-to-peer, in which one or more computers serve simultaneously as servers and clients. A database 210 or databases, coupled to the server computer(s), stores much of the web pages and content exchanged between the user computers 202. The server computer(s) 208, including the database(s) 210, may employ security measures to inhibit malicious attacks on the system 200, and to preserve integrity of the messages and data stored therein (e. g. firewall systems, secure socket layers (SSL), password protection schemes, encryption, and the like).

[0025] The server computer 208 may include a server engine 212, a web page management component 214, a content management component 216 and a database management component 218. The server engine 212 performs basic processing and operating system level tasks. The web page management component 214 handles creation and display or routing of web pages. Users may access the server computer 208 by means of a URL associated therewith. The content management component 216 handles most of the functions in the embodiments described herein. The database management component 218 includes storage and retrieval tasks with respect to the database 210, queries to the database 210, and storage of data such as video, graphics and audio signals. Importantly, the server computer 208 may obtain data from other computers (and their associated databases), including other server computers (not shown).

[0026] In embodiments including multiple servers 208, a load balancing system (not shown) may be employed to balance load(s) on the server computers. Load balancing is a technique well-known in the art for distributing the processing load between two or more computers, to thereby more efficiently process instructions and route data. Such a load balancer can distribute message traffic, particularly during peak traffic times. A distributed file system may also be used in such embodiments to couple the servers to multiple databases. A distributed file system is a type of file system in which the file system itself manages and transparently locates pieces of information (e. g. content pages) from remote files or databases and distributed files across the network, such as a LAN. The distributed file system also manages read and write functions to the databases. In other embodiments, the computing environments described above can have other arrangements, including more, fewer, and/or different components.

B. Embodiments of Peer-to-Peer Currency Exchange Systems and Associated Methods

[0027] FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating the interaction and data flow between various components of a P2P currency exchange system 300 configured in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure. The system 300 can be used for conducting a currency or value exchange transaction between two or more persons or other entities via peer-to-peer trading. The system 300 can include a number of computer components having features generally similar to the computer and network components described above with reference to FIGS. 1 and 2.

[0028] The system 300 can include, for example, a currency exchange or fund exchange server 310 having a storage component 311 configured to store various information used to facilitate currency exchange transactions. The information can include, for example, personally identifying information for registered users of the system (e. g. name, company name, address, telephone number(s), electronic mail address, etc.), financial information for registered users (e. g. bank or financial institution account information, transaction preferences, etc.), transaction records, account balances, security data, and the like.

[0029] The currency exchange server 310 can also include a processing component 312 configured to receive and confirm transaction details from registered users, and process such transactions. As described in greater detail below with reference to FIG. 6, the processing component can match and optimize all the currency exchange transaction requests from the users, and disburse funds from the completed transactions into external accounts of the corresponding users.

[0030] The currency exchange server 310 can also include a communication component 313 that handles communication between the server and various system components that interact with the server via the network. For example, the communication component 313 can handle hosting and routing of web pages associated with various aspects of the currency exchange system and method. Although only a single currency exchange server 310 is shown, it should be understood that more than one currency exchange server may be used, either individually or in a distributed manner, and that other servers providing additional functionality may also be interconnected to any component shown in the system 300 either directly or over a network.

[0031] The system 300 may also include a payment solution component 314 configured to disburse funds to individual users after completion of each conversion transaction. The payment solution component 314 may be an integral component of the currency exchange server 310, or the payment solution component 314 may be an external entity interconnected with the currency exchange server 310. Suitable external commercial payment solution providers include, for example, hyperWALLET Systems Inc. of Vancouver, British Columbia, or Paystone Technologies Corp. of Vancouver, British Columbia. The payment solution component 314, however, is an optional component that may not be included within the system 300 in certain embodiments.

[0032] The system 300 can also includes two or more users 320 (two are shown as a first user 320a and a second user 320b) interacting with the currency exchange server 310. The users 320 can include individuals (e. g. travelers, international students, etc.), businesses, or any of a variety of different entities wishing to exchange currency. The first and second users 320a and 320b can use any of a variety of different client devices to interact with the currency exchange server 310. The client devices can include a personal desktop computer, workstation, kiosk, cellular telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA), laptop, or any other device capable of interfacing directly or indirectly with the currency exchange server 310 via a network. As described previously, for example, the client devices can run a browser program module (e. g. Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla's Firefox, or the like, or a microbrowser such as a WAP enabled browser in the case of a cell phone, PDA or other handheld wireless devices) that permits the device to access and exchange data with the currency exchange server 310 via the network, and browse pages and forms provided by the currency exchange server 310. In other embodiments, the users 320 may interact with the currency exchange server 310 using other suitable methods and/or systems. Moreover, although only two user devices 320a and 320b are shown, it will be appreciated that more than two user or client devices 320 may be interconnected to the currency exchange server 310.

[0033] The first and second users 320a and 320b can link their respective accounts at the currency exchange server 310 with external bank or financial accounts (e. g. checking or savings account, credit card account, bill payment account, brokerage account, a service such as PayPalВ® or some other electronic fund transfer system, or the like). In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3, for example, the first user 320a has linked a first bank account 330a and a second bank account 330b with the first user's account at the currency exchange server 310. The first bank account 330a is a Canadian dollar account, and the second bank account 330b is a U. S. dollar account. The first and second bank accounts 330a and 330b may be at different banks or financial institutions, or the accounts may be separate accounts with the same bank or financial institution. The second user 320b also has linked a first bank account 332a (e. g. a Canadian dollar account) and a second bank account 332b (a U. S. dollar account). In other embodiments, a different number of accounts may be linked with the corresponding user accounts. Furthermore, the individual bank accounts can be based on any type of currency, and are not limited to Canadian and/or U. S. dollar accounts.

[0034] The system 300 may also include a number of security features to ensure and enforce security for currency exchange transactions and actions related to such transactions. In several embodiments, for example, suitable encryption techniques may be used to encrypt communications between the individual system components. In addition, the entity operating the system 300 may conduct a security audit to ensure that the system configuration adheres to established security guidelines for foreign currency exchange transactions. The system 300 can also include a number of tracking and reporting features to ensure that the system complies with local, national, and international guidelines governing foreign currency exchange transactions. Each of the security and reporting components can be readily updated and/or modified as the need arises so the system 300 can maintain compliance with all necessary regulations.

[0035] For purposes of brevity and clarity, the block diagram of FIG. 3 is referred to in its entirety as illustrating a currency exchange system 300. It will be appreciated, however, that this description may also be applied to various individual components or subsets of components of the block diagram of FIG. 3. Furthermore, the arrangement of the various components in the system 300 is merely intended to demonstrate one possible architecture of a currency exchange system configured in accordance with aspects of the disclosure. In several embodiments, for example, the currency exchange system 300 may be a subcomponent of, linked with, or otherwise associated with a larger electronic commerce system (e. g. an e-commerce Web site, a travel Web site, a financial institution Web site, etc.). In still other embodiments, the system 300 can have a variety of other arrangements and/or features.

[0036] FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating a method or routine 400 for opening a new account with a currency exchange system in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure. In one aspect of this embodiment, the method 400 can be at least partially performed by an applicant from a remote location (e. g. the applicant's home computer). In one aspect of this embodiment, some portions of the method 400 may be performed by an applicant from a remote location (e. g. the applicant's home computer), and other portions may be performed by a currency exchange system. In other embodiments, however, various portions of the method 400 can be performed by other entities using other networked or non-networked devices to open the account with the currency exchange system. FIGS. 5A-5C are screen displays illustrating representative Web pages of various aspects of the method 400. The following discussion refers to FIG. 4 to describe the various stages of the method 400, and FIGS. 5A-5C to provide examples of representative Web pages in accordance with aspects of the method 400. In other embodiments, the method 400 can include different steps and/or the screen displays illustrated in FIGS. 5A-5C can have different arrangements and/or content.

[0037] In block 402, the applicant accesses a new account Web page from the currency exchange system to begin the application process. HIGO. 5A, for example, is one particular embodiment of an application or "Account Sign Up" page 500. The application page 500 can include a number of personal identification fields 510 for entry of the applicant's personally-identifying information. In the illustrated embodiment, for example, the personal identification fields 510 include first and last name, company name, country of residence, address, telephone and fax numbers, and a company contact person (if applicable). In other embodiments, the personal identification fields 510 can include other arrangements and/or request different information from the applicant.

[0038] The application page 500 can also include transaction detail fields 520 for entry of information regarding the applicant's desired currency exchange transaction preferences. In the illustrated embodiment, for example, the transaction detail fields 520 include transaction range, transaction frequency, and the particular day on which the applicant normally places the currency exchange request. In other embodiments, the transaction detail fields 520 can include other arrangements and/or request different information from the applicant.

[0039] In block 404, the applicant can link external financial accounts to the newly created user account with the currency exchange system. The external financial accounts can be used to fund the applicant's new account with the currency exchange system, and the external accounts can be used to receive exchanged funds after a currency exchange transaction. Referring to FIG. 5B, for example, an external account page 530 can include first account information fields 540 for entry of details regarding a first external financial account of the applicant based on a first currency, and second account information fields 550 for entry of details regarding a second external financial account of the applicant based on a second, different currency. In the illustrated embodiment, for example, the first account information fields 540 include the institution name, account number, and transit/routing number of a Canadian dollar account of the applicant. The second account information fields 550 include the institution name, account number, and transit/routing number of a U. S. dollar account of the applicant. As mentioned previously, the two different accounts may be with the same financial institution (e. g. the Bank of Montreal), or the accounts may be at different financial institutions (as shown in FIG. 5B). Further, as discussed previously, the external accounts can be based on any type of currency, and are not limited to Canadian and U. S. dollar accounts.

[0040] After entry of the external account information, the method 400 continues at block 406 with verification of the applicant's external account information. After successfully verifying the account information, the method 400 can continue at block 408 with display of an approval message. Referring to FIG. 5C, for example, an approval Web page 560 in accordance with one embodiment of the disclosure can include notification that the applicant's account information has been approved and verified. The approval page 560 can also include a user identification field 562 and a password field 564 for the applicant to select a user ID and password for the new account.

[0041] In several embodiments, the method 400 may also include one or more disclosure steps in which the applicant is provided with a number of legal disclosures for review, such as those required by federal and international banking laws, money transfer regulations, anti-money laundering policies, privacy policies, and other necessary regulatory disclosures. In some embodiments, one or more disclosure pages may also include an electronic notice and consent agreement that the applicant must view and accept (e. g. by clicking a checkbox to affirm that the applicant has read and accepted the terms of the agreement). After block 408, the method 400 ends.

[0042] FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating a method or routine 600 for conducting a currency or value exchange transaction between two or more persons or other entities via peer-to-peer trading in accordance with an embodiment of the disclosure. In one aspect of this embodiment, some portions of the method 600 may be performed by a currency exchange system and other portions may be performed by a user. In other embodiments, however, various portions of the method 600 can be performed by other entities. FIGS. 7A and 7B are screen displays illustrating representative Web pages of various aspects of the method 600. The following discussion refers to FIG. 6 to describe the various stages of the method 600, and FIGS. 7A and 7B to provide examples of representative Web pages in accordance with aspects of the method 600. In other embodiments, the method 600 can include different steps and/or the screen displays illustrated in FIGS. 7A and 7B can have different arrangements and/or content.

[0043] In block 602, the user accesses a Web site of the currency exchange system and, after successfully logging in to the system, submits a transaction request to begin the transaction process. The transaction request can include a particular currency need for the user and a desired period of time in which the user wishes the transaction to be completed. HIGO. 7A, for example, is one particular embodiment of a transaction request page 700 for entry of information regarding the user's currency needs and desired currency exchange preferences. The transaction request page 700 can include an account balance field 702 showing the user's current account balance(s). In the illustrated embodiment, for example, the user has an account balance in both a Canadian dollar account (e. g. $110.00) and a U. S. dollar account (e. g. $5.00). In one embodiment, these balances can reflect the particular user's account balance with the currency exchange system itself. In another embodiment, however, the balances may reflect the balances in the user's linked external financial accounts. In still other embodiments, the transaction request page 700 may not include the account balance fields 702.

[0044] The transaction request page 700 can also include currency exchange fields 704. The currency exchange fields 704 include a first exchange field 706 in which the user can select a desired quantity of currency to exchange. In the illustrated embodiment for example, the user has requested an exchange of $100.00 Canadian dollars to U. S. dollars. In other embodiments, however, the user can select any amount of currency to convert from one type of currency to any other type of currency (e. g. Euros, British pounds, Japanese Yen, Swiss Francs, Mexican Pesos, or any other suitable currency). In still other embodiments, the user may select an amount of currency to convert from one type of currency (e. g. U. S. dollars) to two or more other types of currencies (e. g. a portion in Canadian dollars, and a portion in Euros). It will be appreciated that because the currency exchange system conducts transactions using peer-to-peer technology, the particular types and volumes of currency exchange transactions that may be performed are only limited based on the availability of matching respective currency exchange transactions. Further details regarding transaction matching and optimization features will described below.

[0045] The currency exchange fields 704 can also include a second exchange field 708 in which the user can enter a particular currency need in a selected type of currency. For example, rather than requesting a conversion of $100.00 Canadian dollars to U. S. dollars, the user can request a particular quantity of currency (e. g. $100.00 U. S. dollars). As described in greater detail below, this currency request can be funded using various methods before the transaction is completed.

[0046] The transaction request page 700 can further include a transaction timing field 710 in which the user can select a desired period of time in which the user wishes the transaction to be completed. In this particular embodiment, for example, the user can select a period of between 1 to 3 business days for the transaction to be completed. In several embodiments, a waiting period may be necessary in order to create a sufficiently large volume of individual requests to exchange within the currency exchange system. In other embodiments, however, the waiting period times can vary or there may not be any waiting period for such transactions.

[0047] In several embodiments, an exchange rate may be locked in for the user's transaction as soon as the user enters all the necessary information on the transaction request page 700 (and provided that the user has the required funds to conduct the transaction). If the user does not have the required funds in the user's account at the currency exchange system, the currency exchange system may provide a period of time (e. g. one business day) for the user to fund the account before cancelling the transaction (and the locked-in exchange rate). In other embodiments, different arrangements may be used to provide the user with a locked-in, guaranteed, or preferred exchange rate for a transaction. In still other embodiments, however, the exchange rate may not be locked in at this stage, or at all. Because the exchange rate movement between the most currency pairs (e. g. the Canadian dollar and the U. S. dollar) during the span of a single day is negligible, however, the impact of a delay of at least approximately 24 hours between order placement and order fulfillment is expected to be immaterial for most users.

[0048] The transaction request page 700 may also include a transaction execution field 712 in which the user can make a selection as to whether the requested transaction should be completed based on an "all or nothing" model, or based on a "partial fill" model. In the particular embodiment illustrated in FIG. 7A, for example, the user has selected a three-day time period and the "all or nothing" button. Accordingly, the user's request for conversion of $100.00 Canadian dollars to U. S. dollars should be fully completed within three business days and, if this request cannot be fully satisfied, the user would like the transaction cancelled. In another embodiment, however, the user may select the "partial fill" model in which the exchange request can be rolled over to one or more subsequent days if the request cannot be filled within the three-day time period. Alternatively, the exchange request may be completed using a "market fill" process in which at least a portion of the currency exchange is completed using a third-party broker, rather than the currency exchange system's peer-to-peer trading. In still other embodiments, the transaction request page 700 can include other arrangements and/or request different transaction request information from the user.

[0049] In block 604, the user selects a funding method for the desired currency exchange transaction. As described previously, for example, one or more external financial accounts can be used to fund the user's account with the currency exchange system and/or to fund specific transaction requests. HIGO. 7B, for example, is one particular embodiment of a transaction funding page 720 for entry of funding information associated with the user's desired transaction. The transaction funding page 720 can include a funding selection field 722 in which the user can select how to fund the current transaction. In the illustrated embodiment, for example, the user has selected to fund the current transaction with funds from the user's currency exchange system (e. g. PeerFXВ®) account. If the user's currency exchange account does not have sufficient funds for the transaction, the user may be asked to fund at least a portion of the transaction with another funding source. In other embodiments, the user may elect to fund the transaction using a wire transfer or a credit card. In still other embodiments, the funding selection field 722 may include other suitable options with which the transaction can be funded,

[0050] In block 606 of the method 600, the currency exchange system obtains the current market rate for the desired currency exchange transaction and provides the quoted rate to the user. In one embodiment, for example, the currency exchange system obtains the so-called "noon rate." In another embodiment, however, the currency exchange system may use the so-called "closing rate." Regardless of which rate is chosen, the method 600 utilizes the median rate for conducting currency exchange transactions. In many conventional currency exchange transactions, the bank or dealer "sells" you foreign currency at one rate, but will "buy" the same foreign currency back at a lower rate. The difference between these rates is known as the bid/ask spread. In many transactions, the bid/ask spread can be as much as 3% (or even more) per transaction. In contrast, the method 600 utilizes the median rate for transactions-buyers and sellers exchange currency at the same rate. Embodiments of the method 600 are accordingly expected to save users of the currency exchange system up to 80% in transaction fees per transaction.

[0051] In decision block 608, the method 600 continues with the user confirming the rate and other details of the transaction, and deciding whether to proceed with the transaction. The transaction funding page 720, for example, can include a transaction overview field 724 that provides various details of the requested transaction (e. g. the user-provided details from the transaction request page 700 of FIG. 7A along with the market rate obtained in block 606). For instance, continuing with the previous example, the transaction overview field 722 provides details regarding the user's request to convert $100.00 Canadian dollars to U. S. dollars. In one particular aspect of this embodiment, the transaction overview field 724 provides a quote to the user of the current exchange rate (e. g. 0.9995) between the selected currencies and an approximate final value (minus a service charge on the amount the user would like to convert) that will be deposited into the user's selected external financial account (e. g. the user's U. S. dollar account). Although the service charge in the illustrated embodiment is 0.35%, this value can vary. Moreover, in at least some embodiments, there may be no service charge for the transactions. In other embodiments, the transaction funding page 720 can include other arrangements and/or include different features. In still other embodiments, the funding selection field 722 and the transaction overview field 724 may be on separate Web pages presented to the user.

[0052] If the user agrees with the various transaction details and wishes to proceed, the method 600 continues at block 610. If the user wishes to change one or more details of the transaction, however, the method 600 returns to block 602 and a new transaction request process can begin.

[0053] In block 610, the currency exchange system sends an order/transaction confirmation to the user via electronic mail. The method 600 can also include entering the transaction details into a user record database. The method 600 continues in block 612 with the currency exchange system receiving funds from the user. As discussed previously, the user can fund the transaction in a variety of different ways. For example, in several embodiments, the user can fund the transaction with existing funds from the user's currency exchange system account. One advantage to using funds held in the user's currency exchange system account is that the user's transaction will not be subject to any holding periods associated with transferring funds from external accounts, and thus the user will receive his or her exchanged funds faster. If such funds are not available or insufficient, however, the user can be directed to his or her respective online banking or financial account Web site, the PayPalВ® Web site, or another selected electronic fund transfer system Web site to send funds to the user's currency exchange system account via an electronic funds transfer.

[0054] In several embodiments, a bill payment system may be used to make a "payment" to the user's currency exchange system account to fund the transaction. In this embodiment, the currency exchange system receives confirmation of the selected transaction information (at block 608) and issues an invoice to the user via electronic mail (at block 610). The system then directs the user to his or her selected bill payment system to pay the invoice, which will in turn "fund" the user's currency exchange system account. This process can happen in real time without significant delays between the issuance of the invoice and funding of the currency exchange system account. The only delay in this particular embodiment may be as a result of delays associated with the user's bill payment system. For example, many bill payment systems require at least one business day to make a payment to a third party. In yet another embodiment, the user can fund the transaction by mailing a check to an entity operating the currency exchange system. In still further embodiments, the transaction may be funded using other suitable methods. After completing the necessary funding step(s), the user will be sent a notification via electronic mail that the transaction request has been accepted once the currency exchange system receives the funds (block 612) from the user's external financial account.

[0055] In block 614, the currency exchange system enters the user's request into an aggregation or pool of other user requests and funds for currency exchange transactions. In block 616, the currency exchange system performs matching of the user requests. In the method 600, the matching process in done once daily. In other embodiments, however, the frequency of the matching process in block 616 can vary. For example, if the volume of transaction requests in the currency exchange system is sufficient, the matching process in block 616 may occur multiple times per day. In other embodiments, however, the occurrence of the matching process may be different.

[0056] The matching process in block 616 can be performed using a variety of different methods and can be based, to varying degrees, upon a number of different factors. In some cases, for example, the matching process may include simply looking for corresponding requests from different users and matching such requests together to facilitate the exchanges (e. g. a request from a first user wishing to exchange $100 Canadian dollars to U. S. dollars is matched with a request from a second user wishing to exchange $100 U. S. dollars to Canadian dollars).

[0057] In many cases, however, there will not be a large enough volume of user requests and exact matches between the various requests to match each request. Accordingly, the method 600 can include pooling all of the respective requests and applying one or more factors to optimize processing and help ensure that each user's request can be processed in a timely and efficient manner. Prioritizing the factors can help ensure that the largest total number of transactions and total transaction volume are processed during each processing cycle. In several embodiments, for example, the following P2P currency pooling algorithm may be used:

where X 1 . X m equals the transaction amount (after rate consideration) in Currency X for User 1. User m, and Y 1 . Y h equals the transaction amount (after rate consideration) in Currency Y for User 1. User h,

[0058] Based on the values X and Y from Equations (1) and (2):

Total Currency X amount demand on Day n =X n (3)

Total Currency Y amount demand on Day n =Y n (4)

Excess Currency X amount demand on Day n =E X n (5)

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How it works FAQs

What is a scheduled exchange?

Our unique scheduled exchange allows you the opportunity to transact at the mid-market rate. Essentially you, and other clients, deposit funds either side of the exchange and we aggregate as many requirements as possible to optimise opportunity to match currency.

Depending upon the currency pairing and demand we operate exchanges at periodic intervals throughout the day, with a minimum of one scheduled exchange at midday.

If an exchange is incompletely matched, you benefit from our market buying power. We pass through the wholesale rate we receive and share the split between matched currency and wholesale-acquired currency evenly across all exchange participants.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount that I can transfer?

We require a minimum transaction size of £10,000 (or currency equivalent). There is no maximum amount you can transfer.

How do I register?

Simply go to the ‘Sign up’ tab and you will be taken to our portal, where the simple steps will guide you through the process. It is recommended that you have all the necessary documentation to hand, although the documentation required would depend on whether you are a business or individual transferring money. Once you have registered, we will carry out our compliance checks. This takes no more than 24 hours.

Studio 101, The Print Rooms, 164 Union St, London SE1 0LH

Here's some encouraging news for the European startup scene, and London in particular. TransferWise. the online currency exchange that uses the crowd to undercut traditional money transfer services, has announced that it's closed a $6 million series A round led by Peter Thiel's Valar Ventures — the first investment in Europe by the PayPal co-founder and early Facebook investor's international fund.

We also understand that Ron Conway's SV Angel has joined this round, along with a small number of angels, and TransferWise's existing backers IA Ventures, Index, Seedcamp, and TAG. This brings the total raised by the company to $7.35 million since its launch just two years ago.

Originally billing itself as the "Skype of money transfer ," TransferWise enables individuals and businesses to send money between countries for a fraction of the price that banks and others charge, using a peer-to-peer, "crowdsourced" model — where money destined for transfer doesn't unnecessarily actually leave each country. It passes on these saving by charging a small flat fee per transfer.

(It's the P2P element that playfully draws the Skype comparison, as well as the fact that TransferWise co-founder Taavet Hinrikus was the Internet calling giant's first employee, while other members of his team also worked at the company.)

The company also pitches itself as the preferred method of money transfer for European startups, recently garnering some decent PR with an offer to waive the fees for a total of $100 million worth of international money transfers for qualifying startups using the TransferWise platform. Interestingly, Thiel was one of a host of names publicly endorsing the campaign, so we probably should have known something was going down.

Hinrikus tell me that the new funding will enable TransferWise to continue expanding, both in terms of the number of currencies it plans to support, and in raw head-count. It started out offering British Pound and Euro transfers, and has since added support for the U. S. Dollar, Swiss Franc, Polish Zloty, and Danish, Swedish and Norwegian Krone. In total, the company claims to have transferred over £125m worth of customers' money, saving £5 million-plus in banking fees (though it isn't without competition ). Meanwhile, the team has grown to 33 members of staff.

"There's another dozen currencies to be launched this year and 20 more people needed in the team," says Hinrikus. "Also we need to launch locally in key European markets – Germany, France and Spain." Hinrikus says TransferWise continues to grow between 20-30 percent a month, which to date equals roughly 10x year-on-year growth. "Doing what's in the pipeline puts us on track to do another 5-10x this year," he says.

Staying on message, London-based TransferWise (with an office also in Tallinn, Estonia) is now calling itself a Tech City startup. Tech City, headed up by Joanna Shields, ex-Google, AOL/Bebo, and most recently Facebook's head of EMEA operations, is the UK government's re-branding of the London tech scene and, specifically, East London's "Silicon Roundabout" area.

Cue the now prerequisite statement from Shields: "Transferwise is a shining example of the successful businesses that make Tech City a thriving ecosystem. London has a real strength in financial services and technology, with many companies like Transferwise transforming financial services for consumers, for the better."

That said, TransferWise's HQ is on Shoreditch High Street, which doesn't get any more Silicon Roundabout than that. And certainly, a $6 million series A is no mean feat for a European startup, and nor is attracting a top tier Silicon Valley investor like Peter Thiel.

TransferWise was founded in London in March 2010 by Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Kaarmann. Taavet was part of the small team that started Skype in 2003 and has recently worked with a number of startups as an angel investor and advisor. Kristo had financial services background from Deloitte and PricewaterhouseCoopers. TransferWise is registered as Exchange Solutions Ltd and is licensed by the UK Financial Services Authority.

Peter is Clarium Capital's President and the Chairman of the firm's investment committee, which oversees the firm's research, investment, and trading strategies. He is also a managing partner at The Founders Fund. Before starting Clarium, Peter served as Chairman and CEO of PayPal, an Internet company he co-founded in December 1998 and was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion in October 2002. Prior to founding PayPal, Peter ran Thiel Capital Management. the predecessor to Clarium, which started with.

Valar Ventures is an internationally-focused venture capital firm backed by Peter Thiel. Based in San Francisco, Valar invests exclusively in companies outside of the United States. Valar believes that over the next decade an increasing number of transformative technology companies will be started outside of the US, and that the founders of those companies will benefit from having a US partner that understands their unique challenges and opportunities and can help them access US networks.

SV Angel is the micro VC firm located in Silicon Valley and founded by angel investors, Ron Conway and David Lee. SV Angel provides capital investments to early stage companies focused on the Internet, e-commerce, and information technology markets. SV Angel is a venture fund which has raised investment from external investors or limited partners in industry parlance. In April 2010, the fund announced its size of $20 million. Per the firm, SV Angel initially expected to raise a.


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Spanish bank Bankinter invests in p2p bitcoin exchange Coinffeine

Protesters take to the streets in protest against hidden bank charges

International money transfer business TransferWise warns about the dangers of hidden FX fees. In Barcelona, residents woke up this morning to a city-wide alert of “Toxic Fees”. Protesters in biohazard suits clutching beachballs marched down Las Ramblas to the beach to eliminate the threat posed by toxic banking fees. The protest calls on banks and brokers to stop misleading consumers with unfair exchange rates and hidden FX fees. British banks charge up to 5% when you send money to Spain. Banks and brokers in Spain even charge up to 5.5% for international money transfers to the UK.

It is led by Transferwise an international money transfer company, which is backed by Virgin’s Sir Richard Branson. If you’re transferring money from UK to Spain, using TransferWise makes it 10 times cheaper.

If you’re transferring from Spain to the UK, then using TransferWise makes it 11 times cheaper. A British expat or holiday homeowner in Spain could save up to €49 when sending €1000 back home.

TransferWise customers transfer over €700 million across the globe every month using the platform, saving more than €31.5 million.

BitCoin – Buy, Sell & Trade Using Anonymous Peer-To-Peer Currency

Earlier this month two prominent US politicians (Senators Charles Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin of West Virginia) wrote to US Attorney General Eric Holder to express concerns about the rise of a new online currency – BitCoin. abbreviated as BTC.

The anonymous, peer-to-peer currency has become very popular over the last few months, with websites popping up all over cyberspace enabling BitCoins to be exchanged or donated with nothing more than a unique, non-identifying public key.

What Is BitCoin?

In 2007 a supposedly Japanese programmer began working on BitCoin under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto” with the technology officially released in 2009. The currency is currently breaking new ground, and has already been heralded as one of the first working implementations of a crypto-currency.

By using cryptography (the act of hiding information) to both generate and transfer the currency, “Nakamoto” created a theoretically anonymous and self-contained economy. The idea was to cut out middlemen, denying a central authority the ability to issue currency or track transactions. Instead, these tasks are handled by the network of connected peers and no identifying information is recorded (try masking your IP for total peace of mind).

Here’s an example of how it all works – you want to send your friend (let’s call him Mark) a BitCoin. On your side, Mark’s public key is added to the coin and this is signed on your end via a personal private code. Mark now owns the BitCoin, and you’re prevented from using it again thanks to the BitCoin network, which records and verifies transactions.

Luckily none of this is done by hand, but by free software which handles your BitCoin banking. This software is available for Windows, OS X and Linux and only requires a user’s public key to make a payment. You can download a version for your operating system and learn about storing your BitCoins on the BitCoin website .

How Do I Get BitCoins?

There are a couple of ways to acquire BitCoins, with the easiest way being simply buying them. Using a BitCoin exchange like Mt. Gox or #bitcoin-otc on IRC or by finding a BitCoin trader on TradeBitCoin. com. For asking prices you can check out how the BitCoin markets are doing on BitCoin Charts .

It may also surprise you that you can generate your own BitCoins – a process known as mining. This is essentially a way of processing and verifying transactions, by generating “blocks” which are permanent records of BitCoin activity on the network (a block includes all recent transactions, a random number and the preceding block’s hash) and new BitCoins.

These blocks are then added to the “block chain” in chronological order, and once added to the chain a block is very difficult to modify (making it hard to “double spend” your BTC) as each subsequent block must also be modified.

Once a block has been created, a bounty (currently 50BTC) is awarded to the individual who created it. This bounty halves every 210,000 blocks, and it is estimated that by the year 2140 the maximum number of BitCoins – 20,999,999.9769 BTC – will have been generated. The fact that transaction “fees” can be added to BitCoin transactions means that mining can remain profitable, even when the maximum number has been reached.

If you’re thinking of mining for BTC then you’ll need the right hardware and the right software. Mining using your PC’s processor (CPU) is inefficient and likely to be removed from BitCoin altogether, according to the official wiki, so you won’t need to spend lots on a speedy quad core chip. Instead you’ll have more joy using a graphics processor (GPU) on a high-end graphics card. ¿Por qué? The BitCoin wiki explains :

A CPU core can execute 4 32-bit instructions per clock (using a 128-bit SSE instruction) or 8 via AVX (256-Bit), whereas a GPU like the Radeon HD 5970 can execute 3200 32-bit instructions per clock (using its 3200 ALUs or shaders). This is a difference of 800 (or 400 in case of AVX) times more instructions per clock. As of 2011, the fastest CPUs have up to 6, 8, or 12 cores and a somewhat higher frequency clock (2000-3000 MHz vs. 725 MHz for the Radeon HD 5970), but one HD5970 is still more than five times faster than four 12-core CPUs at 2.3GHz.

You can find suitable software to become a BitCoin miner on this software page. If you have reduced grunt in your mining rig then you might want to consider pooled mining .

Silk Road, Spending & Safety

The two US Senators who initially raised the Attorney General’s attention to the BitCoin phenomena had noticed the popularity of a certain anonymous trading place called Silk Road. As BitCoins are also anonymous, they are currently Silk Road’s currency of choice for the sale and purchase of illicit drugs and other such illegal products.

The website requires Tor, a security tool which ensures visitors do not leave a trace on the website and uses BTC exclusively for all trades. It is likely that much of the negative press that has attached itself to BitCoin has come from Silk Road. The website operates both as a reputation system and as an internal escrow, though this doesn’t make it safe (all purchases are sent by snail mail, after all).

If you’d rather buy legal things with your BitCoins then check out the exhaustive list of merchants on the official BitCoin wiki. You might also want to visit weusecoins. com. which has plenty of privacy and security advice for newbies interested in BitCoin.

If you are going to invest time, money and effort into BitCoin mining or trading then beware that much like any risky financial venture the markets can crash and lose you a lot of money. This has already happened once, with the value of a single BTC falling more than 30% in a day, eventually recovering by 15%.

Physical safety is also a concern, especially if you’re intending on buying a lot of mining rigs and leaving them on 24/7. BitCoin Mining Accidents is a tongue-in-cheek website dedicated to reports of injury from around the mining world. According to the website one anonymous miner now has a touch of permanent brain damage due to his mining operation. and he warns you not to make the same mistakes.

Oh, and your electricity bill is bound to suffer too!


It remains to be seen whether BitCoins will be a total success, though early signs suggest that merchants are at least receptive to the new currency. The BitCoin wiki has a Myths page that runs through many misconceptions and sceptical statements, though it is naturally weighted towards the currency and thus biased. Only time will tell if BitCoin really is a viable, sustainable and usable decentralised currency.

What do you think of BitCoin? What do you think of Silk Road? Tried mining your own? Massive fad that’ll burn out? The future of online trade? Everyone’s got an opinion, and yours belongs in the comments box below this post.

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I prefer to watch and see. It is sound in concept, but it’s greatest threat is huamn stupidity; such as the belief that ‘backing’ is anything more than trust. You can trust the backer, be it a government, a bank, or the belief that a precious metal has intrinsic value. They all are lies. The only thing of value is what you do and who you know, and the goods or services exchanged. Bitcoin covers this. But, the fundamental cluelessness of the human race, the effort spent on misinformation and propaganda that the stupid people prefer to beleive in, will be their own undoing now as it has always been in the past.

Its a novel concept, but like some famous currencies “flawed”, in the sense, it is not backed by something tangible – the whole concept of a currency is in its intrinsic value which is backed by gold.

Some countries are busy printing ‘funny’ money, which is not backed by equivalent gold – and many believe that such ‘funny’ money will eventually become worthless.

It is the same with bitcoin, instead of printing it in mints, they are ‘mining’ it in computers with good GPUs.

The speculators are having a fun day at the exchanges.

Not to mention the illegal traders using it as the currency of choice – because of it being next to impossible to track.

Now that politicians have stepped in, bitcoin may die a pre-mature death, – I don’t see any politician accepting bribes in bitcoins soon :)

Bitcoin is not going under. It had a boom. Think of back in the early 1800’s when America did not have a central banking system. It had big booms and big falls. I see bitcoins fallowing that trend. I am currently a miner but do not plan on using the currency. Too many shady merchants, out of the poor selection. There is a large variety of things to use bitcoins for, just not for my needs. I see it as a “short lived opportunity.” I sell my bitcoins and have the funds put in paypal.


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Midpoint Ltd

The Midpoint Concept

The Evolution of Exchange The evolution of the online business has increasingly driven a more dynamic interface between the service provider and the user. This has dramatically increased efficiencies while at the same time reducing costs. Midpoint harnesses the advantages of global connectivity to any business or individual wanting access to fair and transparent Foreign Exchange. Eliminating Banks from the FX Transaction Midpoint is a peer to peer Foreign Exchange and International Payments Platform that eliminates "the middlemen" from the foreign exchange component of the transaction. By directly matching businesses and individuals with opposite currency needs, we are able to eliminate the 'spread or margin' component from all transactions. This is the mechanism by which banks and brokers generate billions in additional profits each year in the global foreign exchange markets. Transparent Fees & Rates Our fees and rates are clear and transparent. We charge a single flat fee, depending on the amount of your transaction. This includes the delivery of funds to your Payee's bank account. Our rate is always the midpoint of the current Interbank rate and is set at the time of a currency match.


International payments, Peer to peer, Foreign exchange


Creating Value Together: The Emerging Design Space of Peer-to-Peer Currency and Exchange

SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW2015

Paradigms for the collaborative creation of value through trade and exchange have developed over millennia. Thus, coins emerged in response to a set of challenges in barter and gift exchange. The development of paradigms for trade and exchange continues today, and is accelerating due both to crises in the mainstream global economy, and to new possibilities enabled by information technology. In this discussion paper, we consider alternative and complementary currency and exchange innovations, including local/community currencies, timebanks, crypto-currencies, and person-to-person collaborative economy microenterprises, as a technology design space for currency and exchange. We consider the consequences and trajectories of the rapidly evolving currency ecosystem, particularly with respect to research and development opportunities for CSCW.


Carroll, J. M.; Bellotti, V. M. Creating Value Together: The Emerging Design Space of Peer-to-Peer Currency and Exchange. SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW2015.; Vancouver, BC Canada. Date of Talk: 3/14/2015

Foreign Exchange

Información importante

This information doesn't take into your account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these matters and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Terms and Conditions before you make an investment decision. A copy of the PDS and Terms and Conditions are available on hsbc. com. au, or by calling us on 1300 308 008.

# Eligibility criteria applies for HSBC Premier.

ˆReal time FX online rates are only available with Internet Banking and Mobile Internet Banking. Future-dated transactions cannot use the Get Rate feature, standard board rates apply to such transactions on the future date.

The foreign exchange market is subject to risks associated with exchange rate movements. These accounts should not be used for speculative purposes.

HSBC Premier Global View and Global Transfers

Personal Finance - Currency Transfers, P2P ++

-- Continued -- Savings On Foreign Exchange

July 4th, 2015 at 03:04 am

So, on my previous post, I told you about my meeting at the bank, with exact terms/ costs on Foreign Exchange transfers offered to me at the bank.

Now, I want to compare it to one company I work with (also affiliated with, but the stats are completely true).

That company is Currencies Direct. It's a UK-based company and one of the largest currency brokers in existence. Like the majority of Foreign Exchange companies, their focus is on high volume transfers, usually conduct by telephone, but on the other hand offer a platform for any transfer above 100 Pounds. It's FCA-regulated, with 18 offices worldwide, been in the business for almost 20 years now, won several awards etc. - very trustworthy and I feel very keen on recommending them (note: I have commercial interest; What I do for business is delivering clients to these sort of companies).

Note: They accept international clients; Mostly focused on UK, US, EU, Scandinavia and Australia. It's easier to sign up a UK-based individual or business than with other locations due to anti money-laundering which requires such companies to receive much documentation about their clients.

With Currencies Direct, you will get a better exchange rate than the bank. The exact margins that will be taken will depend on the volume of your trade, the currency pair and its liquidity (exotic currencies will induce high spreads), and the type of services you will need. If you need a straight-up FX transfer on the spot, and willing to haggle, you could probably get to very low exchange rates; if you need services from them (like following the rates and notifying you on the right moment to make the transfer - which is very much recommended in these times of volatility) - you might settle for the initial exchange rate offered to you.

If you compare it to the terms I have previous mentioned and taken from my bank (the actual number don't apply anymore since with the recent Greek crisis, the EURUSD has dropped significantly), you see the following:

Fees: My bank - $25, CD - $0

Commission: My bank - 0.2% (after the initial number was twice that much and I haggled for a while)

Spreads: My bank - 1.58%, CD -

1%, but could be much lower depending on volumes.

Service: Bank - nothing, CD - dedicated dealer following your requirements and finding the right time to transfer, plus hedging tools (they can secure current rate to make sure you will not be harmed by exchange rate fluctations.

Translation in hard cash:

- Save >25$ on your small $100 transfer (as no fees are incurred).

- Save about half on the costs of a medium $x, xxx transfer (about 1% of that amount).

- Save potentially as much as 1.5% on large $xx, xxx+ transfers. That can translate to thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars (if your a business transferring a lot of currency regularly).

You can find our complete list of recommended currency brokers on the homepage of InternationalMoneyTransfers. org. The easiest and most recommend thing to do is click on all recommended companies, sign up with them, and see which one is most suited to your needs.

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Converter Peer-to-peer digital currency

Enter the amount to convert at the top and choose a second currency.

You can also get the history of the price rate by clicking on the "convert" button.

If you want to see the parity of the XBT currency with other currencies, go to the table " Peer-to-peer digital currency exchange rate" below.

The last update to the Forexticket XBT Currency Converter is dated from 2016/03/27

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Since I’ve been involved in the peer-to-peer lending industry, which is about two and a half years now, applying traditional marketing principles has always proven to be tricky. It’s a new market with huge potential, so narrowing your target audience isn’t straightforward. Plenty of people like the concept, but they’re not early adopters, so how much time should you invest in their education? Measuring the lifetime value of a customer is almost impossible too.

2014 has been a balancing act for the Chinese banking system but has created an advantageous environment for alternative financial systems to thrive where it has faltered. In the case of P2P lending, 2014 has turned out to be a watershed year, with the number of P2P lending businesses rising from approximately 800 operational platforms in 2013, to 1,500 by Q3 of 2014, according to data from WangDaiZhiJia

Commercial finance brokers have traditionally played an important role in securing various types of finance for UK businesses. A qualified broker would help you search for the right source of finance, saving you time as a business owner to focus on growing and running your business. But the market for business finance is changing rapidly with an ever-growing number of online options developing, designed to make the process of securing business finance easier, quicker and much more accessi.

A Peer-to Peer Lending platform is an alternative banking model used by investors and borrowers alike to access liquidity and investment opportunities not currently being provided to the public by the mainstream banks. Because of the current economic situation, together with a growing population of internet savvy users, and the speed of achieving the end goals of the investors and borrowers, crowdfunding and P2P lending has become the growing phenomenon of the decade. Currently in the UK.

A few weeks ago, the AFN caught up with Ian Thomas, Co-founder of LendInvest to learn about their model and how property based lending via P2P can enhance the marketplace for borrowers and lenders alike. Be sure to check out the LendInvest Case-study video in July!

Here is what he had to say:

P2P lending will provide a catalyst for change in the mortgage market, P2P lender’s use of technology and big data will enable better risk under.

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Perfect Money Сертифицированные партнеры

Perfect Money строит свой бизнес на партнерских отношениях и высоко ценит каждого своего Бизнес Партнера.

Вы всегда можете выполнить множество видов обмена валюты Perfect Money через наших сертифицированных партнеров. Мы стараемся расширить аудиторию и сделать PM настолько ликвидной насколько это возможно.

Пожалуйста, для операций обмена, пользуйтесь услугами только сертифицированных партнеров.

В этом разделе вы найдете список всех обменных сервисов, которые по результатам своей работы доказали, что они являются честными и надежными партнерами:

NXT Assets and Money is a next generation Instant Exchange Service. High e-currency reserves. Low rates. Instant and transparent exchange. 24/7 Jabber automated bot with OTR support.

Trust Score: 510.6

RCHANGE is fully automated exchange service and available 24/7/365. Buy / Sell e-currency through local transfer(20 countries local pay, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan),Bank Wire, Western Union, Money Gram, btc-e, virtex and China Unionpay. We provide support by email, live chat, fax and phone in English and Chinese. We have a flexible system of discounts and the partnership rewards.

Trust Score: 1552.7

Ежедневно обмениваем PerfectMoney на наличные в следующих городах: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Киев, Минск, Ереван. Офис, курьерская доставка в любой город России, также обсуждается обмен в иных городах СНГ. Работаем с наличными, BTC, WMZ, российскими банками, MG/Unistream/Contact, Bank wire. Worldwide exchanger: China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Europe and others. PM-BTC, Bank wire, Cash, MG. English support.

Trust Score: 2363

BitYes is a one of Top 5 BTC-USD exchanges invested by Sequoia Capital, offering 24X7 customer services around the world. Our trading fee is as low as 0.1 with 3X margin trading and P2P. Also, the professional AML/KYC process, transparent and stable banking support, and experienced Huobi team ensure our security, liquidity, and popularity.

Trust Score: 330.4

P2PChange - Automatic and instant exchange Bitcoin - PerfectMoney. P2PChange - Автоматический и мгновенный обмен Bitcoin - PerfectMoney

Trust Score: 490.2

Unichange. me is fast, reliable and secure e-currency exchanger. Among our methods of buying and selling Perfect Money clients can find bank wire, money transfer (Western Union or MoneyGram), credit or debit cards. By constantly monitoring e-currency exchange market, we provide the best rates. We have created flexible discount system for our constant customers and partners. Besides Perfect Money we provide exchange of other popular e-currencies and many other service. Our team consists of experienced players of e-currency exchange market, working in this sphere more than 8 years already. Unichange support team is always ready to help our clients - they can submit a ticket on the website or contact us via Live chat. Our new enhanced Knowledge base enables clients to find solutions by themselves.

Trust Score: 2767.6

MuaBanPm. com is fully automated exchange service and available 24/7, buy and sell e-currency through local bank in Vietnam. We provide support by email, live chat and yahoo 24/7

Trust Score: 281.3

Naira4Dollar is your reliable source for fast e-currency funding and converting your e-currency to Cash. Naira4Dollar is operated by Sunej Global Ventures LTD which is a registered company with CAC. Reliable service since 2006. We offer INSTANT FUNDING!.

Trust Score: 634.5

Fully automated exchange service. Exchange/buy/sell Perfect Money using VISA/Mastercard credit cards, Russian and Ukrainian banks. We also support deposit/withdrawal operations with Wire Transfer.

Trust Score: 2457

Standard Gold Nigeria is the leading e-currency exchanger for buying and selling of major e-currencies with the lowest exchange rates and completing these exchanges within shortest possible time. We are tested and trusted by our clients and we offer the best rates around. Our fast, cheap reliable services ensures that you get the best value for your money.

Trust Score: 417.6

Сервис по оказанию услуг ввода-вывода Perfect Money через банковские карты(Приватбанк, Юникредитбанк, Аваль и др). Профессиональный саппорт и выгодные тарифы не оставят вас равнодушным. Our exchange service will help you to buy, sell or exchange Perfect Money via money transfer(Western Union, Money Gram) and bank transfer. Our helpful support will make your exchange easy and fast.

Trust Score: 1693

We will exchange automatically from perfect money to local bank Vietnam ( Vietcombank. Vietinbank. Acb. Sacombank. )

Trust Score: 487 is fully automated exchange service and available 15/7/365. Buy / Sell e-currency through local transfer, Bank Wire, Money Gram, Alipay and China Unionpay. We provide support by email, live chat, fax and phone in English and Chinese. We have a flexible system of discounts and the partnership rewards.

Trust Score: 746.5

ZITC-Exchange is one of Nigerias largest and most trusted accredited Perfect Money Exchangers situated in Warri, Delta state and with a growing base of thousands of customers through its site network. A leader in e-currency exchange, fully capable of handling large and small perfect money orders efficiently with an unparalleled reward system for her customers.

Trust Score: 880.3

MewahGold is a a digital currency in E-Currency exchange services over 6 years since 2007. We provide service with the western union, moneygram, bankwire and local bank transfer.

Trust Score: 1384.4

We are specialized for Bitcoin, BTC-e and Perfect Money to Western Union payment and it will be finished within 15 minutes and MTCN will be sent to you. We ensure you the market competitive low rates for exchanging from/to Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria Money Transfer from/to Perfect Money, BTC-e, Epay, FasaPay, MoneyPolo, PayPal and Bitcoin as well as Bank Wire, Local deposit in China, Hong Kong, Russia, Cyprus, Latvia, Czech Republic, Italy, United Kingdom and SEPA transfer within EUR Zone. We complete buy order within 30 minutes after receiving fund. We provide services 24/7 days online. QCashPay is Hong Kong registered company and operated from China office.

Trust Score: 320.1

1wm. kz – казахстанский обменный пункт электронной валюты. Покупка и продажа Perfect Money, EKZT, Qiwi, Webtransfer USD, Казкоммерцбанк и Халык банк. Выгодный курс, быстрая техподдержка, накопительная система скидок и партнерская программа.

Trust Score: 155.3

MihanPay is an Iran based e-currency exchanger as well as an accredited Perfect Money agent. We provide buy/sell/exchange Perfect Money using Iranian local banks, BTC. BTC-E and other e-currency. میهن پی. مرکز خرید و فروش انواع ارزهای الکترونیکی دارای نماد اعتماد

Trust Score: 217.3

Sendemoney was created to deliver fast and secure exchange operations for e-currency, safety and customer satisfaction is our company priority.

Trust Score: 413.3

Coinomat. com is a cryptocurrency and classic e-currency exchange service with extremely low fees and instant transactions.

Trust Score: 312

24paybank. com - the Fast exchange service of the international currencies. Buysell Perfect Money, BTC, Visa/MasterCard, QIWI, VTB, Sberbank, Tinkoff and other. Мы работаем круглосуточно без выходных. Всегда на связи вежливый support даст консультацию по любому вопросу. Накопительная система скидок и выгодная партнерская программа.

Trust Score: 28.6

XZZX site is a convenient way to buy/sell and exchange PerfectMoney.

Trust Score: 2419.9

E-dollar was founded in 2010 as one of the leading e-currency exchange providers, with the lowest exchange rates possible, and completing these exchanges within shortest possible time. We provide services to large Online Forex Brokers, Internet Merchants, Exchangers, Consultancy Companies and Individuals, who prefer safe e-currency exchange

Trust Score: 512.7

Zenithincome is a registered Ghana most valued and unique electronic currency exchanger with a historical excellence and adequate understanding of E-Business since 2008. Our service is simple, fast, secure with lowest rate. We provide support by email, live chat and phone in English and Hausa. Acceptable payment methods includes, Local Bank Deposit within Ghana, Bank Wire, MonenyGram, Western Union, MTN and AirTel Mobile Money.

Trust Score: 387.1

Zharif Sofia Exchanger is an Malaysian E-currency Exchanger Reliable, Trusted and Fastest Service for buy and sell perfect money by local malaysia deposit bank such Maybank CIMB. We also accept international customers deposit through Wire Transfer. We guaranteed the transaction will be done around 5 - 20 minutes for local customers 1 - 3 days for international customers. We are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We have English support for our customers by Call, SMS, Whatsapp, Wechat BBM and Skype. Our service is the largest in Malaysia, We have been doing exchange services since 2010. Terima kasih kerana menggunakan servis kami, sila datang lagi.

Trust Score: 325.2

Perfectexchange. info is a fast and safe exchanger. We buy and sell the PM for the most popular banks of Russia. We guarantee our clients the excellent courses and a quick exchange. perfectexchange. info - быстрый и безопасный обменник. Мы продаем и покупаем PM за самые популярные банки в России и гарантируем нашим клиентам отличные курсы и быстрый обмен.

Trust Score: 269.5

Сервис PMobmen осуществляет ввод/вывод PerfectMoney в России, странах СНГ и зарубежья. Вводим/выводим PerfectMoney - наличные(в Москве и Киеве), электронную валюту, банки, системы быстрых денежных переводов, SWIFT переводы. Продаем e-Voucher PerfectMoney. Пользуясь нашим сервисом, Вы можете быть уверены, что деньги придут быстро и вовремя. Мы работаем для Вас 24/7/365.

Trust Score: 300.3

We Provide E-Currency for Investing, Trading Forex, Autosurfs, High Yield Investment Plans, Online Product Purchase and many more purposes. We are into E-Currency Exchange Business Since 2005. We are Most Reliable E-Currency Exchanger in Lagos. We Help You to Convert Naira To E-Currency. We Also Help You Convert Back your E-Currency to Naira.

Trust Score: 848.1

247 Xchanger is a subsidiary of AyTech Web Solutions, which is one of the leading web solution companies is Nigeria. Our goal at 247 Xchanger is to ensure that your account is funded instantly without any delay because we understand that the time of our clients is very important. In regards to this, you can be rest assured that your e-currency account will be funded almost immediately after we receive your payment in our account or at most 24hrs which may be due to unforeseen circumstances. At 247 Xchanger we treat our customers as kings and queens, we keep growing because we have you.

Trust Score: 97.4

Наш онлайн сервис осуществляет быстрый ввод/вывод Perfect Money в странах Балтии. Мы выполним вашу заявку в самые короткие сроки. Наш сервис предлагает самые низкие комиссии, быстрые операции по обмену на другие платежные системы, качественное обслуживание и надежность. Our exchange service will help you to buy, sell or exchange Perfect Money. Exchange your e-currency with the lowest rates. Our helpful support will make your exchange easy and fast.

Trust Score: 87.6

FehuPay осуществляет быстрый и круглосуточный обмен Perfect Money на другие валюты и банки России и Украины. Без перерывов и выходных. 24/7. Fehu Pay provides a fast and non-stop exchange Perfect Money to other currencies and banks in Russia and Ukraine. Without breaks and days off. 24/7.

Trust Score: 11.5

Nigeria No 1 Perfect Money certified partner. Offers the cheapest rate in the market with instant funding. You can buy and sell Perfect Money and other major e-currencies on our platform through local bank deposit, internet banking, mobile banking and ATM fund transfer etc. We have top notch customer support working day and night to provide the best service to our clients. Try us today for the best service.

Trust Score: 41.7

DITUKAR. COM is one of e-currency exchanger in Indonesia that currently work to buy and sell Perfect Money balance online by local Indonesia deposit bank such BCA, Mandiri, BRI and BNI. We are tested and trusted by our clients and we offer the best rates around. Our fast, cheap reliable services ensures that you get the best value for your money.

Trust Score: 35.8

Maplexchange. com is Nigerias most innovative e-commerce and e - currency exchange service provider. All of our customers orders are accorded priority, and always executed swiftly, because our customers interest is our biggest concern. We have flexible payment options. We accept international and local card payments Unionpay, American Express, Mastercard, Visa card and Verve, local bank wire, internet banking, mobile money, and direct bank deposits. We work 24/7 to ensure that all of our customers are effectively served.

Trust Score: 24.2

Ru-change. cc is a fast and safe exchanger. We buy and sell the PM for the most popular banks. We guarantee our clients the excellent courses and a quick exchange. Discounts for registered. Ru-change. cc - быстрый и безопасный обменник. Мы продаем и покупаем PM за самые популярные банки и гарантируем нашим клиентам отличные курсы и быстрый обмен. Скидки зарегистрированным.

Trust Score: 33.1

Our service operates on e-commerce market in 2009. During this period, there was a lot of different events on the market - from changes in the rules of work with the payment system before the closure of several large payment sistem. V result of these events, not all the exchange services were able to stay on the market. During this entire period, our employees have accumulated extensive experience and knowledge in the field of electronic payments. And only thanks to our quick response to changes in working conditions, in this period, we were not only able to remain on the market, but also to take a leading pozitsii. Our specialists are able to provide you with expert assistance in the commission of exchange transactions on the site of our exchange service. We always offer you for a safe and comfortable working conditions, and continue to improve the service, taking into account your wishes.

Trust Score: 22.8

ZuluExchange is one of the fastest and Reliable Platform for Instantly Exchanging perfect Money to iTune Gift Cards, Google Gift cards, Entromoney and Other e-currency Online. Buy/Sell e-currency, auto-exchange e-currency. Trusted by hundreds of users. Our website is user-friendly, swift with Instant Email Delivery of iTune Gift codes.

Trust Score: 12.7

EXIPON - гибкая система электронных обменов. Обслуживает крупных клиентов, предъявляющих специфические задачи. Обменные операции в различных платежных системах на территории России, Болгарии и стран ЕС.

MGchange. com is a reliable and secure e-currency exchange service. We provide Perfect Money exchange to other e-currencies, deposits from and withdrawals to your bank accounts and cards. MGchange. com – надежный и безопасный сервис обмена электронных валют. Мы осуществляем обмен Perfect Money на другие электронные валюты, а также ввод/вывод на банковские счета и карты.

Trust Score: 198.4

Наш On-line сервис предназначен для тех, кто хочет быстро, безопасно и по выгодному курсу обменять на Perfect Money различные виды электронных валют. Этим возможности нашего сервиса не ограничиваются. В рамках проекта действуют программа лояльности, накопительная скидка и партнерская программа, воспользовавшись преимуществами которых, вы сможете совершать обмен электронных валют на более выгодных условиях. Наш пункт обмена электронных валют – система, созданная на базе современного программного обеспечения и содержащая весь набор необходимых функций для удобной и безопасной конвертации наиболее распространенных видов электронных денег. За время работы мы приобрели репутацию проверенного партнера и делаем все возможное, чтобы ваши впечатления от нашего сервиса были только благоприятными.

Dailychanger is one of the Indonesian Exchanger Certificed Partner Perfect Money. We provide service buy or sell E-currencies by local bank in indonesian like BCA, Mandiri Bank, and BNI Bank. the process transactions during 5 until 10 minutes. and we have livechat support to contact with our customer. and make customers feel cozy. Our Website uses SSL encrytion, so that to secure and protecting privacy data and security customer.

Semi-automatic exchange your Perfect Money to other e-currencies. Low commission. Полуавтоматический обмен Perfect Money на другие электронные валюты. Низкие комиссии при обмене.

XChanger is The first Iranian exchanger. This website provides exchange services for various e-currencies for people inside of Iran. All transactions are manually performed due to security reasons. Therefore, each transaction may be completed within 5 minutes to 48 hours. The requested money will be directly transferred to your account.

Trust Score: 60.5

e-CoinsPay. com is an e-currency exchange company offers now market low rates for exchanging from/to Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria Money Transfer from/to Perfect Money, BTC-e, Epay and Bitcoin as well as Bank Wire. We complete order within few minutes after receiving fund. We provide services 24/7 days online.

WuBill. com work with any Money Transfer system: Western Union, MoneyGram, Anelik, Unistrim. Wire: Any BankCard of Russia. Low fee, fast service and 24/7 support. Discounts for active customers.

Trust Score: 37.4

The worlds 1st customer to customer E-Currency exchange marketplace.

Payment Bazar is an Iran based e-currency exchanger as well as an accredited Perfect Money agent. We support our customers by email, SMS and online chat, fax and phone in Persian and English. We provide buy/sell Perfect Money using Iranian local banks fast, secure and with lowest price with Paymentbazar. com

eSarrafi is the most trusted, accredited, reputable digital currencies Exchanger in Malaysia. We offer an unbeatable digital currencies exchange services in Malaysia. With our competitive and affordable exchange rates in the continent plus with the speed of service delivery, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Our service operates on e-commerce market in 2011. During this period, there was a lot of different events on the market - from changes in the rules of work with the payment system before the closure of several major payment systems. Not all the exchange services were able to stay on the market as a result of these events. During this entire period, our employees have accumulated extensive experience and knowledge in the field of electronic payments. We always offer you for a safe and comfortable working conditions, and continue to improve the service, taking into account your wishes.

Сервис BEST—CHANGE. INFO – это удобный способ конвертировать валюту. Актуальный курс, широкий выбор валют для выгодного обмена, скорость и законность проведения операции – все это сервис. Мы работаем с популярными электронными валютами, банками: Perfect Money, Яндекс. Деньги, AdvCash, Qiwi, NixMoney.

Velocity Capital offers funding, withdrawal and exchange services to clients worldwide. Being in business since 2007, we know our clients time is worth a lot. Always striving to provide fast and quality service you can depend on.

eCashMe provide excellent, fast and cheap services of automatic exchange, top-up, withdrawal major electronic currencies. Available payment methods: Domestic Bank transfers at 40+ countries, SWIFT/SEPA transfers, Sofort Banking, Technocash, quick money transfer systems and more! Debit card program. Modern and convenient website. Company operator of eCashMe is a legally registered company at Dominica. Friendly support available 24 hours online.

Для того чтобы стать сертифицированным партнером

Если у вас есть работающий бизнес по обмену электронных валют или по проведению других финансовых операций, и вы показали себя с хорошей стороны в платежном рынке, у вас есть прекрасная возможность стать нашим сертифицированным партнером. Мы предлагаем специальные условия работы для всех сертифицированных обменных сервисов.


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